V2 - (4) Orb 2

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As Minerva docked at Onogoro Island, Orb, we begin to disembark, and I heard a blue-haired dude called out Cagalli quite affectionately, and hugged her. "Who the hell is he?" I whispered to Athrun. "Yuna Roma Seiran, her fiancee." "Wow, the ship has sunk." He blushed a bit. "Don't worry, I can help. See, I was not actually afflicated to anyone, and I am quite good at stealth, sniper or a knife—" "Please no, I can handle this." "whatever you said"

Unato Ema Seiran, the current Prime Minister and the father of the brat, begin to brief her on the current situations, luckliy that there was no direct hit on Orb. Then it was the two ZAFT officer's turn for self-introduction, and Unato offer them a rest. Cagalli was dragged away by Yuna, who finally decided to give a fuck to us both only because she looked back at us. "Oh, and we are grateful of your protection, Alex... and who is this?" 

"Perhaps this *Changed into my armor, along with gasps of several Orb personnels* will remind you." I gently pushed Cagalli away and grab him by his collar. "And if you ever pissed me off, I can assure you that you can't see the sky tomorrow." I let him go, and follow Athrun to a car waiting for him. 

Before he get in the car, he looked at me, "is there any way I can sent data or comms with you?" I think for a while, and tap a few buttons on my wrist to make a virtual phone number than is linked to my system, and show the number to him. "Alright, I know you know the place we;;, here is where Kira, Lacus, and the rest are, you can go pay them a visit here since well... *bitter smile* They don't really get a room for you." "*Shrug* I understand, safe trip." I called out my sparrow and drove towards the coordinate, which is a small couse next to a beach.

As I get there, I already saw Kira and Lacus playing with the kids, along with who I assume is Father Malachio aka the man who picked Kira up to PLANT at the last war. "Hey there!" I shouted and waved, and met with their suprised look on their face. "Leonardo...?" "All of you, just don't recognize me when I get back huh?" They walked towards me. "We've seen a MS with a familiar color pattern on the TV, but to think that you've come down with the new ZAFT vessel..." 

"It's fate, I assume. *chuckles* anyways, the problem is... I don't really have a place to stay." "Why, of course you can come with us." "Thanks." "Are you Mister Robot?" I kneel down to the kids, and patted one's head. "Yes I am, you little kids behave well eh? Ever let Kira and Lacus down?" "We don't! We are good kids." There are plenty of times so I decided to play with kids.

The sun is almost getting down, and we heard a car horn, we all turned to saw Athrun. The kids started running towards him and asking his questions. Kids... "Welcome back, we heard that you and Leonardo had quite a trip." "To you as well. I heard that your house get caught in and you have to stay here for a while." And the kids begin to talk about how their house got hit by a huge wave and some sound effects like "whoosh" and etc. Lacus took the kids back to the beach, leaving the three of us behind. 

Kira is the first to speak. "So, Cagalli...?" "She should be at the Administrative Building, I can imagine the tons of paperwork she has to deal with." "Speaking of her..." I jumpped in. "That Yuna guy, he really is getting on my goddamn nerves. If it wasn't because of the crowd here I really want to punch him in the face." Kira and Leonardo can go ahead, I will take the kids back later!" Lacus shouted from the beach, to which we nodded in acknowledgement.

Athrun came with a two-seater car, so I follow them on my sparrow, and let the two talk. As we reached the house, I can see Athrun with a frustrated expression I had seen back at Orb, before the launch into space. "I know that look, kid. After the fight with your own knd, once again, really sucks isn't it? The truth is, this world is a fuckfest, to me, both side is bad, the only thing I can provide is to eliminate the warmongers, and do what I do best: fight." And I leave he alone to his thoughts. He left before we had our dinners.

The next day Cagalli bring me a good news and a bad news: Athrun is leaving for PLANT, and he gave her a ring. I immediate called him: "I know what you are trying to do, and you need someone you know to watch your back, in case you want to pull some stunt off, Cagalli told me you attempted to self-destruct inside Genesis back then.. Yeah I am definitely not going to let those things happen. Anyway I will catch up to you later, with Minerva I suppose. Got something at Orb, tying up loose ends." 'Wait, don't kill him-" "The hell? I was joking back then, jesus... anyway I can assure that it's not about hurting anyone. Later." "Later." As we both hung up.

I once again had to spend my time in the vaious documents I gathered. This time it took me a day and a night to get this over with. When I get up, I received reports that the Earth Alliance has decided to once againt start the war by attacking PLANT at yesterday night, and they somehow got their hands on the Neutron Jammer Canceller, allowing them to make and carry nukes again. ZAFT also has something up their sleeves to annihilate the nuclear-carrying suprise fleet.

I decided to pay Cagallia a visit, things that begin to surface recently has quite take a toll on her. With Athrun gone to PLANT, she need someone to back her up. The normal way wouldn't work, so I have to improvise. I snuck to the conference room with stealth and the help of enhanced vision, and to see pathetic reps pressing on the poor girl, urging her to make decision and to lean towards the Alliance. Hell, they even bring up her father's self-sacrifice. That's the last straw for me.

I forcefully kicked the glass window, breaking it into pieces, and exit from my stealth. "I said... you will never see the sky of the next day should you pissed me off, no? You lots are nothing but pathetic people, what if we go with EA? Excommunicate the coordinators? To hell with that! We are neutral because we don't want to get ourselves get caught in the flames of war, as it's a understanding that either we kiss arse of Alliance or PLANT, the Naturals or Coordinators living here will face bloodshed, excommunicated, or to be parted with their beloved. And None of yuo seems to understand that, you all only tend to care for your own good. You lots are representatives, not some corporate owners, stop giving me that vibe. We are neutral, that doesn't mean that we are supposed to sit back and watch as the world plunged into chaos, how about you use your brain for once. The Alliance only ask to sign the treaty, then what? They will begin to make more and harsher demands, and ORb will become it's boot-licker. Haven't you lots learn from the damned past?"

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