(10) Last Push towards Alaska

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As we still have a few minutes from the border the radar picked up a ZAFT sub right after. And as soon as we leave the border and take off from the water, the 4 merchs emerged from the submarine, thus putting everyone to Level 1 Battlestation alert.

As Cagalli stayed on Orb, the Navigator, Tolle, volunteered to take her place, and mentioned about his scores in the simulator. I don't really care about the sim as this is his first fight on the field, so we placed him as air support and surveillance for Strike. Kira once again stayed at the launch bay as we take off at the left side of the ship when needed.

Archangel deployed a massive smokescreen minutes before we took off. duel fired a few shots towards us, and Tolle has quite a time dodging it. "We have our own asses to cover too, that's why we'll have you fly high and provide coord's for Strike from above. Retreat if you can't take it anymore, don't try to be a hero alright?" "Yes sir, I understand."

I don't really help them but I often comment of the shots and thus the coords simutaneously. "Woah, that one almost hit it!" "Aw, next time a bit up!" "They are flying around. Damn, need a better aim."

"Tolle, maybe you try to tell him which way they are moving, so he can compensate for that. Kira, you try to use your shoulder vulcan for a few bursts." The shots are zeroing into them, and I keep shooting the Guul flying platform.

He finally hit the Guul of Buster and Duel, causing the two to drop. Archangel also fire her laser cannon from below, taking the remaining two from suprise, and I swooped in for the Guul again.

Strike hop back to the front deck, and disabled his Phase Shift Armor. With me flying around, they can only watch as Shrike discarded his launcher equipment, jump into midair, and take the Aile equipments from Mu's plane. "I told you madlads this is going to work!" I laughed as I see him re-activated his PS Armor, and joined us in the offensive.

I have Tolle stay on his high altitude as I fired a burst of repeater towards Blitz as a distraction, the real attack is Strike cut of his right arm, kick him into the ocean, and hijacked his Guul. "Good idea, why didn't you think of that before?" "Not now sir!"

Yeah he's right, it's not the time, not when he and Aegis exchanging shot and eventually hit the Guul in the middle, and jump off when the Guuls crash into each other. As Aegis landed into one of the small islands, I have Tolle launched his Sword equipments and land back on Archangel with Mu. "Relax you two, we got this. Since when did I ever failed you lots?"

As Sword Strike and Aegis are having some CQC moment, a cloaked Blitz who grabbed his spear and charging towards the fighting didn't go unnoticed by me. In respond to this, I fired my cannon in between his feet, causing it to fell down and revealed itself, who I believe that he was too focused on the Sword fights. 

Hover arund the Blitz, I have no choice but to shot off his limbs but I saved his head this time, not that he can do anything. As I landed on the ground I pointed my bow at shock arrow towrds the cockpit. As soon as he come up with his hand up I yelled "IT's a shock arrow just stay here for a while." And let it go.

It did hit him in the chest but as I said it was a shock bow so he fall to the ground, unconscious due to the shock. I picked him up and looked at Aegis escaping with smoke trails. Strike picked up Blitz while I carried the shocked (literally) pilot back to Archangel, and have him locked up in a POW cell. The Archangel then pulled off max speed and heading for Alaska.

I overheard Tolle talking about his first sortie in cafeteria and how he's "calmly" dodged the shots, and I burst his bubble: "Either something happened with my voice receiver or I overheard someone make a 'urghhh' sound when I take off." The whole cafeteria bursted into laughter. "That was your first flight, and I hope to see all of you survived after the battle, promise, guys?" ""YEAH!"" They raised their cup in respond.

We wanted to keep on talking but it was cut shot from a Level 1 Battlestation alert. As we took off I have a seconds or two to admire the beautiful sunset while increased my throttle to head into the fight. 

Aegis and Duel will fly in and fight Strike, who is at the rear, so Mu and I will have to deal with the Buster fast. One fly as a distraction, while the other one fly in for a few shots, but we might not switch everytime, and the pilot has to think about who will be conducting the real attack everytime we swooped in.

Strike is in trouble as Aegis managed to land some shots in the armaments, the angel is once again in smoke. Tolle wanted to sortie but denied, "Nah, only once per day for now, I don't want you to get your ass too damn tired." Is what I gave him.

I leave Buster to Mu while I fly to the rear to reinforce the troubled Strike, who relieved himself for a while when he shot Duel in his leg, and fell into the sea. The Strike and Aegis landed on a nearby island and continuted their fight. Buster get his right arm shot off and crash-landed on the island as well. With the Archangel's twin beam cannon fixed onto him, he climbed out and surrendered to us.

I tried to get close to Strike and Aegis, but the fight is too intensed for me to get close, I couldn't get a clear shot too.

I pulled some spin as I caught the chance to fire bursts to Aegis, fucker threw his shield towrds me and it scraped me. Had my Jumpship not reinforced with hard materials I'd be killed and have to wait for a 30 seconds. Regardless I fired a cannon towards it and fly around the fight to wait for the auto repair.

The moment Aegis grabbed onto Strike, I landed my jumpship and move in to getting a closer look, see if there's any way to pry it off. As I look closer I saw the blue haired pilot Athrun run away from the Aegis, it took me few seconds to realized that he was going to pull a self-destruct.

Before I could head back to my jumpship, the Aegis explode, along with Strike, and I get caught in the blast, knocking me into a 30 second countdown.

During the countdown, I connect Archangel with Da Vinci, which I can store my mind into: "Leo-1 to Archangel, copy?" "Mr. Leo? But how did you-?" "Whenever we Gurdians died, we can be revived by ourselves for 30 seconds. Anyway I can't get to you guys as my jumpship is also fucked so I need to wait for the auto-repair, plus I want to check on the rubble. SOmething tell me the kid hasn't dead yet, he won't go down that easily." 

"... I understand. Good luck, and godspeed." The Archangel then took off, along with Buster and it's pilot." After the countdown of my revive ended I still have to spend the whole night for the auto repair and fix some parts in a couple of occasions.

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