V2 - (17) The Moon

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With the supposed death of Lrod Djibril, ZAFT forces pulled out from Orb territory, giving Orb room to breath and recover from the mess. As I decided to chilla bit after searching for civvies, Cagalli decided to release a statement regarding the Ultimatum from Durandal, which was interrupted by another broadcast from Meer aka "fake Lacus", about how Orb is bad because they let Djibril hide inside Orb. Having enough, Freedom took off in the distance, presumingly towards the Cabinet building, and I decided to follow them with a sigh.

As we reached the building we were greeted by theOrb troops as we pass through corridors leading to the broadcast room. Cagalli was shocked to see Lacus entering but soon regained her posture. I have them on hold while I re-establish a uninterrupted signal before I give them a nod, and Orb's broadcast restarted. It's funny seeing how Meer was in a state of confusion, shock, as ZAFT's broadcast is still online, which is taken down just minutes afterwards.

I couldn't laugh anymore after receiving a urgent report about the destruction on several PLANT colonies, along with the estimated casualties of millions. Report says a large beam being fired from the back of the moon, the trajectory curved upon entering several colonies-sized cylindrical objects. 

"This is just like the Genesis back then!" Oh boy he isn't wrong. "Indeed, we are now stuck in a recycle of killing, and be killed, which many people seems no way to be out, as the majority believe that 'peace through fights'. Chiarman Durandal is attempting to  show the people a new way to solve the conflicts: A world where people's fate will be sealed by their genes." 

"I beg your pardon?" I narrowed my eyes. "Correct, this is what they called the 'Destiny Plan'." "A world where only those who can fit in to society will be accepted, while the rest will be removed." "Hold on, let me get this straight." I interrupted Kira and Athrun. "So this plan of his... you telling me that he is trying to make everyone to just go with whatever they were told at the beginning?" "That's right." "I've heard enough. When do we start hunting?" "We have to get to Space first, but that's mean we need to get prepared." "Fine."

The next day in the morning, Cagalli gave a speech of the moblization of Achangel, and the first thing we are about to do is head to moon and provide a sitrep about the moon and the cannon thing. And just moment after we landed at Lunar city Copernicus, Lacus decided to go outside. So I do what I and good at: Provide watchouts from a far distance in my Sparrow. Time to take it out for a spin too. 

Before we even enter the city I've already encountered a couple of unarmed watchmen observing their car through mil-grade binoculars, so I knocked them out and choose not to inform them, just let them have a moment of peace and some R&R while I am the one who do all the dirty works.

As they stopped by a clothing shop, I just stroll around the upper floor, which just so happened to be Men's floor, nice. I walked pass a looker who is not interested by the clothes but the four teens downstair, so I throw a jammer-beacon on his clothes,I  can't kill in public's eye, so that will be suffice.

The moment I looked down, they are looking at a piece of paper, and a red Haro jumping around them. As I realized that I finally have something better to do, I hurried back to my Sparrow when I was contacted by Captain Murrue. "Leonardo?" "Yeah, I am aware of a small detour, where are we heading?" "A Greek theater, just 3 klicks north of their current location." "Roger." As I switched to the map and check for the theater... got it. 

As I reach the theater, I switched to nanovision and stealth mode and walk around while send out Da VInci simutaneously, and came across at least 10 armed personnel hiding behind the  back seats, along with a sniper inside the building, with Meer sitting alone at the side of the first seats.

The sniper is my first priority. As I moved to where she is, I aimed at her and draw my bow. It hit her in the side as she dropped to the ground. I look below to see them has arrived. Looknig back to her I found her sniper is a silenced DMR, excellent. I grabbed the DMR and begin to look for other assassins. They are out of my sight so I flanked to their rear and go to the back of the seating area.

I am fully aware that the moment I pulled my trigger, they will be alerted, so I picked off another one I missed inside the buildings before I sniped one behind the seats. A firefight occured, and I am making sure to not waste any ammo. But apparently the gun only has 6 rounds inside, and I am forced to take out my Gnawing Hunger Auto rifle and blast the hell out of them. I can see the shocked look in their eyes, probably never seen a Guardian before. 

As I finished off what seems to be the last one, I called out my Jumpship, hover above the theater, and scan for any Heatsig. We are relived when negative results has poped up. 

As we decided to RTB after the mess, the crew are also suprised to see how Meer is nearly identital to Lacus. That's also when the Chairman decided to tell everyone about how he's gonna deal with the greed and desire for more of mankind aka his "Glorius" Destiny Plan.

After watching the explanation of the plan, everyone know that it's what we believe to be: Have everyone be sorted by their genes, their jobs and works are to be decided by their genes and bot by one's free will. This strengthen my resolution to deal with him personally.

2 hours after the statement, Orb and the Kingdom of Scandinavia (Viking gang) are the only one who opposed to it, while the rest of the world is at unrest and too slow to give out their stances. Durandal respond their opposition by firing Requiem aka the Alliance beam weapon upon Alliance base Archanel.

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