(19) Endgame

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"That thing uses nuclear explosions to produce a massive burst of gamma radiation," Chief Sommons was briefing us on GENESIS. "which is reflected back by an external alignment mirror and focused by a second mirror on the cannon to create a laser beam. Think of it as a giant gamma ray cannon, in layman's term. Also, if it was fired towards earth, the massive radiant energy produced will burn it into a crisp, eliminating all life forms in the process."

"Well shit. In this case we have to deal with both the GENESIS and the MOABs, period." As I head back for the final check and adjustments, and the final gifts I have for it. I planed to have it completely destroyed, it's technology cannot be fallen into the hands of assholes.

I noticed something on my radar: The Alliance is the first to move out, possible being replendished with their resources. "All vessels , prepare to take off!" So here it comes. When we get closer to the battlefield, both sides has already emgaged into one other, and all MS are to take off. Like the last time, Freedom and Justicfe are equipped with METEOR

The GENESIS has already fired it's second shot, and we watched at it stretched into Ptolemaeus lunar base, EA. We now have to deal with GENESIS and the MOABs fast before they can hit Earth or Jacqin Due. Another swarm is MOABs are being sent, and guarded by Raider and Forbidden. Cagalli and her Strike Rogue, Buster, Blitz and my Aegis Schwarz are sent to deal with them. "Dearka and I will deal with the MS! you two take care of the MOAB! Roll out!"

Raider and Forbidden keep coming after me so I keep them at close quarters, using my sabers and CIWS. Raider fired its spike ball towards me and I sliced it into half again, but this time I rush towards him with full throttle and fired my CIWS. He couldn't really move a lot with suppression from my CIWS, so I close in can gave him a uppercut, with my saber deployed, meaning I stab through the cockpit, and slash upwards.

I immediately back off and turns towards Forbidden, who just get stabbed in the chest by Duel. I leave the rest to the arriving Justive and Freedom and ZAFT who are stopping the nuke, as I head out to a badly damaged Archangel and Dominion. Along the way I grabbed a badly damaged Strike and throw him towards a Archangel dock. The Dominion was turning towards Archangel with it's right Lohengrin. I shot it in the middle, causing it to explode, leaving a small opening at the right side hangar.

As I landed I saw a couple personnel running. "Hey, what happened?" "Director Azrael has gone crazy and the Captain is struggling with him!" damn, not much time. 'I need a improvised mute charge!' "Understood, 15 second." As I take out my knives and get to the bridge lift. It was asending to the bridge as I has my IMC and cloak ready and deployed. The bridge door opened and Azareal was facing backwards to the bridge, perfect. I stabbed him in his heart and show myself.

I pushed him away to see a injured Captain/LT Bargiruel and applied some meds on her. "Archangel this is Leo-1, I get rid of Muruta Azarel and grabbed the LT, hold your fire before I leave."

As I get her on my Aegis Schwarz and fly away, "Archangel, send it." "We see you. Lohengrin, FIRE!" As I watched Dominion was destroyed and into little pieces. When I landed I have someone put her in medbay. "You did well today, Mu, good to see you still kicking, now leave the rest to me alright?" As I fly out once again, to meet with Rau and his new MS, Providence.

I saw Kira is having a hard time fighting with providence alone, so I moved in and start my "gun and saber" stance again. He keep sending his tiny DRAGOON system port and fired at me, good thing he never know that I'm a combat type exo, else he would never know why I land every shot precisely on the bits when they stopped.

We shot all the dragoon system down, the only thing he can have against us is his large beam rifle and his large beam saber. My right arm was shot, along with the beam rifle. I focus myself on the 3 beam sabers and keep pressing him.

I switched into MA mode, deploy my sabers, and drilling towards providence. He fired his gun towards me by reflected by my beam sabers. He flew up but I deployed my claws and grab him by his right leg. Max thruster towards GENESIS, and I let go of him. When he crashed into GENESIS small bits are jammed into the back of Providence. I grabbed him in MA again, set the course to the core of GENESIS, self destruction when 5 seconds after reaching the core, begin once the pilot ejected. The moment I get out it begin to move on it's own.

Rau cannot live, for as his twisted mind will keep bringing destrusion upon both "Naturals" and "Coordinator". My Aegis Schwarz cannot fall into the hands of warmongers, who know what they can make from the technologies I implanted in it.

Freedom catched me, and I saw Justice and Strike Rouge are heading into GENESIS. "No! Stand back! I throw Rau Le Cruset and his Providence into the core of GENESIS, stay back and get back to a safe distance!"

We watched the self-destrction of Jacqin Due and the destruction of Genesis from afar, followed by an announcment from a unknown source, about the end of the war, and the retreat from both side.

As everything seems to be in place. My HUD marked a unknown coordianted, and my mission log was brought back to life: "Meet Mara Sov, queen of the Reef."

I turned on my comms to the three ships: "Sorry everyone, it seems that I have to return to my world, I will miss you all amazing peoples, take care of yourselves. Remember, spread the tales of a certain Black Devil and his exploits!" As I board my jumpship mysteriously appeared behind me and head towards the marked coordinates, which pointed towards a small blackhole...

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