V2 - (16) Deja vu

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On our way to Archangel, ZAFT has sent an ultimatum for Alliance's heaven's Base, where the remaining of Logos are hiding: Turn 'em up and to disarm and surrender. IT's fine to turn them up, but not about disarm, what if ZAFT just go and kill everyone when unarmed eh?

As we reached Archangel, nearly everyone are out there to greet us. And there we are, two in ZAFT uniform, and one wearing soe formal suits, standing across a bunch or Orb personel akwardly. "Uh, hi?" Mu run towards me and gave a punch in the face. Ow. "You absolute moron.""I ALWAYS make my way back alright? You never have faith in me or what?" "Just.. don't try to get yourself killed alright?" "Right, whatever." 

Our small reunion was cut shot as Heavens' Base suddenly opened fire upon the Joint Fleet and released five Destroy aka those huge Mobile Suits. As we rushed to the bridge, the Alliance wiped out the whole descent team, current all thats left on the battlefield is the ZAFT fleet and the entire base, unharmed. As the fight goes on I left for a bit to check on Stella. Mrs. Simmons is still alive and well, so I assumed that her and whats left of the Mongenroete to deal with her situation.

I reached her quarter and they has simplified the whole stablizer equipment thing into a pils for her to take once per day. The pill also contain some kind of substance that can release part of her drugs once in a while through... natural process. It's really good to see a kind and innocent girl doing well.

As I got back, the fight is over, things just seems to be too fast to be done. But the head honcho Djibril is nowhere to be seen, now no one has a single clue of his whereabouts or where he is heading. Either way, Archangel took a hard beating at Europe and it really takes time for them to get resupplied and repaired. And so I volunteered to help, I caused parts of the mess and I intent to help.

Times passed, and Eternal, which is currently at Space, is under attack and descending from space. As Kira prepared to sortie, so am I, the more helps it get, the better. Freedom is the first to sortie, and my Jumpship follow suits. "They are going to desend either way, so let's give the welcome commitee one hell of a fight." "Understood!" 

As we got visual upon the fight, the Eternal took soem hits, and a orange Gaia is out there fighting for Eternal — the Tiger, no less. "They are flooding Eternal, c'mon, hurry up and shoot then down!" "Yeah!" As we begin to fire upon the Zakus and Goufs. They are focused on Eternal and Watfeld, so they would expect us the least.

"So youteo are here to get us out of here?" "You are goddamn right." "Well then head for Eternal, Kira, we prepared something for you!" "Go, Kira! We'll cover you!"

As Freedom land on Eternal, it's hatch closed, and we now looked at the waves of Zaku and Gouf. "Come here and prepared your exclusive experience to have your ass handed to the Balck Devil of the previous war!" As I turned back to Jumpship mode for intimidation, and head right into the formations, as I begin to firingIn full burst on any ZAFT MS I could see.

As I downed the 8th MS, a unknown Ms came out of Eternal, and within minutes downed the remaining MS. "Good to heave you join us, Kira. New Mobile Suits come with a new name, isnt it?" "Indeed, it's name is Strike Freedom." "Ahhh, GAT Strike and ZGMF Freedom, the memories are coming." He then rushed towards the ZAFT ships and unleash his- wait are those the so-called DRAGOON system? 

Either way we leaft the ship and MS in ruins as we leave the battlefield. "Hmmm... well I should go down, I just received news about some crazy stuff the Orb morons are pulling. Kira will be staying up there with Eternal while I go down to deal with it." "If that's the case, good luck, and safe trip, Leonardo." "Same here."

Now that Lord Djibril fled to Orb, so are the ZAFT fleets that will hunt him to the end of the world, when ZAFT once again sent out their ultimatum, that blue hair prick who still thinks everythings are under control decided to come out and claim that hes not here and turn to critic ZAFT's "threat". Wow, just wow. And what does ZAFT respond to this blatant lies? Surgical strike. 

As I descent towards the Orb mainland, I can clearly saw the ZAFT fleet and Minerva, I pulled up the map and saw their attacks on the Seiran households and HQs. It is a big fight, but I don't intent to lose it. I am a honorary officer of Orb yet I am still given access on their system, as I get into their system, I immediately gain access to all comms. I have Da Vinci use the military radios to update the moving of the frontlines and the radar in real-time. The way I see it, I have to get ready in case Djibril show up unexpected and leave again before we aare unable to intercept him.

It was really good to hear Cagalli calling shots, which means she has retook control over the Orb military. I turned to saw Destiny approaching in high speed as I halted him. "Not so fast kiddo." "Leonardo?" "Orb is now back to who it belongs to, and we can finally drag him out if he ever show up. Good to see you in a not-so-hostile way, but I gotta fly around to find them."

As I fly around and push the frontline back, more interesting things happened, Strike Freedom descending with a improved version of Justice, and three weird-looking Mobile Suits coming ouf of a ZAFT descending pod yet beating the ZAFT forces. Their leg thrusters interested me. 

'Guardian, I am picking up a strange signal. Playing it right now... This is section 2, there is no sight of Lord Djibril. *distaint meow*' No one is going to evacuate and carry a cat, to be frank it's everyone for themselves. "Cagalli, this is Leonardo, I think I know where is Djilbril. Bring some of the men over to section 2, I will explain later." "We are occupied here! Sorry but you have to get there on your own, we are sending you coordinates" "Damnit, understand!"

As I get there, I zoom in on my map and with the coordinates to saw a hidden door. I quickly call my MS back and get inside. I grab my riskrunner SMG and begin to advance slowly, make sure not to missed anything. A loud booming sound alert me, prompting me to reach the origin of the sound. As I get there I saw a trail of smoke, and a shuttle taking off.

With no time to waste, I call my Mobile Suit back in it's jumpship form and pinned the throttle towards the shuttle. I aimed my main cannon at it and pressed the trigger. It hit the shuttle, but not enough. I immediately hold the trigger to both the main cannon and the repeater. It was a relief when they penetraed the shuttle and engulfed into a massive fireball.

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