(4) Descend into Desert

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Instead of rushing out, we are told to sit our asses and on standby, and so I found the loopholes of me in the expection as I was not one of them, I immediately ask for permission to take off. Granted, I took off right away, and brace myself with a giant mess: GINNs, Aegis, Duel, Blitz, Buster shooting Mobiuses and battleship turrets here and there. 

As much as I know that the 4 stolen mech are major problems, I have to focus on the smaller fries before focus on the bigger ones. They may take me as those MA, but I am better than them in every aspects: Armaments, armors, maneuvers. That's why I outrun the GINNs and always strike with strafes and use that as my tactics.

"Sir! We are now sending Strike and Mobius Zero!" The CIC girl reached out to me. "Loud and clear, they won't get pass us. Just watch!" With a boost, and a couple of cannon rounds, I disabled 5 GINNs, only 3 GINNs and the 4 mechs remain.

Things are getting better while I downed the rest of the GINNs and now everyone are focusing on the 4 stolen mechs. Strike and Duel going after each other, while Zero go for Buster, and I has to deal with Aegis and Blitz at the same time.

"Guardian, we got a kamikaze attempt, right side!" 'Damn, crazy fucks...' Without hestiation, I rushed to the kamikaze ship and pummel the cannons and repeater rounds into the ship, which turned a little from the small explosions and is now smoking.

The Menelaos sent out the refugee ships, not in a good time, but I understand why. With couple more cannons on the kamizake and the last resort, I lined up my sight with the bridge, full throttle, and fire bursts of repeater and a cannon rounds. It hit the target, and it exploded.

"This is Leo-1, now escorting the refugee ship out of the combat zone." I opened a channel with the Menelaos. "This is Menelaos, understand, good luck, Mr. robot." I replied with a 2 finger salute and end the transmission.

"*sigh* *Open channnel* This is Leonardo Shen to all military personnel near the atomsphere, the yellow shuttle is carring civilians on board, I repeat, the shuttle is a civilian ship. I will open fire at any personnel who shows hostility towards the shuttle during it's descending procedure."

"We are now near descending phase 3, Strike, Zero, Mr. Leo, please return at once!" "Understand." "Roger that." they fly back to Archangel, but the Duel still has it's eye fixed on Strike, and they have another fight in the atomsphere, under high temperature.

During combat, the shuttle somehow get into their fight, along with me, who aimed my ship towards the Duel. Luckily he missed a few shots and closed onto Strike. With a strong kick from Duel and the gravity, the Strike was pulled towards the Archangel but not fully, I cannot help him as I don't have a tow or sort, as I watch Archangel adjust itself to catch Strike, and the both of landed onto the deck. "Kid! Hey kid!" "Guardian, he was jsut fainted due to the heat inside..." 'He had me there...' "Guys Kira is fine, he just fainted from the heat, we will get him back after we landed, somehow."

The moment we land, we get Strike into the hangar and dragged him out from the high temperature cockpit. "Kid just passed out from the high temperature." AsI carrued him to the med bay, lay him down, and walked to the bridge. I encountered the teens, "He is at the med bay, passed out due to the heat in the cockpit, take care of him."

'Da Vinci, where are we?' "Africa." 'Which side?' "ZAFT." 'Notify me of ZAFT within 700 klicks.' "Understand."

I saw Mu in the hangar, talknig with Mardock. "Hey gents." "Hello there.""Hi there." "Alright! MU, You taking this Skygrasper in atomsphere right?" "Yeah, what's of it?" "We still have the Mobius Zero here, which means I can transfrer your flight data, spec, etc, into your plane, well, not much compared to Kira, however." "Really? Yeah I can have that, it's all yours." "*Strech* Al-right, let's do it."

After transferring the data of Skygrasper I went back to my ship, save a copy for the space combat setting, and re-programmed for atmosphere combat, intergrated with my experiences from space combat.

"Guardian, ZAFT BaCue, attack helis, and artillery carts inside the detection range, but they paused at 650, behind a dune, they are waiting a time for attack." 'Notify me when they go into aggressive. I have to add a couple more lines... there we go...' "Guardian, they are activated. 'Alright, let's test this on the battlefield. We will wait until they get close.'

My cue is when level 2 Battle station is announced. "Hey can I go out? I was adjusting my ship to atmosphere, I was nearly there but I need real combat experiences." "Negative, hostile strength is unknown, we cannot sent out units too reckless." "I will see that out myself. Don't worry, I will retreat when it's too much." "Roger that, Mr. Leo, you have the permission to take off and estimate the strength of the attack force, Flaga and Kira witll remain standby until the estimation of the hostile strength is completed." 

The moment I got out, I was greeted by the good ol' 9.81m/s2 gravity. First wave seesm to be the helicopters, with my hover ability, I downed the helis with small bursts directed to their estimated position. I am here to estimate the strentgh and so I hover around the Archangel.

"Sir! I am here to help!" I looked back and see Strike armed with a cannon. "Next time bring yourself with the Alie pack, we need mobility. I will provide air support, and scouting." As I climbed up to 500ft. "Contact! 5 BuCues are heading yourway, recommend you shoot them down with Vulcans and launchers."

 "Understand- woah!" Strike is getting himself stuck with the gravity and the sand. "Kid! Update your bloody OS to desert and atmosphere uses! I will cover your ass until you have it done!" "15 seconds!" "Yeah I am going AC-130 on this!" As I hover myself and firing 40mm Arc repeater rounds to nearby BuCues, to disable and/or accidentally blow a few dogs to sky high.

"Done!" "Good job kid, coming down, watch your surroundings." As we a dealing with the BuCues, I watched in amusement as Kira literally clubed a BuCue. "Alright, I am going to teach you a couple of CQC when we get back."

Several cannon fired towards Archangel, and Mu took off in his Skygrasper, looking for the source, so I sent him this conversation: "Tell me what ya think after the flight and I am going to do some calibration."

Another salvo incoming for archangel, but Strike downed one with a BuCue he threw towards a shell, and he hit the rest with his cannon shots. "*Whisle* That's some damn accuracy kid, do I have to teach you about firearms too?" 'No, sir, I can compensate it with my leg and my fist." "Right."

Strike stopped dead in his track. "Guardian, Strike's energy is very low." 'Shit...' I get to the radio. "Kid hang on, INCOMING!" As I conduct a full salvo strafe run, downing 2 helis and a BuCue.

"Guardian, Technicals incoming, I don't think those are ZAFT, marking them as unknown." A rocket from a Technical down a heli, and a unauthorized connection made with a Technical stopped by the Strike and the MS itself: "The Pilot inside the MS! if you don't want to die then follow our instruction!" As a map poped up in Strike HUD, with 3 blue dots, a white dot representing Strike, and a large Red dot indication the objective of something. 

"We've prepared a trap at the designated location, lure the BuCues there!" Kid has no choice and so he moved towards the circle while I return and land Archangel. As the BuCues landed into the dots, I watched as it explode into a firework, beautiful...

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