(14) Battle of Orb - II: Exodus

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As we landed at a temporary medic camp, I saw many people exhausted from the fight, or helping injured to the tents. The three of us landed near a beach and get out from the cockpits and get our boots on the ground. (Pussies use some stupid strings to land, real chads landed on the ground with their boosters.

As they walked towards each other some Orb militants aimed their rifles, but are stopped when I do a "order arms" gesture. I walked towards the duo, arm crossed. "What?" "GUYS!" I saw Cagalli running towards up and have the duo in her arms. "You two morons!" I tried to make a really bad sarcastic remark: "OH get a room you three- wait that came out wrong — Anyway let's go and get ourselves some R&R."

The four of us sat on some crates in the Orb hangar, reminiscing the last skirmishes over the Indian ocean. (Not really good at bending that as they are supposed to talk about the Skygrasper and Blitz so uhhhh skippin) and the fight between PLANT and the Alliacne, both side seemingly lead by extremists: Patrick Zala (Athrun's father) on the PLANT and Muruta Azrael (Leader of the Blue Cosmos aka anti-coordinator extremist gang) on the Alliance side. With the extremist still kicking around, this will be a never ending war

"I have to fulfill my duties, we never know when they will fight." Kira stand up wand was about to leave, but Athrun stopped him. "Wait! I have one more thing to ask: The Freedom is equipped with Neutron Jammer Canceller, what will you do about that?" I gave him a light punch. "Chill, he said someone entrusted the Freedom to him and he ain't letting anyone get their hands on the data and everything, or that you din't trust him to keep his promise to whoever he made that with?"

Minutes later I tapped his shoulder and point to Kira who rest inside the cockpit, once again. "Since he dropped down on Archangel he always sleeps inside his cockpit, obviously not because that he has to respond to any threat first handed.

Next morning, another battle welcomed us, unreasonable bastards, I am not really a man of killing, well cuz I am dealing with humans here, not some space monsters who want every homo sapien-ish looking species drop dead. Nevertheless, we have our sortie once again. One thing being a exo is that your tiredness has been removed, allowing me to be able to stay awake the whole time.

As Perfect Strike and Aegis Schwarz are stationed on Archangel, we can launch from there directly, Freedom, the purple MS Justice, Buster and Blitz are placed at Orb hangars so they tooks them some times to reach the front line.

The three MS we encountered yesterday still act as vanguards, and we meet them head on, along with several destructions of some EA and Orb battleships behind the both side.

As suun as we meet, I fired the first shots upon them with my MA mode cannons. As we get close, I changed backed to MS mode and deployed my saber for a few swings. The black MS keep swooping in but I have to deal with the Blue and the Green who occasionly fire a few shots to me at the same time, and that's why I have the rifle at my right hand and a deployed saber at my left hand.

The three of us press on the 3 EA MS, while leaving Buster, Blitz, Strike and Astrays to deal with the Mass-produced MS. The black one fired his spiked ball towards me and I sliced it vertically in half and rush in, while firing my rifles. As it fire it's cannon at it's back I dropped a few feets and fired my CIWS. It flinched and fired his auto cannon at me, which I dodged. As I was about to retaliate we all received a order to fall back to Kaguya, Orb's mass driver facility. The 3 MS are also retreating, seemingly out of energy.

As we gathered at Kaguya, we recieved a small briefing from the old man Uzumi, who wish us to take the fight to space, before Orb fall to the Alliance's hand. The "Elite" pilots like me, Athrun, Kira, Dearka (Buster's pilot) and Nicol (Blitz's pilot) gathred around. "As first, I thought we are supposed to follow the order of our nations, but..." Athrun stopped a bit "What happened here had me rethink on who should we be actually fighting for." Dearka tried to cheer him up. "Nevertheless, we are still fight against the Alliance, here or at Carpentaria, right?" "Then I supposed that you three ZAFT pilots are with us, for now? Good." I looked at the skies and the ocean. "I wish lady Luck smile on all of us!"

"Contact! 3 MS approaching!" "Gents! Our mission is not to fight till the last breath, but to escort the battleships and leave this place safe. the "Stolen" Gs, all y'all put it, including mine, will board the Archnagel. I will launch again on my jumpship. Freedom, Justice and I will deal with them! Move out!"

As Archangel took off, Buster, Blitz abd Aegis Schwarz landed back to the hangar while I rush to the prepped jumpship, and launch again. As I Rendezvous with Freedom and Justice, I immediate fired a cannon shot as I saw the blue one readied his shoulder cannon. "We ain't letting them throw any shot around the ships!" "Understood!" "Roger!"

After a couple bursts of repeaters we are alerted by the launch of Kusanagi, the train for Freedom and Justice. "That's your ride gents, keep the press on!" "And you, sir?" "I am going to show Mr. Azrael the true meaning of intimidating before I join you guys. Don't get killed would ya?"

As they dodging the shots from the 3 MS, I hold my finger on the repeater trigger and aim towards them, and thus they can't stay steady. This eventually irrated them as they turned and charging at me. I speeded up and flied to their flagship. I have upgraded Aegis radar but I spend the whole week modifing the jumpship radar and thus it was one of my proud work.

As I was get close, I fired a couple of shot scrapping the flagship. Not only I gained the data on the MS: Raider, Calamity, and Forbidden, I also did some barrel rolls  while curcling the bridge, the look on his face was amazing. I pointed my ship upwards and went for atmosphere-breaking cruising speed.

As I catch up with Kusanagi, we heard an explosion, only to see Kaguya in it's self-destruction. The old men went out like that, and entrust the future to the next generation... Fuck.

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