V2 - (10) Dardanelles

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As we are close to Dardanelles, they raised condition red, as expected. Shinn is in a state of confusion, and I cleared things up for him by explaining the current situation of Orb. "I understand your disappointment of Orb joining the fight, but hear me out: screw those pro-Alliance politicians. The military are merely following unfair orders, that's what soldiers are for."

As hostiles are pinged on Minerva radar, Shinn's Force Impulse, Athrun's Savior, and my Holdfast were sent forward, with Savior and me change into flight mode, and act as vanguard. "Gentlemen, lock n load." Upon contact they send a barrage of missiles, as if they can hit us. Athrun used his cannon to wipe the majority of them, while I just head straight in and take down as many Astrays/Murasame as I can. 

The moment I head into the crowd I switch into my pistol for better outputs. With my 2 twin CIWS, my pistol and my railgun I am damn sure I can go and take out as many as I can. One, two, three, four, five, there we go, six. Transmission from Minerva of the firing of the Tannhauser Positron cannon. Just then a blimp pinged my radar, marked as "Freedom". Seconds later another larger blimp "Archangel" also appeared. 

As it got close Kira fired a shot towards the exposing Tannhauser, yikes. Archangel launch dock opened, and Strike Rogue came out, Cagalli. She tried to use her position as the Chief Representative to have them pulled out. Keyword: tried. Now that they refuse to comply the order, this leave me to down them all. They started a missile barrage towards she and both Kira and I fly close and shoot down all the incoming shots.

"They won't listen to you for now, haul your ass back to Archangel, move! We'll deal with them!" As I cut a Murasame's right arm off and a headshot to another one. She was reluctantly head back to Archangel while I looked at Freedom, and Savior on the right. I did a backward 180 in mid-air and continute the attack on the Orb fleet. Impluse follow suit but I noticed the hestiant in his movement. "Shinn, go disable the Orb ships on the flanks of their formation if you can, Athrun and I will deal with the Mobile Suits. That alright?" "I am alright here." "No objection." I smirked on their acknowledgement, and I went on a disable rampage on the Mobile Suits, going after their right arm and/or their head.

As I was having fun, the Alliance made their move, sending out their own MS and the 3 stolen crafts. Guess I have to make things quick, as I switched my weapons to my swords, and take the Orb MS head on and do it swift. Come to think of it, I was a genius when I wanted to put on thrusters here and there. I was quick to regain posture and pursue my next prey.

By the time the Alliance are close, we has already disabled 65% of Orb's MS, and we intend to keep going. Shinn also deal with nearly half of the fleet, but had to join us on our fight in the air as he had a hard time dealing with the ship near their flagship, which is a massive carrier. I let them deal finish the rest off while I dove into the water to face the Abyss, the only underwater MS out of the three. It fired 4 torps towards me while I went a bit deeper. At it got close I fired my newly made MIDA Special-Tool SMG. 

As my bullets pierced the torps, they let out a underwater explode. Abyss emerged from the bubbles and charged towards me, still in MA mode and holding it's spear. I switched to my knives right before it rammed me, parried and grabbed it's leg, while take out one of my knives and stab it into its leg hard. The moment I let go of it I once again take out my SMG and shooted at the Abyss, who did a 180 and come at me again. I fired my grenade, it floated for a brief moment and found it's target: Abyss, and it barrel-rolled just about the grenade hit it. I keep firing my SMG but it just keep hitting its huge shoulder binder.

I was prepared when it is closing in, so I switched to my sword and gave it a upward slash, damaging one of its binder and causing to rolled. I am trying to capture it here so I switched to my SMG and fire at the binder for a few seconds until it regain posture. Unable to stay underwater it propelled upward and leave the water, with me staying on him. A good idea to stick close to the water surface while flying back "home". I have to stay as low as I can, so I fire upon the escaping MS with my head-mounted CIWS.

Dogfight rule #1: Never go straight or just small movements. Clearly he was on a panic and forgot about that, he lost his leg privilege or something like that. I swiftly grab him, but as the pilot inside is frantically moving the MS, he accidentally hit the self-destruct or sort, causing to to explode when I was grabbing it back to Minerva. 

The Chaos and Gaia switched their targets over the others to me, Kira finally decided to disabling Orb and Alliance MS and Waltfeld took off on his Murasame doesn't help improve my current situation. I lost my right forearm due to the explosion, and it takes time to regeneration. Out of choices I grab my shield and rely on my remaining armaments and my leg that can at least do some kicking.

Chaos is the one rushes towards me while shooting rifles, he was attempting to push me inland so that the land-based Gaia can join the fight. Without a beat I raised my shield, blocking the on-coming shots, and fly towards Chaos. As it get close enough it dashed to my right, only for me to bash it with my shield, sending it downwards for a few seconds. I then rushed towards Gaia, who was back in it's MS mode, firing its beam rifle towards me. I doved towards the sea level and fly towards Gaia in full speed.

As it changed into its MA mode and firing 3 beam rounds as I find the timing to roll, and of course, dodging the shots. As I was getting close, Chaos fired its pod missile right in front of me, quickly I throw my shield towards Gaia, turned around, and fire my railgun at Chaos. I was extremely close to the water and I have to add the throttle to lift myself off from the sea level. and towards Chaos, while grabbing my shield in the process. 

As Freedom flew past me, it headed for Chaos and cut it's arm off with a swift beam saber cut. It them stopped beside me, and looked at my arm. I responded with my shield letting out a faint void energy, and slightly nodded at Kira, who once again flew off, after nodding at me too.

Back on the field, the only thing I have to worry about is Chaos and Gaia, while the rest has been dealt with or been dealing with the Gundams and the Gouf. Gaia has it's sight fixed on me as the now-MA deployed its beam on its wing and launched towards me, neat, but not enough, as I simply uppercut on its head. Gaia lost the momentum and dropped into the water had the Chaos didn't catch it in time and retreat back to the formation. 

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