Chapter - 1 Cold

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Serena POV

Men. Men are dogs.

 Especially the ones that sat in front of me. My eyes trailed on every one of them. If looks could kill, half of them would've been buried deep to the core. The hostility was mutual. They hated me too. The way their eyes narrowed every time I moved made me almost smile. The fear their faces held, the terror I reigned on them.

Being the Niece of the Russian mafia boss had its perks and they did come with consequences.

My lips pulled up into a snarl when Viktor's eyes stayed a little longer on me. His beady eyes studying me, looking for anything to put me down to the ground.

"So, how is business going on?" Maxim, My boss, aka my uncle asked the Vor. I sat there beside him, waiting for the Vors to speak. 

'There is a small amount of money disappearing once a month.'

My men's words repeated in my head.

'The drugs sold don't sum up the money received, Serena.'

I kept my mouth sealed. The words are buried in my head. My eyes slide through their faces. Taking in every micro-expression they displayed.

"The Americans are getting into our city more often. I had my men follow them and they getting into it. They are plotting something against us in our ground." Vitali stated. I observed him. He was the oldest Vor. Wise and intelligent.

Being a part of the mafia is not fun but makes you nothing more than a ghost. Ghost everyone fears. Bratva was no joke. You mess with us, we mess up your life. 

"Wait for a month. We will take care of them once we get their dirty plans." Maxim said. He turned to me for my opinion. I took my stage. I stood up. My face devoid of emotions. The heads glared at me. My opinion mattered. My voice stood out the most here.

"The Americans? Vitali, do you think your men are misleading you?" I asked, my face devoid of emotions.

"They will never." He scoffed. My eyes fixed on him. The confidence and trust he had in his men was so blinding.

"Then are you misleading us?" I asked. His eyes widened in shock turning into disbelief. My eyebrows raised for him to speak.

"What is your point?! I will never do that." He looked at me in disbelief. I believed him. I walked to the front and turned to every head.

"That man of yours. He is an Irish man and not a Russian. There were not only American but also Italians and Irish mafia sniffing around overground. " I said. I raised my hand and clapped. The door to the room opened as the man who misled us was pushed in by guards.

He was shaking shit. Belonging to the Russian mafia makes you a Ghost of the worst. No love or peace. Only war and blood. Torture and screams. As a Russians, we took an oath to never shed a tear or take mercy. Stand tall and strong.

"James McElroy. His name. Got into our wings two years ago. Planted more than five grenades in our main cities. Tried to poison Maxim. Was spotted with Edward Cummiskey, the boss of the Irish mafia a year ago. He is working for them from start. Tried to abuse your daughter multiple times." I finished as I started up at Vitali. He looked at me shocked. His face was pale as paper.

"M-My d-daughter?" His voice cracked.

"Khristina," I called out. The door opened and she came. She was 18 years old, an intelligent and sweet girl. She stood, her chin held high. She kicked James's leg making him fall on his knees.

"You tried to touch my daughter?!" Vitali demanded furiously. His veins popping out.

"Get to your dad." I muttered to Khristina. She went to her dad. No tears. She was strong.

Ruthless Souls       (Ruthless Series # 1)  |✔|Where stories live. Discover now