(11) Deus Ex Machima

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The next day when the jumpship is repaired, I was greeted with Cagalli, Kisaka, and a group of Orb soldiers. I patter her in the shoulder. "Kira isn't a kid that will go down like that easily, I just know that." And we conduct a Search and Rescue (SAR), starting on the ground zero.

As we get there, we see the emptied Strike cockpit, with no sight of his body around, it was safe to assume that Kira survived the explosion. I was reminded of a small cottage when I soared through the island. I have the Orb guys headed to another beach where they find something.

A  couple of kids staring me in awe while coming out of the house. 'Hello kids, did you see a passed out guy?" "We did! Father Malachio picked him up and went to PLANT!" "I see, thanks kids. Here, take these." Somehow I saw their eye glowed a bit when they see me with candies and chocolates. The happily take them and went back into the house.

When I headed back to Cagalli, she was helping a also fainted Athrun up , while I decided to follow them to Orb.

It was my suprise to see Cagalli also waiting for him to get up, she finally decided to gave me a brief explanation about whathappened between the two of them, aka what happened when she went MIA.

As she finished her description I let out a hard laugh, which accidentally woke Athrun up. She drew her pistol, she didn't take it well when she heard that Kira was "dead" and Athrun has killed him. "Actually-" I interrupted them. "You didn't, he was alive, for now." I looked at the yellow sky. "He was rescued from the cockpit and was being transfered to somewhere else."

The "killer" and Cagalli didn't take this lightly. "How... he can't get out of there in time! How was he-" "He get picked up by someone else. When we get to the cockpit, it was emptied. His body wasn't lying around, so it was safe to assume that he was still alive, but we don't know where, that is."

Cagalli went off to see Aegis and Strike being dragged from the beach and loaded into the planes, as I whispered something in his ear before I take my leave too: "Someone goes by Malachio brought him to PLANT." Which widened his eye in shock.

Before our leave, I sent Archangel a message: "Kira is alive but unconscious, he was brought to somewhere safe. That's all I can say for now, sorry. I am heading to Orb, as they came this morning to also looked for Strike and Aegis. I hope I can come to Alaska after taking some rest, while sorting my memory chips, or in other words, set my mind straight."

Their relatively short reply came when we landed at Orb. "Thanks for the relief message, we were saddened by the supposed death on Kira. We hope to see you soon."

Chief Simmons of Morgenroete wants me to look the Astray trainings up as we landed at Orb, but I kindly refused, saying that I will take my leave at noon. Kira is stuck on PLANT, I only hope that he can make it back in one piece, while I went off to "clear my mind".

The situation in the world is esclated and messed up which took me a couple of days to sorting them ouut respectively. Athrun has long gone to a ZAFT base on Carpentaria, and I board my jumpship and head Northeast, towards Alaska.

But as I get there, a fight was going on, the bulk of ZAFT forces launched a full-scale attack on Alaska, while documents shows that they are supposed to head for Panama. Regardless, this is a fight I have to fight, and to survive. 

As I have contact with the Archangel I established a link with em. "This is Leo-1, alive and kicking! Are everyone alright?" "We heard you loud and clear, Leo-1! We are alright. Flaga, Bargiruel and Allster has transferred to somewhere else, reinforce would be much appreciated!"

"Engaging!" As I turned 180 and engaging the massive ZAFT MS. MY jumpship almost never ran out of energy but it was too hard for me. Whenever I shot a MS down, another one will always took his place and press the forward.

A fighter approach and was attempt to land with it's smoking rear, and a connection towards Archangel: "This is Flaga to Archangel, respond, damnit!" "L-T? What the hell are you doing here?" "Forget this, we have to retreat, like right now!" "What the hell was that supposed to mea-" 

"Guardian, emergency! I have broke through their system and I have discovered a massive microwave system 'Cyclops'. Once detonated, tens of Cyclops under the HQ will decimatd everything within 10 klicks!" "FUCK!" I cursed out loud, but I also forwarded the words and the datas to Archangel. "We have to go, now! We are just some bait for a MAD attack!"

"But where?" "ORB, WE HAVE TO GET OUR ASSES- OH SHIT INCOMING!" I  yelled as missiles hit the bridge. "LT if you want to do something, take off! Tolle this fuckfest is not suitable for you, land your plane, its smoking like hell!" "I am doing it!" "Yes, sir!"

I get relived for a bit as the mass is converging onto us, we might be at our last stand but I know that I am not facing the mass alone. 

Duel is approaching from the back, so Mu and Archangel focus their fire on the front and the flanks, and I move back to face him alone. "Hey moron! You have your men stay the hell back, I'm sending something disturbing to you, have a good read!" As I shot down his missiles and his Guul, then rammed into him once more. This time he was able to pin the throttle in time.

"Heh, that's good news, you can die with the defensive units while we run off!" "How about you shut your running mouth and back the hell away from us. Once that is activated, everyone are going to get their ass evacuated and some bastards will sure as hell finish those who has lost the will to fight, save that to cover your asses!" I pummel my gun to his arms, and forced him to retreat.

As I fly back, I saw Mu has his launcher armament destoyed and is flying with a plain Skygrasper. A particular GINN closed in with his Guul, I shot that thing down but he somehow jumped off in time, he raised his gun directly to the bridge, none of us can rush it in time, Mu was occupied and I as right befind the bridge to shot him down.

A beam rifle round came from the sky blow the gun off, and the GINN's left wing was cut off in a flash. I looked at the new Gundam who spread his wing in from of the Archangel: "This is Kira Yamato for reinforcement! Hurry up and evacuate!"

"It's good to hear from you kid but check this out! We are dragged into some self-destruct microwave oven!" I yelled as I aslo sent him the Cyclops data. "We are heading out with at least 10 klicks from the base first, then we head out for Orb!" "Understand!"

The crazy madlad set off a open channel announcement to have both side run away from the base. Those who believe started making their way out, but for those who still continute to fight? Kira and I cut or shot their legs and arms off, and they will be caught by some random retreating units.

"Guardian, CYclops activated!" 'I get it!' *switch to open channel* "Everyone in the channel full speed and away from 10 klicks off JOSH-A! MOVE!" Everyone doesn't really need to hear more from me as they also saw the visible microwave dome spreading. An unthordox method is I rammed into a GINN from his leg and pushed him away from the base, and dropped him off near a ZAFT sub. It raised its hands at me and I shake my jumpship as bit as acknowledgement.

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