V2 - (3) The Fall

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Radar shows purple GINNs fighting against GuAIZs an other GINNs. I assume the purple are the culpits of the downfall so I have them marked as hostile and updated Athrun's radar. As we are near, I let Athrun know that I am changing as I let go of the ZAKU, and get into my MS with a transmat effect, and boost myself to cahtch up into Athrun.

"Black Mobile suit with red outline? It really suits you." "Argh, cut the chatter, those 3 are here as well." "It's payback time!" "God damn, we are escorts, you nuts. Immoblize them or force them to retreat, that's all. Oh and deal with those purple GINNs. Apparent they are the ones who make it drop."

I took a glance at the 4. "Here is a lesson of shock and awe, if your fame is big and your skill is good- *All frequency channels* The Black Devil is here, come and get some! *Back to team channel* Leonardo, move out!"

As I get in, I focus myself in the purple GINNs while the others are occupied with Chaos, Gaia and Abyss. Small chunks are being ripped off one by one,and eventually half of it. "We need more drills, half of it is still too much for the atmosphere." "Good to have you with us, Black Devil." "Dearka, you are still alive and back to the ZAFT. Well, we also has Athrun with us too." "Athrun?" "Yeah, over there, the green ZAKU heading towards us."

"Dearka and Yzak?" "Why the hell are you here, you bastard?" "Wow, immediately argument when you met after 2 years? How about we focus on the demolition first eh?" "Hmph."

2 GINNs dead ahead towards us, I have him in my scope, steady... boom, cockpit gone, along with the GINN. Dearka finished off another one with his cannon. A small salvo almost got us, it's the Abyss. Athrun and Yzak (The Joule guy, I think) guard our flanks and I scanned the surroundings and saw one last purple GINN.

I snapped my Scout rifle at him and pressed the trigger. He dodged the shot and closing in, I called out to my sword and my pistol and start firing at him with my pistol, CIWS and autocannons. It keep dodging by I grazed him many times. As he dives in and attempt to slash me in the chest I blocked it with my sword and called out another one, making me dual wield. It was trying to fall back but I pushed him and suppress him so he can't pull out his rifle.

Evnetually we are so damn close to the atmosphere that they have to retreat. "All of you back off, my Mobile Suits has alredy re-entry various atomsphere in it's MS mode, just hope these drills you get me are enough." "Right, safe travel, eh?" "Same, Dearka. Now go." As I get tired of this and finally decided to finish him off with my railgun. I Immediate head back to place all the drills. I believe in the drills to do their job before they uh melt. "Hey, you can't place all the drills before they get melt." Inpluse (Shinn) and Athrun came and help me to get the drills.

10 minutes later and I have already used up all the drills but there is still one chuck that is still there and we are already feeling the heat outside. As I wondering how I can take it out I got a text message. "Miverva to Black Devil: Minerva will re-entry and use her bow-cannon Tanhauser to destroy the last piece of Junius-7, return to the ship." I looked to the 2 and we fly back to the deck of Minerva, consider that it was too damn hot outside to open the launch gate toi let us back in. We watched as she fired her cannon to tear them into little pieces.

As we get back to the hangar a yellow blur rushed past me and hugged Athrun. "You may kiss the bride." To my suprise they actually have a massive blush on their face. The ZAFT present also caught on this quick and yelling things, causing them to run away quickly and we all have a good laughs.

AsI catched up the the two on the deck. It's cloudy as hell, the Junius-7 deris, maybe. "Now that we took out those Coordinator extremist and tear that up into little pieces , now we can only hope that the majority of those tiny pieces are obliterated due to the heat of the amosphere." "Extremist...?" "Yeah, lunatics who has their friends, families killed there, and attempt to drove the massive graveyard onto the earth. I understand where their angers come from but what the hell."

I looked at Shinn who catch up to us, or rather, me and Athrun. "So, how was it, the tiny debris? Are most of them get melted." "Sadly, no, majority of them are still coming down, look up." The massive Junius-7 "meteor rain" is still falling down onto earth. "Well damn, we do all we can do, casualties are unavoidable, thanks to those lunatics, but at least we minimize the possible casualties. Which is a small fortune among the way larger misfortunes all around the places."

"Even so... the fact that we Coordiantors are behinds this, albeit in very small numbers, remains. They are not getting over it, will they?" I patted  the grimmed Athrun's shoulder as he walked back inside the ship.

Minutes later the cloud are moving away and small traces of sunlights begin to shine on the decsk of Minerva, and the ZAFT reds made their way to a range, which is at a small outdoor deck. "Aw." Lunamaria has 5 out of 20 shots missed completely, while Rey has all his shots at the bulls. I waved to Athrun, who passed by and decided to come over and have a look.

"Ah, it's you two." The girl saw us first. "We've heard of your exploits in the last war. Considered as a hero for Athrun, and the opposite of Leonardo. *I shrugged* You was also a ZAFT red, part of Team Le Cruset, fought against Strike and destroyed it, then to FAITH SpecOp, report directly to DoD, later pilot of ZAMF-X09A Justice, your action during Jachin Due is well-known."

"As for you, Leonardo... Well, the Black Devil who fought against the ZAFT, you often spare or kill your enemies, piloted a strange craft, later pilot a rebuilt version of GAT-X303 Aegis Gundam, the one Athrun stole and piloted, and destroyed Genesis itself from a self-explosion of the Mobile Suit. Gone dark after the war for approximately 2 years."

"Your shooting skills is quite a feat among us, Athrun, care to show us, my shots often missed or grazed the target." As she handed over her pistol , which Athrun took it. "Sure." He set up the range and he shot the head/torso of the target that poped out at a quick speed, which Lunamaria watched in amusement. "Wha- we are using the same pistol!" "You tend to twist your hand when firing, but then again, it's not really something major during these times."

Cagalli called out to us, and we head back. "Hey." Shinn was about to get out of the door. "What are you going to do after we reach Orb." "I will stay there." "Same here." "But why, we sorta need your help here." "I mean, we got some friends or sort I haven't met when I was gone." "I... understand, I hope to see you soon after your departure."

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