(7) The Push to the Indian Ocean

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After what happened we are heading East to get pass Lesseps, into Indian Ocean, and reach one of the Earth Alliance's Supreme HQ at Alaska. Unfortunately we are being spotted and chased by Lesseps and one of her escort, with another one moving behind Archangel. Possibly the full force of the Tiger.

The fact that the stolen mechs Blitz and Buster are on top of the Lesseps didn't really help a lot, well maybe the fact that they just get their feet wet within the atmosphere, and so they are forced to stay on it and giving out fire supports, or they have to constantly flying to advoid getting trapped in the sands, just like Strike.

Mu and Kira took off in Launcher Skygrapser and Strike respectively, while i am the last one to take off. "Mu and I will take care of the helis first, Kira take care of the BuCues!" Mu and I spend many times on the battlefield, regardless of the difference on the oponents, so both of us can call shots on the battlefield.

There are a bit too much hostile unit on the battlefield, it doesn't mean that I have a hard time time fighting them, but my worries are the resistance fighters who still willing to help us in the fight: I cannot hold them off while protecting all of them, just taking out as many as I can. 

A strange orange BuCue entered the battlefield, ZAFT database ID'ed it as LaGowe, a Prototype, Commander-use, two-seater Variant of the BuCue. Damn, the Tiger is on the field. I have Da Vinci mark its head and the limbs, but I can't actualy guarantee that I couldn't kill the lovers. 

Oh fuck, the one behind has started its bombardment, I leave to met the one behind, while entrust the frontline to the LT and the kid, before marking the Lagowe with it's limbs and its head. "Kid, there will be a orange dog approaching, piloted by the Tiger and his girl. I've marked it's limbs and the head for you, I trust your aim. Don't let me down. There is a ship behind which I am going to deal with it. Good luck."

With a dive, I aim my jumpship at under the bridge, the armaments, the Zuoot (ZAFT artillery MS) on board, and the engine for each strafing runs, while pummel my guns at it. It did work, and so I leave the vessel in flames behind, and head back to deal with the frontline, to see the kid struggling with Lagowe. 

I have him do a switch with me, who decided to fly low and pulling multiple evasive maneuvers to dodge the shots from behind. He missed his shots at me, but I couldn't fire at him so far. This turend into a small stalemate for a few minutes.

Another Sword Grasper took off, pilot by Cagalli, kids these days...  They continuted their attack on ZAFT landships, while Strike deal with BuCues and heils, I am still stuck with the Lagowe. I decided not to wait anymore and pulled a very risky Cobra, hoping it will not slice me into half. 

As the maneuver is a success I immediately line up the limbs with the repeater, while flying knife edge. I took it's back right leg off, as it is now crusing on 3 legs. As I was about to line up the other leg at the back, it aimed its beam cannon at me, forcing me to raise my altitude a bit, and caught a glimpse on the battlefield, with only a small numbers of helis and BuCues running around. Plus the Duel hopped off Lesseps and get fucked by the sands right immediately.

I hover my jumpship and my fight between Lagowe is like some sort of bullfighting. But I caught another change to blow it's front left leg off. It charged forward to me but I increased my hover throttle just in time to dodge it. While doing so I spin my jumpship upwards to aim my cannon towards the Lagowe's head and charge a shot. It missed the head as it speed off but it blow the beam cannon off.

With the beam saber at it's "mouth" as the only armament, we stand/hover in front of each other as a final showdown, like hell I will allow it. About 30 seconds later we charged towards each other and as it was about to get me, I activated my thruster at the top to lower the jumpship, rammed into the Lagowe, flipped it upside down, and fired 3 well placed 105mm cannon round at its head and the rest of it's limb, completely immoblized the Lagowe.

I circled around the LaGowe for a bit until I see the lovers hopped off from the MS and left before a ZAFT jeep approaching the duo. Archangel survived the attack and we open a passage towards the ocean, but not before a final farewell with the Desert Dawn that helped us a lot.

At dawn everyone gathered and mourn for the fallens, while I took out Dead Man's tale, remove the scope, stand with a Shoulder Arm, and lower my head out of respect and for minutes of silence.

The next day before the departure we have Cagalli and her escort Kisaka as out unexpected guests, who want to stay with us until we arrived a certain place which she will not tell us.

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