V2 - (15) Going out with a bang

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As we got back, nothing bad happened to us so far, all they saw is Impluse and Freedom hover at the cockpit of the massive MS for a minutes or two, then the three of us part ways. I decided to leave him alone in peace, seeing him in his own thoughts.

Later that day, Chairman Duraldal send a world-wide broadcast: The war, the masscare of that huge thing, Exposure of Logos aka backers of Blue Cosmos/Alliance aka rich prick/war profiteers and the openly declaration of war on them. And them Minerva going after Archangel right after, a suprise to be sure.

The three of us are being sent out on sortie. "Hello there Kira, where on earth you thing you are going eh?" "Leonardo? Well, we are finally doing what you told us to — going home." "Good luck, you will need it. It's a 1 v 3 here, and everyone are aces by a certain degree."

Freedom now have a hard time dealing with the three of us. I grab my pistols and start shooting it. I didnt want to kill him so all I give him are CIWS and my pistols. I gave him handicaps and he focus on shots from Gouf and Impluse rather than me.  Eventually we caught the chance and we cut its limbs off and kicked it into the sea while Minerva fired a Positrion cannon upon Archangel. As much as the hugh explosion will say otherwise, I still managed to find Archangel on the raday, indicating that it's still intact.

Back in the hanger, we were hailed as pilots who "defeated" Freedom while I gave a stern and reassuring glance ar Athrun, who also nodded in return. Rey approached Shinn and dragged him away. That happened quite a lot recently, no idea why's that.

Turns out that riots and raids took places on wherever the Logos gang living/hiding at, and the Chairman, same as always, keep saying about how they shouldn't do it, that all he want is to end their scheme, in the pov of a conspiracy theorist, this is suspious as hell, as if he sent those people himself, or that people are enraged by his earlier broadcast.

The moment we finally docked at Gibraltar, Athun and Shinn are immediately summoned by the HiComms. While I was left alone, I intented to make the maneuvers more smoothly to match my improving piloting skills, such as increasing the maximum booster/thruster outputs for faster movements. I also tend to add a auto module on my Multi-Tool and my pistols, they can fire unlimited rounds, after all.

I can't put more thrusters into the MS, make changes on the apperance of the MS is something that should be done back in Black Armory, the parts provided is only for repair and resupply.

I decided to remain on deck while I received calls from a unexpected caller "Leonarod, we have to go, right now!" "Athrun? The hell are you at, and why?" "I am current at 23rd Barrack with meer, the Chairman had finally sent some MP looking fellow after me." "The hell? Alright, I will rendezvous ith you, but where?" "The 3rd Hangar, I've seen a couple of Mass production Gouf there." "Good, I'll meet you there."

Damn it, if we leave while we are still at Minerva, we can board my MS as we get away, but Gibraltar, it's practically ZAFT territory. IfI ever got exposed, the only weapon I can get in my bow my knifes, and my cloak. 

As soon as I sneaked out of Minerva, a alarm were triggered, and according to their comms, its the harbor, whoever doing this just now, thanks. I still encountered a couple of guards rushing over to harbor, so I have to remain unseed all the times, either by blindspots or cloak.

As soon as I reached the 3rd hangar, a Gouf walked out of it, Athrun, I assume. No time to waters, gotta call out my Jumpship, into MS mode, and leave the base at full speed. Well, that'd br that case if not the clouds and thunders. Anyone who flew or sailed before know damn well that we have to stay vigilant when facing storm. So we flied side-by-side. 

As I turned the feed on, I was really suprise to say the Lunamaria's sister/CIC of Minerva on the camera as well. "Meyrin.. isn't it? Athrun, what happened?" "I came across her during my escape, and well, she is helping me here. I can't leave her behind so I took her in." "Fair."

Two unknown MS approaching us, to wich Athrun replied as two of ZAFT newest Gundam for him and Shinn, originally. Destiny is alright, but Legend... I'm getting Deja vu from the looks of it, the goddamn Providence and Rau... I yanked back and turned 180 to meet them. I have my experience against Providence, so I could deal with Legend with ease, but Destiny? I dn;t know what to say about that. Yes Shinn is flying that, no I don't know how they are going to treat us yet.

My question was quickly answered when I dodged a shot that was obviously going after my cockpit. If the Chairman want to kill us, then he has to know that I am a bloody Guardian, a Exo, not just some guy for him to call shots. 

I let Da Vince in control of the movements to dodge the shots while I focus on my guns. Good thing I designed the railgun as recoilless, thus allowing me to unleash my Multi-Tool rounds and Railgun upon the two — Oh, reflector shield, dang it.

As I regain full control on my MS, the first thing I do is speed up and rush towards Legend. He think he can dive and dodge?  I was a genius to thinking about increasing the output, as I swing my legs up and burnt part of its head. I pulled the whole MS upwards to turn it upside down, then pin it to dive and turn towards Legend. 

As it fly back to regain it's stance, So do I and faster than him. Without wasting anytime I rushed towards him, catching it suprised, I aimed my railgun at it's backpack and fire at it, prevent him from using the DRAGOON pack. I hold it to give it three punches, then let go, give it a final punch as it spin into the ocean.

I turned towards Destiny aka Shinn, draw my blades, and fly towards him, throttle pinned at max. As I raised my blade, it backed off at an increible speed. As I turned to him, my MS already received a punch, causing me to spinned a little before I saw it draw it's own massive blade and attempt to cut me in half.

The moment it raise it's sword I dashed towards him and fired my CIWS, and pushed him away. It stayed on air for a brief moment before while smokes coming out and fall down into the ocean.

Currently Gouf and I are hovering when I received a transmission fom Orb's Kisaka, the buffed guy who was acting as Cagalli's bodyguard at '71. "Leonardo, can you hear me? This is Kisaka of Orb." "Good to hear from you, what do we get here?" "I assume that you people want to reach Archangel?" "Indeed, Commander Kisaka." "Ah, Athrun is here too. Well, I do have to way to get you guys back to Archangel, but you have to board our plane. so no one will get suspious of us." "Alright, we are all yours, Commander."

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