V2 - (8) R&R

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Our next stop is Diocula, Black Sea. Not only we are met with beautiful buildings, we are also met with a Live conert of "Lacus", or Meer, as Athrun told me. "...She does sound good, come to think of it." Paying no mind to the nudge Athrun gave me. "Speaking of it, you didn't know she was coming?" Lunamaria asked a good question. "He doesn't!" I laughed. "He has been busy with the fights, how will he even have enough time for that eh? Well, I am now looking forward for my stay at the FOB."

I grabbed Athrun, who is about to leave. "What, you don't wanna stay?" "well... uh... yeah... yeah." "Right, have fun, you." As Athrun and the Hawke sisteres walked away, leaving me and Shinn there. "Uhhh, I am not really in the mood..." And he left too, leaving me standing there like a moron. I was bored, and the underwater SMG is still under production so I decided to ride around a small town nearby. Wind blowing towards my face, and the silent drifts through the tiny town, a amazing experience, a peaceful environment.

I returned to the base at Dawn, I drove pass a car with Athrun, Shinn and Lunamaria. I reversed, a quick 180, and catch up with them. I waved to them when they get out as the car stopped at a hotel. "Hey, what happened?" "We are summoned by the Chairman." "He's here?" "Yes, along with Lacus." "I see."

A ZAFT redcoat with light orange hair approached the trio, it doesn't takes long for us to notice the FAITH badge in his uniform, as they saluted to him. He looked at me afterwards: "You must be Leonardo Shen, it's my pleasure to meet such a legend." "Indeed I am, and you are?" "Heine Westenfluss, pleasure to be with you, Black Devil." He then gestured his hand. "I was asked to take the pilots of the Minerva to meet him. Then, shall we?" "You first."

As we get to the top of the hotel, we saw Durandal talking with Capt. Gladys and Rey. Heine called out to the Chairman: "Report, the pilots aboard Minerva are here, as you requested." He stood up and approach us. "Athrun and Leonardo! It has been a long time after we met isn't it?" "Quite." As he offer his hands for a handshake, and I took it. 

"And the two of you..." "Lundamaria Hawke, sir!" "Shin-shinn Asuka, sir!" "I have heard of your actions while accompanying Minerva, impressive,  must add. Please, take a seat."

As we sat down opposite the Chairman, Captain asked her first question: "How's the things going on space?" "Not much, actually. Minor fights breaking out here and there in space, the fact that we are unaware of the sitaution down here didn't really help." I decided to raise my voice. "Chairman, may I speak?" "Of course, go ahead. Comments made by those who are at the frontlines are valuable, not to mention coming from a famous pilot like you."

"I have heard of your policy of avoiding extensive fights from my fellow crewmates, however, I would also like to point out a fact that there are times where people are forced to take arms. Such example is the fight at Orb '71, which I believe you know that Athrun and I had took part in. We fight not because we wanted to fight; we fight because we have to fight, for our belief, for those we care. We are not warmongers, we do not wish to go to war, but we cannot watch when the war cost the lives of our those we know without doing anything."

"You are partially right, Leonardo. However... take that orange MS as an example. ZGMF-2000 GOUF Ignited, just rolled out from the factory. You know many things so let us get to the point. I believe you understand that there are always people who sought profits in war, such as resourses, invention of new weapons and technologies, all because of the transition of war. There is a organization called Logos, a group of individuals who are the profitersof such. Logos is also what I believe to be the main backers of the Blue Cosmos and the Alliance. Unless we are free from their grasp, we couldn't end the war once and for all."

I shrugged. "Well, my best opinion is keep pushing, their with show an opening for us to exploit." "In that case, I am looking forward for your actions in the future, my fellow pilots. Also, consider spend the night here? You need a good rest." I am suprised, but Shinn was more suprised: "We can?" The Capt reassured him: "Indeed, I also believe that you need a good rest after all the fights, and this is the Chairman's offer."

"Then I will-" "Then I will return to Minerva." Rey cut Athrun off. "I believe that the Commander, Shinn, and Leonardo deserves the honor, and that Lunamaria is a female... I believe this is a good option." "Yeah no, Rey, you are staying with us aka Chairman Durandal included and that's final." "Then so be it."

"Athrun!" A feminine shout perked my interest as I saw "Lacus" ran towards Athrun and higged him, which accidentally brushed Lunamaria slightly. Her frowned face and Shinn's bewildered is a joy to watch. As she heard the offers from the Chairman from the man himself, she immediately went for reservations and such, while Durandal called out to Athrun for some talks, leaving us to our rooms.

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