(6) Into the Tiger's Den

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The next day part of the resistance/Archangel crew went out for resources and supplies, while the kid and the girl, Cagalli, wander off somewhere else for a walk, other stuffs, and skin care products for Flay, the red hair girl. I asked her boyfriend, Sai aka the one with glasses, about the long list on the skin product she gave the duo. And he just respond with a huge sigh.

As they moved, I tracked them to a place with a complete different sight compared to the crowded area they were at: A large hole in the middle of the ground and the flagship of the Tiger, Lesseps.

Tracking them across different part of the city for resources, I now understand why some ancient videogame allow players to navigate across rooftops — for a scenic route. At last they settle down at a kebab food store, I looked around and saw a couple of armed guy, I couldn't ID them properly even with the suff I took from Lesseps, as these guys seems not from around here, I can only wait.

Small argue detected... Huh, kebab sauce. Back then I wan't really found of spicy foods so I wouldn't- woah I almost get carried from the fact that the one in shades and a hat is Andrew Waltfeld, the Desert Tiger himself. And seeing the armed get tensed, I can assume that they are coming after him. 

Things get fun when a guy tried to fire his RPG and I fired a arrow right in between his eye.  I immediate aim Dead Man's tale (Scout Rifle/DMR) towards the ground level. In case more are coming.

As a couple of armed guy rushing out of the building I picked off 2 of them, but not before one throw a grenade towards them. Good thing the Tiger kicked the table to block the 'nade but a mix of chill and yogurt sauce was spilled on Cagalli. 

They spotted me and have a guy try to blow my heads off, only to bounce off my helmet while I picked him off instead. Things get clear when they refer to the Coordinators as "monsters" and yelling "For the preservation of our blue and pure world" — Blue Cosmos, a bunch of extremist and their leaders are sponsors for the Alliance.

I keep picking them off one by one. When one tried to sneak behind me, I draw out my Sturm and shot him in the chest. A burst is heard below, I can only saw Kira kick a gunmen beside them. The ZAFT killed off the strugglers, causing the kid to flinch a bit.

I jumped down from the balcony with the help of my boost, and turned my head towards the teens "Bloody hell, good thing I am here." Then towards Andrew Waltfeld. "I was not aware that ZAFT commanders have a tendency to take a stroll at 'their' city." The duo are in shock.

The Second in command approach the Tiger, see if he's alright, as he remove his disguise. What suprised me is that he invite the three of us to his mansion. Granted by the Captain, I escort the two to the mansion, while I change into a casual wear.

As the duo reluctantly enter the very large mansion, we encountered a woman who walks up to Cagalli, then dragged her to somewhere else, while Kira and I enter his... living room?

He was brewing 3 cups of coffees while Kira was staring at a sculpture of a fossil about a whale that grew a pair of wings on it's back. "Evidence Zero-One... have you ever see the real thing?" We turned to see him with 2 cups of coffee. "Not quite." Kira was theone to talk with him, while I fixed my sensor/eyes on the Whale-bird.

I don't really care when they sit down to have a talk I just want to figure out what is that. That is until Itried to figure out that there was no land and only sea and air. Records gathered within various vessels indicated that the possibility of intelligence species, not a suprice if you had seen Cabal, Fallen, the Vex and the Hive.

I gave up as I am a damn researcher on weapons and technicals, not biology or such. My head now respond to a kock on the door, revealing the woman and a dressed Cagalli. She get's angry when Kira muttered "A... girl" but what really got me was when he tried to cover up by "I was meant to say that you reminded me that you are a girl" The hell was that suppose to mean. She does act like a tomboy and all but, woah. Me, the Tiger and his lover laughed quite hard on that.

As the trio sat down, and Aisha, the woman aka his lover, went off to somewhere else, I lean myself against the wall, as it would seem akward that the only seat is beside the Tiger.It was not a supride if he figured out that Kira was the pilot of the Strike and I am the pilot of the "Black Devil" as the nickname of my jumpship.

Things turned into a small standoff when he pulled out a pistol from his drawer and speak in a philosophical way. But I am somewhat full aware that he won't actually shot them, but I won't try to test his limit. 

My guess is correct, he put the pistol back to his drawer and call his lover to open door, while he declared "You can leave."

As we head back to base, nothing bad happened, except Sai tried a few runs on the Skygrasper simulator and failed. Cagalli want to try it and get went for a SSS grace, to which she responded with "I think I got hit twice." The navigator Tolle also went in for a try, and his score is quite decent.

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