V2 - (12) Extended

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As we landed on nearby ground we were greeted by the crews: "Can we get a briefing on what;s going on here?" "We received sightings and scout reports on this facility, and were dispatched for a deep investigation op. You two are just in time when we are about to go in."

It was dark inside, so we brught flashlights. The moment I activated my NV, I called it back immediately: This facility is littered with dead bodies, and kids in a broken tubes. Nothing more needs to prove this place 's origin as some sort of human experiment laboratory or facility of said use. I turned my eye to Captain Gladys. "With your owrds I can blow this place to sky high from inside." "As much as I want to, orders are orders. Perhaps we can find out the aim of the experiments." With a frustrated sigh I followed them deeper into the facility.

The deeper we went in, the more bodies we saw. "There must've been auprising or sort, and most of the personnel and... kids... were dealt with." As we get near a high clearance door, I hacked it and we saw a terminal or sort, with brains being displayed at the side. As the Captain begin to read the records out loud, we gathered around the terminal as she continuted to read the logs.

There are three individuals perked my interest: Clotho Buer, Orga Sabnak, and Shani Andras. Below their profiles are three Mobile Suits Athrun and I are very familiar of: Raider, Calamity, and Forbidden. We looked at each other and saw the shock in each other's eyes.

She looked back at us: "Are all of you here familiar with Alliance's Extended? Their backer, Blue Cosmos, take children in attempts to create living weapons by illegian means, drugs, brainwash, harsh training that may resulted into deaths, all put into childrens." 'So that what this place is for... Experiment and training?" "I'd rather use the 'production' than 'training' but yes. That way they can compete against us, Coordinators. They underwent redevelop and strengthen experiments, and through extreme combat trainings, those who failed will be killed. That, is what make this place." As we looked at the surrounding with disgust.

We leave the place as fast as we could, they are calling in specalists and collecting data. I can't wait to blow this place apart. Just then we were alerted by the approaching of Gaia, and we immediately board our Mobile Suits. "If they want to destroy that thing then Gaia should got something with it, disable the Mobile Suit and don't it it explode!" "Roger!"

As we get close, it get Impluse as it's first target while Athrun and i are in out MA mode and just change back into MA mode. Savior circling for a point of attack while i fly in to get Gaia off of Shinn.

Suppression like this need smal caliber weapon to avoid unwanted penetration — And that's what my CIWS are for. I aimed my CIWS at Gaia and firing bursts in case of any suprises. It turned toward me and jumped. I immediately fly up to dodge, Gaia missed me, and a shot from Impluse. The fight then went airborne as Gaia fly up and against all 3 of us. I get close and didged the shots and slam it down.

Gaia launched toward Impluse as it was getting close, taken Shinn out of suprise, but this time it pryed it off and kicked it in the torso region, Gaia fell to the ground with the momentum. Two precise cannon shot from Savior above destroyed it's arm, with smokes coming out of it's damaged area.

As it fell, we get close to the Mobile Suit, and Impluse use its beam saber to carefully melt off the sealed hatch door, revealing a woman, or a girl, to be precise. The three of us landed, and I rushed to check on her vitals: Stable. Leonardo informed me that she may be a Extended, as her gene was altered and modified. Shinn is the first one to rushed towards me: "Is she alrght?" "Her vitals are stable, but she has been modified, just so you know." "Modified? Wha- don't you mean..." As he pointed at the facility. "Sadly, yes... I'll leave her in your hands, 'cuz you seems to know her."

Savior also landed, and Athrun poped his head out of the cockpit. "Hey! What happened?" As Shinn rushed to Impluse and take her back to the base. "Athrun, you go look after them, I'll try to take this back to base." "Are you sure? The hatch is broken, and it's ares are off." "I can do that through physical connect, actually." "I see, good luck then." As I climbed into Gaia's cockpit, I looked to my left to find a keyboard — Good. 

Withut hestiation I plugged Leonardo into the OS. We needed time to adjust ourselves, but everything are going alright. We ran a diagnosis and luckily everything is doing well. As I finally activated the whole Mobile Suit, I have a hard time trying to get it up since both it's arm were blown off, and so I have to fly all the way back to Minerva.

As I get there, Rey and his Zaku Phantom Blaze is already waiting for me, as it helped me to stablize as I landed on Minerva's hangar. I hopped off the cockpit and started looking for Shinn. "I think he took her to the med bay!" As I followed Athrun to the med bay. Pushing the crowds away we saw the girl, awoken, in a state between scared and rage, strangling one of the meds. "Captain, dismiss the soldiers, you are scaring her, we will take care of it." As I nod to Athrun, who also agreed with me. 

As she did so, I whisper-yell to Shinn and pointed to the girl, he nodded as he sneak behind her and grabbed her by the waist, giving the struggling girl apologizes. I also motioned the med officers to get out quietly. I turned to the captain briefly: "I saw fear in her rage." and turned my head back on the situation, as she fainted after a screaming.

Shinn is summoned to Captain's office after the mess, while Athrun and I standing just outside. "When Kira brought Lacus back to you, he also get called to the office afterwards, hold a mock military trial as a warning, since he hasn't join the Alliance officially then." "He did?" "Yeah, the kids told me themselves." "That was tough, well if Kira can make it then I think Shinn can do it too." "Indeed." They come out soon afterwards, and headed to the med bay i think. "Athrun, I hate to break this to you, but... I think she's a Extended." "So.. that would explain her... rage?" 

"It seems to be the case." As I take out my tablet, and check for the logs for the Extended I took from the lab. "Read this: 'To inprove the Bio-CPUs, one improvements made on the Extended is block-words, which, if activated, will cause their mental to be unstable.' Fucking monsters." As he also looked at the tablet in shock.

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