(5) The Resistance Group

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As Archangel settle down the officers decided to come out and meet the Resistance, as they come out of the ship armed, I poped up from my cockpit,  hanging out at the hatch, and I saw the kid get fist-slapped by a girl, ouch.

Minutes of talking later we are being led and brought into the hideout of Desert Dawn, the resistance, where they are going to discuss about tactics and such.

At dawn, I finally decided to make myself some free time and talk with the kids about the war. "Hello kids, how's it going." "Nothing, just looking at the desert and regretting the choice of staying with the Archangel, a bit." "Well the two girls here didn't seems to have such a problem?" Their face redden a bit. "*Laughs* I was just joking. But then again, staying on the ship and helping out does make you missed the crew and wonder how they will be, even if you guys actually left?" "Can't argue with that." 

We stand and talked for a good couple of minutes until the sun went down, and we returned to the ship for a rest after the fight and the meeting with a resistance.

At night, I was requested for a emergency sortie, as the local ZAFT Commander Andrew Waltfeld aka Desert Tiger, start destroying a village which housed a number of resistance fighters and their family, plus some civvies. "Does EA has records about the Tiger doing similar things in the past?" "Not really, nor did we have a exact records of such actions, but you have to go out alone, as there might be ambush nearby. Rescuing any civilian trapped would be your first priority, we will also sending out medical personnels and supplies for them." "Roger that, Taking off."

"Guardian, the ZAFTs are retreating, it seems the whole action is due to what happened last night." As I arrived there before the resistance, I asked Da Vinci to hover and circle the jumpship around the town, marking out any trapped civilians while I get my boots on the ground. Spend a good amount of times in Mercury helped me for an understanding about desert-like terrains.

The dots in the HUD and the radar helped me a lot as I break into many falling buildings and get as many civilians out as I can, and take them to where the escaped are located at. It was my first time calling out my Sparrow, and it's still doing a damn fine work carrying wounded and trapped.

As I get what I hoped to be the last one out, I have the Jumpship do a last scan for double checking, and a positive result. The resistances was there when I get like the final 5th batch of civilians out. And I respond with "It seems like a payback... what happened when they arrived?" The elder told us about how they made an announcment for a 15 minutes evacuation before the assault on the village, and then after the caves with supplies, and resources.

"... Yeah it does sounds like a payback, now the problems is where should we put you all at? Medical helps should be here in a few times. But we have to make due with what we has to stable as many as we can. We need medics and helpers to treat the wounded temporary while waiting the professionals." 

Of course, there are people who are thirst for revenge. Their leader Sahib, has to do something. "Sorry Mr. robot, (Why is all strangers call me this, I have a name, or even "pal" is alright but what the hell dude) but I can't let them go alone."

"FUCK! Sorry LTs, you have to take care of them, we can't let them die." The Second in command and Mu arrived here with Medical staffs and Skygrasper respectively, and they see my drift off in the distance with my Sparrow. 'Prepare for emergency transmat.' The Jumpship now slowly catching up to me and is just 50 meters above ground. As the speed match, I un-summon my sparrow and jump up, allowing the jumpship to sent me back on the cockpit.

As I reach the BuCues, I see the Tiger himself in a jeep, followed by 3 BuCues. I line up my shots at the leading BuCue and fires a Cannon towards. It dodged but I was aiming in between the two at the rear, as they tilted a bit towards the impact point.

As the rsistancekep getting close to the BuCue and firing rockets that only blinded the pilots, I yell through the radio: "GET THE FUCK OFF THE STRAFING PATH! DANGER CLOSE!" I pummel about 20 rounds of repeaters across a BuCue, sparks flying through its back.

The commander vehicle speed off, leaving the 2 BuCues, as one is temporary blinded by a couple of fighters who fire rockets disregarding my yellings, I fired a cannon shot penetrate its body from the side.

The last one? A couple of fighter vehicles pulled a AT-AT on it. and they concentrated their shot on the head, killing the cameras, and killed the pilot who came out. As they celebrate their victory, I landed my jumpship, disabled my abilities, and punched one of them. I yelled as they surround me: "What in the holy fuck was that, if you get killed, what the fuck are your fellow fighters and familes supposed to do huh? Grief because their comrades get lost in a blinded rage?" 

I jumped out of the surrounding men and looked at Sahib who just arrived. "*Sigh* These are good men, I hope to see all of you alive if I ever come return one way or other." As I give out my hand, and he accepted the handshake.

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