V2 - (1) Minerva

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I don't know why, but it seems that I have a tendency to throw myself across a goddamn space. And my radar and the coordinates seemingly bring me back to Cosmic Era, it has been 6 months, I wonder what are they doing. I bet they are going to get suprised what they see my face and my new toy.

As I wander around I caught a battleship, class unknown. I fly towards the ship, updating data... so 2 years has passed since the last time I left, and the world just get into another mess huh? Interesting. "This is ZAFT Vessel Minerva to the unknown Mobile Suit, identify yourself." "This is Leonardo Shen, callsign... "Black Devil", I would like request permission to land at your Vessel. "...This is the Captain of the vessel, Talia Gladys, I understand, you may land at our hangar at starboard."

As I landed and call it back, I keep my armor on but hemlet off, and looked around. I saw a quite familiar face at the hangar. "Hey! Shinn!" He looked at me, yup, it was the son of the Asukas. He flied towards me. "So it was really you, Mister!" "Never thought I would see you at PLANT." "And I never thought that I could see you here." The girl with purple hair looked at me with curiosity. "Shinn, who is this?" "Ah, he is the famed Black Devil who took part at the war two years ago."

I offered her my hand. "Greetings, I am Leonardo Shen, the Black Devil who stopped the war along with some other famous figures, Mobile Suits, and Battleships." She shooke my hand, but she was a bit tensed. "Greetings sir! My name is Lunamaria Hawke! It was a pleasure to meet you in person!" "*Chuckles* drop the formalities, I am not really a person that goes with those. C'mon, address me by my name."

"Yes si- I mean, Al-alright, Leonardo. I heard that you had re-programmed a MS in the war for better compatibility with your battle habitat, may I have your opinin on my ZAKU?" "Sure, lead me to it." Shinn followed me, as he wanted to see what I'm capable of.

We are attracted by someone's speaking, we turned to saw 5 figures. "Hey Leonardo," Lunamaria asked me. "The one with the blue hair over there, he identified himself as Alex Dino, but I heard Representative Athha refered to him as Athrun without thinking, who is he actually?" Indeed, that was Athrun, and next to him is Cagalli with a Orb formal garb, with bandages on her forehead. And then there is Chairman Gilbert Durandal of the PLANT Supreme Council.

What perked my interest is the one wit blonde, Rey Za Burrel, he looked a lot like Rau Le Cruset, but his records are fine. Rau declare himself as a defective clone of Al Da Flaga, father of Mu, so maybe Rey is a clone of Rau. "Leonardo? Are you listening?" "Ah sorry, I was thinking things. Well I would like to keep it a secret until Alex say it himself." Lunamaria whined a bit: "Fine."

"Why we need such power when we all saw what happened years ago?" I heard Cagalli yelled nearly across the hangar, maybe the echoes but alright. "Because, my dear," I pushed myself toward the five. "Si vis pacem, para bellum. That's 'Peace though power' in layman's term. Chairman Durandal, I am not pleased with the power inside those new Mobile Suits you created," As I get to the rail at the catwalk they are standing at, I put back my helmet on for intimidation. "and if you ever wanted to wage war again like two years before, then I am regret to personally notify you, that you have been marked by the Black Devil hemself."

I turned my heads to the two, and take my helmet off again. "It has been a long time since we met, representative Athha. Alex! My friend! I see that you has protected the representative well and I ask you to keep this up." He saluted to me. "I understand, Honorary Commander Shen." As I unnoticeably widened my eye, smiled, then patted his shoulder.

"Enemy ship sighted, distance 8000. Now announcing Condition Red. All pilots are requested to stay at their unit." "Please follow me, representative Athha, Mr. Shen too, if you may." "Alright." I changed into a somewhat formal attire, along with the suprised look on the duo. "Huh, guess I wasn't wrong when I thought that you will be suprised when looking at my face for the first time."

He lead us to the bridge and have us to watch how their new Mobile Suits fight. What I was suprised is the design to descend the bridge during combat, this is to cover the bridge from being attacked during combat, a clever design.

When they report the enemy ship desgination "Bogey-1" stayed on course, yeah no that wasn't the case, the real case is they released a decoy and attempted to flank Minerva from the rear. Neat.

"A name holds a meaning to somthing..." I caught up to what the Chairman was implying fast. "If it was fake... then it would mean the complete existance of that thing would be fake, isn't that right, Alex... or rather, Athrun Zala?" "*Laughter* Got em." Cagalli shot the Chairman with a concerned look on her face. "Easy, representative Athha, I wasn't to accuse him of something. Indeed I was aware of everything. However, I would like to discuss something with you, or, your true self, Athrun, nothing more, nothing less."

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