V2 - (14) Stella

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We reside (hide) inside a Gulf, preparing our way to Gibraltar. With the ship heavily damaged, Savior and Zaku Warrior beyond repair, only Impluse, Gouf, and me were able to sortie of anything else happened. Bad news is that Stella is getting worst, from what Shinn told me in secret. We are thinking about sneaking her out back to Alliance. It's unknown if she is going to back to fight again, but she won't last even if we reach Gibraltar.

"... We are going to do it tonight." "What? Are you serious?" "I overheard the head doc and Captain, the council wishes her to be bright alive, or autopsy if she can't make it." "*sigh* Count me in then. And I have a plan: You will crack Gaia's transmission code, and you will take her to one of the deck, and you will use my ship to get her somewhere safe. I'll grant you access to the radio for communication and that's it, other thing is locked and under my remote controls. Take this earpiece, I will talk to you though it. Once outside, use Gaia's code to establish a comm with the Alliance. Good luck."

Night time, and the plans is coming into motion. '...Da Vinci, do it.' "Understood, Guardian, hacking Minerva and scanning the interior." 'I have to look for a good escape route without getting caught, the stretcher will make squeaky sounds when moving, gotta take that into account.' "...Got it, showing it in the HUD now." '*Chuckle* Nice.'

"Shinn? Is this thing working?" "I hear you loud and clear." "How thing goes on your end?" "Good. I knocked the nurse out and I grab the stretcher with Stealla on it." "Good, I want you to follow my instruction and make your way to the deck. outside the medbay, turn left..."

I already called out the jumpship and has it latched right beside the Minerva and turn the have the radar stealth mode activated. "Good, right on schedule, get in." "And you, Leonardo?" "Don't worry about me, she is out top priority." As they board the jumpship, I activated my magnetic function and latch myself on the top of the jumpship. "Remote control activated." 'Good, head north, and look for Alliance location. —' "Shinn, this is up to you now, get the radio up and running." "They are resoonding. Take us to Point S228." "You heard him, Da Vinci." 'Rerouting to point S228... complete.'

On the way to S228 Shinn began to talk about how they first met, and I thought "Lucky perv" cliche is fictional, that proved me wrong. But it's quite sad to saw a cheerful and laid-back girl to be sent into fight.

We waited for a few minutes until we have sight on a Purple Windam, so the commander is here, I suppose. The commander remind me of Rau Le Cruset, whom I killed during the last battle, so I just leave it there. As they meet, I have Shinn do the talkings while I camoflauged myself, while staying at the top of the jumpship. He can mistook the 'facts' for all he want's, as if I could care less.

We are exposed, as the armed soldiers point their gun at us. I have Shinn stay inside the jumpship in case things got ugly. I already pulled out my Riskrunner SMG and point at them. The one who de-esclated thing is Rey, suprisingly. Shinn came out of the cockpit and cuffed after he was mentally ready for this. I partook in the mess so I was "asked" into jail room nicely.

"Mission accomplished, I guess." "yeah, mission acomplished." 'What did you told him?" "Well I just asked him to promise that he will no longer take Stella into fight anymore, and to sent her away from it." "Neat. Now, we can only hope if he is a man of his words." 

The jail door opened and Athrun step inside, looking at both of us. "Hi." "Why I am not suprised to know that you will join him?" "Because, Athrun, my frield, you saw me do it before, you know what kind of person I am, and you would be suprised if I didn't do it." "No objection here." He raised his hand a little bit. 

"Can't help but think you guys are that naive-" "No, if he go against his works then its a KOS for me. Prolem solved. And if that really happened I can always check for more records about Extendeds, come up with something hopefully."  "You better." "C'mon, have faith in me." 

A hours or two passed after Athrun left us, not much we can do now, but I intercepted and decryped a message from the HQ to the Cap: We are free, lucky us. I don't really care about the "outstanding action in the war" thing, I'm just trying my best not to get killed, that's all.

Later we report news of a Massive Alliance Mobile Suit/MA conducting random annihilation on Europe, and we are heading to Berlin. I saw the videos and that thing shoot out a hell ton of weapons: Massive beam cannons, detatchable hand w/ beam canons, missiles, that's a stockpile of arsenal. That thing is huge, and huge usually mean cumbersome, our best shot is outmaneuver it's arsenals, get close, and slash/shoot it. 

At this rate only Shinn and I, who pilot agility Mobile Suits, are able to sortie. Savior and two Zakus are broken as hell, and Gouf can't catch up with us. Not really a suprise when the Captain told us about the presence of Archangel and her Mobile Suits. "Then we can take it down for good, if Freedom is here. That's one fast Mobile Suit and packing decent firepower." "If you say so, everyone are counting of you two to deal with it." "Roger."

As we get close I have Shinn take it's attention. "Bold of you to take it from head on, Kira, why I am not suprised?" "Leonardo." "Good to see you here, anyway, get it's attention, I'll try to slash it with my swords." As I draw my blade and enter stealth, I begin to fly around. The top, turret part is covered with a large shield, and the head is mounted with a massive reflector, so I have to take it from below. Everytime it begin to spam it's laser, I was glad to have my shield with me. 

As I got close, I somehow got this convo: "Stop it, kid!" This is Rau's voice, and maybe the masked fellow Neo? "What now, why?" "The pilot inside the machine is Stella!" "Good." As I fly close to the two from below, deactivated my stealth, and slash his Windam from below, and into half.

"Kira, whatever you do, do NOT kill the pilot, I'll explain later, just don't!" "I'm trying!" As he fired his waist railgun into the cannon blaster on the chest, following a large explosion. "That's it! Let's disable it while she's dazed, move!" As I fly in to slash it's left leg off with Kira do the same to it's right.

"Screw that I'm going in!" I changed back to my Jumpship mode, fly in with full speed, and pulled up at the last second so I am very close to the massive machine. As I open the hatch, I hop out of it and stick onto the surface with my mag gloves, while calling my Jumpship back. I climbed toward the cockpit steadily, but a small problem is that Shinn slashed the hatch for a gap but its too small for anyone to squeeze in, so I do something anyone would does: Rip it open.

The moment I rip it open I know I have to knock her out fast before she get on a rage again, so I climb in, grab my bow and the shock arrow, a brief aim, and let go of it. The arrow fly and hit her in the chest, she shocked a bit and fainted. Seeing her fainted, I climb out of the cockpit and give a thumbs up.

Freedom and Impulse approached me. Giving her to Shinn is a good idea, personally, but ZAFT's way of things would be my greatest concern. "Sorry Shinn, you know what ZAFT would do to her; Kira, take good care of her or Shinn here and I will have you responsible." "*Frustrated sigh* I understand, please take good care of her." "You two has my words." As I hand the fainted Stella over to Freedom.

"Kira, before I forgot." "Yes?" "I suggest some sweeps on Alliance places, she is a Extended and ZAFT has no idea how to treat her properly. Take this disc, it contains of the things I can gather from a recent visit of one of their lab."

As Freedom fly away, and we are on our way to Minerva... I gathered up my mind and decided to ask Shinn something important: "Do you hate me for what happened?" "Not really... I understand the reason after all. I was the one who overheard the conversation." "Glad to hear that."

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