(2) Return to Sender

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I don't really want to get myself involved much about politics and such, as I am not really familiar with those things, so I decided to  have chats with the mechanics, about technologies of different worlds, with good results. 

Da Vinci contacted me: "I intercepted a transmission towards Archangel, cracking it now... 'This is the advance force of the 8th Fleet, Montgomery, Archangel, please reply.'" 'Get me intels on the 8th, and locate the source.' "Understood."

We waved at Kira, who wish to check on his Strike, "Hey kid," I asked, "I can help you on thise thing, I was a researcher back then, I'm sure I can figure something out." "Thanks, Mr. Leo, but I wish to do it myself, sorry." "Don't mention it kid, just come to us if you want something. Oh and kid." "Yes?" "Don't get yourself killed, and remember the Murphy's Law." "I understand." "Go ahead, kid! And let's hope for the better."

"Guardian, we have company! The Advance are engaged!" Without a world, I frowned a little, and run back to my ship, "Guys get ready, I picked up something!" With that, the mechanic and Kira are getting themselves prepared for a fight. 

"Leo-1 to bridge! requesting an emergency take off! I can go right away if you would kindly open the bay." "... We understood, you are cleared to engage hostile elements, sorry to have you involved in our fight." "apologies accepted, I know what I got myself dragged into. Here I go!" 

With that, I took off and went full throttle. 'Da Vinci, analyze the AO and mark the dots for me.' "Earth Alliance are blue, and ZAFT will be red." 'Yeah good enough for me. Let's kick the front door.' As I open fired on the GINNs. Missed, as expected. I spent my times on recalibration instead of training during my stay, so my shooting against high mobility targets might be a bit rusty.

As I was busy dealing with the 4 MS, another transmission gets me: "Leo-1, please refrain from firing upon the Red MS, we are attempting to capture it." "Roger." As I target the limbs of the Red MS, Aegis. 

It has a so-called "beam rifle", but in return, I has Arc cannon and Arc repeaters. So it was a fun time dodging the guns and firing upoin the GINNS piloted by weaker pilots. They appears to be a small problem, but I can outrun them, and perform various maneuvers to dodge their attacks. 

To counter their mobility, I creted a module for quick start-up and shut-down on the engine/booster, thus forcing the ship to sudden stops to dodge attacks and adjust my angle to directions and hit them quicker.

With that, I successfully downed 2 GINNs, all it left is a GINN and a Aegis. As I was about to track the GINN, a orange MA (Mobile Armor, which I dubbed "Space fighters") fired its gun at it and did a fly-by. "Sorry for the wait, we are now in counter attack." Lieutenant Flaga sent his transmission. 

"I hate you for stealing my kills. Forget it, focus on Aegis, we'll try to stop it." "Excessive combat can drain it's energy and force it into a pause." "Thanks for the tips. I will try to get the blue ZAFT vessel while you guys deal with it." And we splitted up.

As I get close to the vessel it started firing at me, and Aegis also falled backed to defend the ship. We forced them back and so I fired a couple of 20mm towards their launch port and head back. Leaving the ship and Aegis behind.

As we return to the battlefield, I was glad to see that all ships are still intact. And I see the leading ship Mongomery approaching Archangel, so I started asking the LT about me when the highes ups learn about me. "Well those power hungry bastards would try to make you join them and want your technologies." "Yeah well tell the mecs I'm going to hang out in space until they left." "Right, good luck. I will call you back when we meet Admiral Halberton, he is one of the very few kind-hearted high-ups." "*Chuckles* We'll see."

... I am not sus...

Hours has passed with me reading books, programming, and checking on my ship. Kira gave me a unexpected call. "Mr. Leo, are you here?" "Yeah, what's the issue?" "They want to use Lacus, the girl we retrived in the pod, for political chips and I want to get her out of it." "Alright, get her to the hangar and hide inside the Strike, don't activate it yet until I said so." 

I have Da Vinci to set the jumpship on crusing mode, maintaining same speed and distance with Archangel, while I boosted myself towards the hangar, and hacked the hangar bay so it opened a small gap for me to get through, and pass the oxygen gates.

As I approached the two, I do a quiet gesture to them, and pulled out my pistol and aimed at them. "They would think I kidnapped you to bring her back." As they are inside Strike while me holding onto the edges, now holding a fake bomb at my other hand. "I will hack the launch bay while you try to make contact with the ZAFT Vessel, and I am going to do the talking."

The mehanics are shocked to see the dock bay being opened, and the three of us, all I can respond is a shrug gesture. 

'Da Vinci, we are not that naive right?' "Understood, Guardian. I will activate cloak and move the jumpship near you when the transfer is completed.

"Mr. Leo, I switched to the open channel." "Good work. May I know your full name miss?" "Yes. My name is Lacus Clyne." "Alright — This is Leonardo Shen to the ZAFT Vessel, from the Mobile Suit Strike of the Archangel, Earth Alliance. Currently, Miss Lacus Clyne is on board of the mentioned MS and we wish to return the girl back to PLANT." 

Kira then follows: "However, that is if Nazcar-class cease to move any further and if the pilot of Aegis approach alone. Fail to meet such conditions, and we might not be able to guarantee her safety."

As Strike and Aegis getting close to each other, the cockpit hatches opened. And I let go , with Breachlight still at my hand. They do some exchanges and she went for the ZAFT pilot. "The commadners are not naive, so..." I floated and sit back into my jumpship, with it's cloak deactivated. "Get ready." 

True to my words. once they closed the hatch, EA's Mobiuses and a ZAFT CGUE (Advanced GINN) approach the battlefield, but the CGUE is only covering Aegis to retreat to the ship, shooting down a couple Mobiuses during the process, and retreated along with the ZAFT ship.

As the MA turned against me, I destroyed 3 and disable 5 Mobius, and somewhat persuade them to cease the hostility, which they agreed to and leave the decision to the Fleet Commander Halberton.

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