(17) Mendel

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We venture to the ground of the Colony, seeing Strike, with it's armaments off, almost being shot by a white new ZAFT MS called GuAIZ. Kira shot it's gun off and I closed in to shot it in the head. Freedom swoop pass me to swipe GuAIZ's leg off with beam saber, causing it to fall down to the ground as well.

Both strike and GuAIZ had their hatch opened and Mu seemingly chasing the ZAFT pilot into a building. As soon as we landed, kira grabbed his pistol while I grabbed my Sturm and my Hunter knife and the both of us also rush into the building as well.

As soon as we get in I let Kira catch some breath as we heard another gunshot with a echo: "Do you know why I bring you here, Mu?" "How should I know, asshole!" Followed by a small exchange of fire and footstep of running away.

We called out to Mu, to which he also respond as well. As we get to him I saw him bleeding from his side, so like anyone would do I patch him up with Kira have his gun as the surroundings. "What a thill to have you join us, Kira Yamato! So you are the pilot of the Freedom!" "Show yourself, asshole- wait nevermind, I know where you are." As I fire my Sturm and trust my threat radar. It missed but I know I shot somewhere near him as he was running away again. As I patch Mu up temporary we start following him deeper into the facility, along with his taunts: "Follow me! To where this all begun! This is also where you come from Kira!" "Ignore that load of bulls, we just keep moving. Mu who the hell is he?" "Rau Le Cruset, ZAFT leader of the team who stole the Gundams in Heliopolis."

Mu and Kira hide behind the door and get shot, while I ignore the shots and walks along the pathway. Bullets bounce off my armor as the caliber and the ammo is too weak compared to the Cabals, the Fallens, and the Vexs. Along the path there are different weird capsules. I have Da Vinci scan the whole place. I clenched my fist, but Mu and Kira disn't see it. "What is this place?" They asked. "...A 'super coordinator' experiment facility..." I turned to Kira. "Do you remember when he said this is where you come from? And noticed how you are seemingly different from other coordinators? I'm afraid that you have your answer here."

I throw a grenade toward the only door at the far side, and the fading sounds of footsteps can be heard. They walked into the room and looked around, and we only found out more disturbing things. As they take cover from ther door, gun flashes was seen and I fired my first waepon in this world. A grunt and the sound of a gun being dropped can be heard.

As we entered the seemingly last room, Rau Le Cruset show himself from the shadow. I put back my gun and creacked my fist. "You better start talking before I give you the punch that will lead you to your imminent demise." "Very well." He tossed a framed photo towards us, which is the same one Uzumi gave Cagalli before the self-destruct. He then throw a folder and a photo if a kid riding on his father's shoulder can be seen, which Mu recognized to be his father.

Then he begin to tell the story of Dr Ulen Hibiki, who was crazed on his desire to create the the strongest Coordinator, thus creating aritifical wombs aka those capsules outside. The only one who survived is Kira, and Kira only. "FUCK!" I as about to punch him, but I was holding myself down, wanting to listen to the man's madness to the end.

He walked towards the staircase next to us, which promped to raise my gun on him as we followed him down. "The first Coordnator, George Glenn... the chaos and the darkness he creted as he released the formula, blueprints, methods for creating coordinators..."

"People are thilled about it, and they begin to make their dreams come true, and one of them being Dr. Hibiki and his plans for the Strongest Coordinator! *dark chuckles* Human are amazing aren't they? They born, grow up, developed hatred, fights and eventually, numerous wars on each other!"

"And who the hell are you?" Mu just rushed out and fave him a right hook in the face, before I can hold his back. "Me? I am the one who can deliver judgement to humanity! Don't you recognize me Mu? We met long time before, far away from the batlefield... Your father Al Da Flaga was a arrogant fool who believe he can bought immortality. As for who I truly am... I am just a defective clone of him..."

As he keeped on his ranting the three of us failed to notice Kira who throwes something sharp to Rau, it grazed him but it teared his mask off... yeah it does looked like Mu, the only difference being Mu has a darker blonde. "What can you all do about it.. this world with soon turned into a cycle of hatred!" As he run off. Couldn't leave the two and run off on my own, gods know if he got any trick up his sleeves.

As we get out of here I can establish connection with the jumpship. "Dominion has took off and deployed Raider and Forbidden! 3 ZAFT Nazca-class ship approaching from the rear of the colony." I get them back to Strike and Freedom, as I also took off with Aegis Schwarz. We leave the interior of the colony after a short rendezvous with Buster.

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