V2 - (13) Fleet Destruction

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Minerva took off the next day, and I didn't get to blow it to pieces at last. I was also being told that Stella's memories were also altered as well, possibly to make the Extendeds better soldiers. Another way of putting it is that with Abyss and Gaia down, the only thing we have to deal with is Chaos.

On the trip I was reading news and military radios, apparently someonr that "look like" Lacus stole a space shuttle and escaped into space, with the help of Freedom. If She finally decided to make her moves, then we have to make some sort of moves too.

As we stopped by for resupplies, Shinn barged into my room. "Leonardo! Please come and check on her!" Goddamnit. I followed him to a medical room and saw her in a critical situation. "What happened?" "The drugs inside her, they are now showing off their side effects. If she keep on like this I don't think she can last long." Now this has turned into a complicated situation.

Once again we are heading out after the resupplies, and we were quickly enough to be greeted by Orb formation. As the Gundams and Gouf were about to sortie, Minerva is now under the shower of Self-Forging Fragments, and we sortie right after the shots.

"They want to take this to the air, let's take this to the air!" As I changed into my MS mode, stilll grabbing my sword and my pistol, and charged into the formation of Astray and Murasame. Athrun and I are trying our best to merely disable the Mobile Suits, while Heine and Shinn make a more violence approach. I couldn't control them, so there's that.

Minerva is under attack from some guy that charge into the hail of bullets. That works, somehow. Either way I have Athrun stay at the front with Chaos while I fly back to meet the squadron of Murasame. While they have missiles, gun and beam cannons, I have superior firepwer, agility, armor, and most important, accuracy.

The spend all their missiles on Minerva so it's easy for me to take care of the 12 formation. I am a robot, so I don't really have too much reaction to sharp turns as I spin and aim at a Murasame. Fast mover — Ah, Freedom. Why am I not suprised. What amazed me is Archangel's beam cannon and swipe through teh water right in front of the fleet. They never told me they can do that.

A couple of Murasame respond Cagalli's pleas with missiles, while Freedom intercepted them with his own CIWS. With a swift rush Kira already disabled the attacking Murasames. As Freedom was about to proceed, I changed back to MS mode and draw my blades. "I really have to teach you to listen to your seniors. eh? Show me what you got." 

I can't underestimate my fellow ace/"Strongest Coordinator", nor does he will be doing the same against me. As we step on the throttle and clash, it clearly showed the one with two blades can overpower one with shield and a saber by strength, especially when the other one is holding one of the blade in an alternate position. As I add some more power to swing my blade, he fall backwards to dodge and kicked me, I hastily blocked it with my arms, and pushed it to the side. 

As I rush towards him, he flew upwards and circled around behind me, and attempted to use his cannons. I flew up and changed back to Jumpship mode to circle him. I rolled and fly up just to advoid a shot from a interfering Chaos. Kira fly to meet him, and Chaos had its weapon pods and it's head cut off.

As it fell down and fly away before it could sink, Archangel, Freedom and Strike Rogue has been marked as enemy in HUD from Minerva. Well, that's fair for someone who blow your big cannon off, I suppose. 

I looked at the direction of the Fleet, who just sent out it's Alliance Mobile Suits, waiting to be cut down by the two Gundams and a Gouf. I changed back to MS mode again: "...They never listen, so that's that. Either we knock it's head off or we take that Carrier out, a big KO for them either way." As I fly upwards to intercept the 7 Murasame preparing for another straife on Minerva.

As I throw a Murasame towards the fleet and leave it flying, Strike Rogue approach me from behind, whom I pulled my pistol to aim at. "Please, Leonardo... please stop..." "No use, litle girl, That blue hair prick is the one calling shots in both the government and the military. There might be still wish to follow the original ideals of orb, but... orders are orders." As I put my anouther hand to aim my pistol to add the intimidation. "I say this only once: Stay. Back."

She retreated without any more words, while I continute to take care of the rest. The Murasames are kind enough to leave me talking with her, so I shall repay them with the best disabling service I can give them. I begin to utilize my rifle and my railgun to aim at non-critical area and cause enough damgae, forcing them to retreat. 

I was holding myself back on those fools, and so while Shinn request a Sword Silhouette, I join him on his rampage, determined to teach the Orb a lesson, and Yuna, that getting on my bad side is a very bad decision. My visor now glow with red, with a word "Override" appeared on my screen. As I begin to cut through the formation with my swords I realized that my movement and reflex just got quicker.

We fought our way to the Orb carrier, and I turned on my speaker: "To the Orb carrier: You have 5 minutes before we tear that carrier of yours into pieces." As we continute to rip the rest of the ships. 3 minutes and I saw rafts deploying from the carrier. "Spare them, what we have to do it knock them out of the fight. We have caused enough bloodshed today, and it's time we should do it once and for all." "Leonardo, take one of my sword." That was a hugh laser sword, too big I have to carry it with my both hands, reminds me when I carried swords during my fights on the planets.

5 minutes had passed, and they are within Minerva's range. Her cannon shots is also our calls,, as we begin to tear the massive carrier into pieces. 

Unnessary bloodshed on human? Not my thing. Last thing I need is more human blood on my hands, I can only pray that this is the last time I have to do it.

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