(13) Battle of Orb - I

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For the time being, Da Vinci and me are trying our best to transfer useful modules from our jumpship to Aegis, such as the energy, improved armaments, Phase Shift Armor, radar, stealth, etc. And at times I head over to Strike for data transfer and recalibration to have Mu pilot the Strike smoother.

But as soon as a rally order of all crewman was given by the Captain herself, we are shocked to find out the ultimatum made by the EA to force Orb join their side and to fight against ZAFT. That and Orb's evacuation order given to the citizens.

"I was regretted to say that chances of avoiding a fight is very low, and given the status of the Archangel as a runaway vessel, we cannot determine the current situation of ourselves in such trying times, and thus I do not has any authority to command you. In the worst case scenario, the assumed attack will commence at 0900 the day after tomorrow."

"Hence, I leave the decision to personally partake in the battle alongside Orb or not to you. Therefore, for those who wish to take this opportunity to leave the ship to promptly disembark and follow the evacuation order. Also, I show my gratitude to those who follow me, an unrealiable captain, till now."

As the speech end, I take most of my time to transfer the data and update the OS of the Aegis to suit my usual combat. And as day come, I took off with my jumpship at 0700 to look for civvies that are still heading for shalters.

I get caught up with a Asuka family who are still paacking their thing up when the time is 0815, seeing how the battle will commence when they are still on their way to the nearest shalter, I have the parents in my jumpship and the son and the daughter ride in my sparrow with me. (Yup, gonna save them) They keep thanking me when I take them to the shealter and when the time is 0845, I hurried back to Archangel to have Aegis on final checks, and ready to fight.

After the launch of Freedom and "Perfect Strike" (Basically they load all Strike packs on it), I was given the green light: "Aegis Schwarz, go ahead!" "I'm telling ya I want to say this for a long time! Leonardo Shen, Aegis Schwarz, taking off!" The now-actiated Phase Shift Armor let out a black color with red outlines, just like every Black Armory products.

Seeing how Freedom and Strike kicked off some awesome display, I also showed myself off with a swing of my leg saber to disable a couple of EA MS's head camera, and a few presice shots to shot down some incoming missiles. Their flagship is a bit too far away so I couldn't hack into them for any info. Whoever commanding the Alliance fleet trusted their MS a lot.

"Keep it up everyone! move!" I yelled as we see 3 new EA Gundams approaching. 2 new dots appeared on the radar as I saw Blitz and Buster joined the attack with us so I marked them as blue. The 3 MS turned their target towards Freedom so I fly towards the Blue ranged MS in MA mode and fire a cannon burst towards it, causing it to backed off. I moved in in my MS mode with the cover of the head-mounted vulcan and the beam rifle for suppressing fire. It dodged and blocked with it's gun-shield, as I moved in I sweeped his leg with my saber activated, before he could jump back I already sliced his left ankle. Can't called it luck as he jumped away in time or a misfurtuen when he was a bit too late by that.

I then turned my sight towards Freedom, who is dealing with a transformable MS and a green one who can block/bend beam shots. I charged in in my MA mode and once in range, I unleashed the saber and spin like a drill. It may not hit them but they do backed off. I focused my shots on the black transformable MS before I get an alert of a certain blue bastard who fired a salvo at me.

Before I could dodge, an purple MS, seemingly same design with Freedom, blocked the shot and fired his own triple beam rifle salvo towards the blue MS. "This is ZAFT SpecOps operator Athrun Zala, Freedom, please respond, it's Kira Yamato isn't it?" "Hey, if you want to talk, get rid of those pesky MS first, THEN we'll talk." "And the Black Devil himself inside the Aegis I assume?" "Damn right I am! Also your POW buddies are helping us too, so we would be pretty much appreciated if you could do the same."

"What now!" Kira protested. "Does ZAFT wishs to intervene this fight?" 'That's a big negative, there are no orders about the fight!" The 3 of us are arguing but that didn't stop us from covering each other while fighting the 2 MS. The green one fired a cannon but it bend as we tried to dodge it. "The intervention of the fight is my decision alone!" "Good enough for me- below!" The Blue MS fired his shoulder-mounted beam cannons. "They lack team co-ops, something we could exploit! We will figure out the details of our little plans in combat!"

The blue Ms jumped up to the air and fired another salvo towrards us but we easily dodged. But when he fired a single cannon shot, and with the reflection of the green one, it uh nearly grazed the black one. "Ha! morons!" As I fired towards the black which sadly dodged. Justice and I fired on the green one with our CIWS to cover Freedom's charging railgun rounds that could hit the reflector shield, which worked and the small explosion pushed him back. Athrun didn't miss the chage to gave him a kick in the chest.

The black MS/MA wanted to straife towards us so I flied up and shot him from the top side. It transformed back to MS form and launched a spike ball towards us, which I sliced it in half while the Childhood friend duo swoop in from the side, Freedom missed him but Athrun once again kicked him in the chest.

"Up above!" We looked up to see the green tried to blind us with the sun and gave us a slice with his scythe, we dodged and fired our guns towards him, as he blocked it with the shield, it also blocked his sight, and Athrun sent the large thing behind him to launch towards the green one, Freedom get close when his sight was once again blinded by the large thing, and Kira fired his Railguns.

"I take back what I said about their lack of team-coop, they are some dumbasses." I further commented when the blue one fired on the green one. But all of a sudden they stoped fighting us and stayed in the air. Seonds later they retreated back to their flagship. The three of us looked are engaged into a staring contest. "I thank you for your assistance, but I wanted to know your true intention." Kiddo was the first to break the akward slience. "My orders from the headquarter was to capture or destory the stolen MS Freedom," the blue hair kid poped up from the cockpit. "but I have no intention to fight you or your allies for now. However I do wish to talked with you." "Aw christ, so when do you guys intented to hang in the air like this?" This time it was I who attempt to break the slience.

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