(12) Aftermath

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As we landed at a safe distance, Kira landed his Freedom too and walked toward us. The crew didn't believe it until they get a nod from him, and they rushed to check on him.

"Are you with ZAFT?" Mu asked agood question but it kinda ruined the mood. "Yes and no. I am not with the ZAFT, but neither am I with the Earth Alliance." I looked around us. "Technically speaking neither are we, a bunch of people who literally ran away from the us battlefield.""Leo, Kira." Capt. Murrue wants a bit talks with us.

"About the MS over there..." She looked to the new MS. "If you wish to talk about resupply and such, there might not necessary for now." He looked at us with a stern face, kid now trying to be intimate. "That MS is loaded with a Neutral Jammer Canceller." "So you mean that is driven on Nuclear Energy?" "... I will decline for any data taken from it, and I will fight with all of you if you wish to take it by force... I was entrusted by it and I have my responsibility to keep it safe."

Murrue gave him her word and wants the crew to follow suit, then Kira has his eye on me. "... Fuck was that supposed to mean, my radar is running on something else, my jumpship run on near-infnite energy, my ammuntion rely on a pure energy, what the hell can I get from it- well the only thing I can get curious on is how can ZAFT load nuclear energy on a MS." "That's still a no." "... Argh whatever. Fine, I won't touch it." "Thanks."

"I assume that none of the troops excepte the HQ know about the cyclops system." As the remaining crew (except the mechanics) gathered at the bridge, Mu ranted a bit on the shitshow the EA HQ threw on everyone. "Those in PLANTs are not aware of the attack on Alaska as well." Kira pointed out. "So where will the Archangel going?" "I suggested them to head for Orb, but is that a good idea though?" "I agree, we are not in the mood to return to a army that is willing to sacrifice their troops like that, nor we can be welcomed with open arms." Mu was there to back me up.

"Wherever we go to at the end, I believe that we should find who we must truly fight for and fight against, and fight them." Kira voiced out his thoughts, as I let out a sigh. "I suppose that is the truth, fights happened here and there, to end the fight, we has to deal with whoever stirring the war to a dark turn. Personally speaking I will finish them once and for all, hopefully."

During our trip to Orb, I tried to jam into the EA and ZAFT radioes but it was a mess from the Cyclops microwave, so I get off the jumpship to see that we had docked in Orb, along with Kira who just finished making some small calibrations in his Gundam, or Freedom, as what he dubbed.

As we took a stroll around the ship I have him talked about what happened on PLANTs when he was brought there. but then we heard a girl shout out his name, we turned to saw Cagalli jumped to the lad and hugged him, who lost the balance and fell down on his back. "I told you that he was alive and well, why doesn't any of you believe me eh?"

She gave me an angry look: "I wants to see it by myself." "Fine, I leave him to you, enjoy the talk, 'semi-lovebirds'" As I chuckled a bit to see them blushed a bit.

At night, we are brought to a meeting with Uzumi Nara Athha, the ex-leader of Orb, who gave us a rundown on the current situation. "Following the destruction of JOSH-A, this happens:" As he gesture us to a Television clip, of the Alliance spokeperson shamelessly saying their troops fight to their last breath and blame the destruction to the Coordinators. "The Atlantic  Federation has been putting pressures on the neutral nations, and have those refuse to side with them marked as enemy. Of course, us, Orb, has also been sent such demands."

"They only wants out technologies and powers!" Cagalli exclaimed before Uzumi continutes, "As you may know, Orb is one of the few nations allow anyone to enter and reside in our country, regardless of Coordinator or Naturals, as long as they honor our laws and ideas. The labelling of 'Coordinators' and 'Naturals' bring nothing but frictions among the two types of people. People has no control of themselves being a Coordinator or a Natural."

"I cannot sit there and watch at the Federation label every Coordinators as evil and emeny, and to attack them without justifications. There is plenty of times, times which we have to try our best to imrpove the current situation, and for you to decide what you think is worth fighting for..." "And you, Lord Uzumi?" Kira break the secinds of quiet in the room, "What do you believe?" "I believe that this is the time where our swords is not for display only..." 

I clenched my fist. "I understand the situation and the gravity of what happened, and I have decided that even if I find a way to return to where I come from, I will remain here wntil peace was made..." I held my fist to my chest, as a act of commitment.

The next day we recieved new of ZAFT's attack on Panama. Mu called out to their Mass Driver, that way to pinned the Alliance down to earth, and to trap their moon bases. Further reports show at least 5 large EMP devices has been deployed and they finished off everyone there.

We are called over by Chief Erika Simmons of Morgenroete, who showed us the repaired Strike and Aegis (If Strike can survive the explosion, then Aegis can still has pieces lying around here and there). Cagalli wanted to called her dibs on Strike but was denided by Mu, who called his dibs, along with me who wanted to get my hands on a MS. "What about your Jumpship, then?" "We leave it in Archangel's hangar, we got space for that right?" Before we are called to a  mock battle royale between Strike, Freedom, and Aegis.

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