(16) The two Angels

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As we reached L4, I spotted Archangel and Kusanagi docked at a colony called Mendel. After establishing a proer communication among the three ships, Eternal docked right next to Kusakagi and Archangel.

While the crew of Archangel and Eternal met, it was a bit akward, consider how they was enemies just few weeks ago. The Captains and the pilots are then called to a meeting in Archangel, which Lacus raised a point of the constant moblization of the Alliance from Victoria to their moon base ever since the took it from ZAFT, and we all sensed a all out fight coming soon.

After a small discussion, it was agreed that Freedom and Justice will be moved to Eternal, the ship thats was specifically built for them, whil Archangel gets to keep Strike, Buster, Blitz, Aegis Schwarz and my jumpship.

Minutes after the Transfer complete, I once again have my jumpship radar ringing again, as I called out to everyone to have them on standby. As the alarm is raised, and my Aegis Schwarz is the first on to take off, a explosion from outside and the ship shook. Nevertheless, I took off from the ship and saw it resemble a lot to Archangel, only with a hue of grey. Archangel launched and is right after me. 

A comms was established from the oppositing ship: "This is the Earth Alliance Forces Mobile Assault Ship Dominion. Archangel, do you read? Your ship is listed with theAlliance as a rebel ship and we therefore demand your immediate and unconditional surrender. Should you failed to oblige to the demand, we will then destroy your vessel." The captain was none other than the former Executive Officer of Archangel, Nartale Bargiruel. 

"Allow us to denied. After what happened in Alaska, seeing how they are willing to scarifice their hotshot aka Archangel and all of it's defence forces, only to lure 80% of ZAFT troops, yeah we ain't going back there, period." "What Mr. Leonardo said voiced my thoughts, we have many thoughts regarding the recent action taken by the Earth Alliance, and thus we are regretted to denied your demands."

A laughter was heard and I was quick to retort. "My, isn't that man next to you Mr. Muruta Azrael, I assume you never learnt from the lesson and quite the intimidating I showed you yesterday." That shutted his laughter up. "Why you! Have Raider, Calamity and Forbidden take off. Today, we sunk the famed unsinkable Archangel and the Black Devil." "Hah! I would like to see you try."

As we terminated the comm channel, the rest of the MS took off and begin the fight. Being the first on to launch, I am also the first to meet the enemies head on. As they are lack of team-coord, I tend to direct their weapons on me, and eventually towards another MS when I dodge the attack. It was really a shame to see they always dodge right in time or taht it didn't reach them at all.

Kusanagi also took off, but minutes after they caught onto some sort of strings, thus their rendezvous has to be delayed for some time. a M1 was sent, followed by a pursuing Forbidden and Justice.

As Archangel was being target by 6 missiles that was once stationed, I fired my rifle to down 3, and the Archangel CIWS took down the rest. As I temporary changed into MA mode I released a burst of cannon that hit a couple of Dominion CIWS, my small victory was cut shot when Raider approached me from behind. It launched its spiked ball towards me, while I did a forwrd flip and sliced it in half, while fired a beam shot to return the attack.

Dominion twin beam cannon was fixe into me and fired. I dodged, but I can't say the same for Calamity, who snuck behind me. The shot hit it in the leg.

This is space, so Calamity can still move as it rendezvous Dominion and fired salvoes towards me. I was already having a hard time dodging all those beam gun. rifle and cannons, and she sent a salvo missile at me, had I not react fast with my CIWS and with the custom made reinforced armor, I would have already be a goner.

Fuckers keep pressing their attacks after Dominion sent me her guns. I noticed that calamity couldn't stop when he fired his chest cannon, so when he fired, I dodged down and gave him a shot to the chest. it somehow didn't went throught, maybe because of the still firing cannon, but his chest cannon was a mess. I don't want to let the chance go away so I stabbed him in the cockpit with the saber on my hand, needs to say the way I placed my hand on his chect and pop my saber out remind me of something.

Freedom and Blitz couldn't stop Raider from rushing his ass to me so I dodged and raider just so happened to be caught in the explosion that was right beneth it. It didn't die yet, but it also has a good amount of damage. With the destruction of Calamity, the damages on Raider, and Firbidden lost its scythe and his beam reflector disabled, the Dominion is still holding on with the Strike Dagger. We went off to deal with a couple of Strike Dagger before Dominion releaseda  retreat order.

As we head back to Archangel, we are kinda suprised to see Strike and Buster gone: They went into the colony but the radio interference is too messed up that even mine cannot work properly. It was decided that Kira and I will move to the back of the coloney to look for them, while Justice and Blitz remain standby for any sudden attacks.

When we get there we see Buster facing Duel but no engagements. "Woah what's going on here, I got my popcorn and everything." "Cut the bulls. Leave him to me, we'll uh sort this out." "Alright. Kira, move out, let's see where Mu went." "Roger." And we venture deeper into the colony.

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