Chapter - 7 Behave

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Nixon POV


William Fucking Killer.

My palm fisted as anger in me burned as my vision turned red. Fucking furious. I stayed motionless as he smirked. Serena looking between us. Like a deer caught in the headlight.

"Enjoying your time as a bachelor, Serena?" My voice came hard. My eyes met the onyx ones as she tried to move away from Will. 

"Seems like it until you interrupted." Will answered making me growl. Images of them together flashed in the back of my mind making me clench my jaw in anger.

I strode to them and pulled Serena to my side. I kissed her hard, erasing his taste. She kept her lips closed as I pushed my tongue between her lips, forcing them open. I bite her plum lips hard, bruising them. I left her lips turning to Will.

"I am going to Fucking kill you." I growled as I pulled Serena walking away. I went into the nearest room and pushed her in, locking the door behind. I turned to her. She walked back like a little prey she was. 

"Kissing someone else, sweetheart?" I asked through my clenched teeth. She looked at me cautiously. Her mouth clamped shut.

"Don't marry me." She demanded as if she had a say in it.

"You don't tell me what to do, Serena. Tomorrow you will be mine. I will fucking break you tomorrow night." My voice came hoarse as she shivered. 

"You are doing a mistake, Nixon. I will kill you." She whispered. I smiled mocking her. 

"Kill me. How many, Serena? How many people do I have to kill for touching you?" I asked as my mood darkened. Her face hardened.

"Stop." She whispered as she tried to walk away.

"28 guys. Do I need to dig them from their grave and kill them again? How many guys did you give what's mine? You are mine. Your whole body is mine and no one touches what belongs to me." Her eyes darkened, trying to hold on.

"Stop." She almost pleaded. 

"I will fucking own you. Destroy you so much that you will only think of me. I will not hesitate to fuck you beside Will's dead body. " I whispered into her ear. Her tears filled eyes met mine. It was clear. 

"Next time you touch any other guy, your punishment will not be easy, Serena. I will fucking paint your ass red." I turned and left her wobbling. I exited the room and headed for her fucking uncle.

"Fancy seeing you here, Nixon." Will's voice made me stop.

"I will not hesitate to fucking skin you alive." I growled. He chuckled evilly.

"Break her. I will fucking kill you ten times." He snapped. I raised my eyebrow.

"Fuck off." I snapped, walking into Maxim's office. I slammed the door open. Maxim jerked in his chair. I glared as I sat down. 

"Another guy touches Serena, you are dead." My voice came out icy cold. He nodded shakily.

"About tomorrow?" He asked. I leaned back. My anger trying to take over.

"She will behave. You will watch Serena. She shouldn't run away. No children present. My men will be there in hundreds and hundreds so manage." I stated. He nodded.

"She doesn't deserve this." He stated. I smirked when I found no love nor sadness in his tone.

"I know what you are doing Maxim, You are fucking planning her funeral." I chuckled as his face hardened.

"She is my niece." He said through gritted teeth. I smiled like calm before storm.

"Then why the fuck are you ordering a hitman to kill her on her own wedding day?" I asked coldly. His face paled.

"I-I d-didn't." He stuttered.

"You are a fucking coward, Maxim. You used her. You are now fucking trying to end her life to bury your secrets. Sins." I snapped. His hand tightened around the glass, breaking it. Spilling the content.

"You don't get into my matters." He growled.

"Stay away from Serena. You make a move then you won't see the sun the next day." I warned.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked, defeated.

"Think Maxim. Go through all the sins you have committed. One of them will lead to me. Use that dumb brain of yours." His eyes burned in fury in hearing my words.

"Nixon." He growled.

"War is on, Maxim." I stated as I got up and strode out of his office. I saw Will standing in front of a huge window. I took my gun and fired. The window shattered into pieces. The bullet passing so close.

Will turned slowly as he gave me a middle finger. I shot him a  smirk as walked out of the mansion. I looked up into the sky but something else caught my eyes. Serena. She was standing there on her balcony, staring at me. 

Her eyes confused. She watched my every move as I got into the car. Her tongue came out sliding over her lower lip, wetting it. I groaned as my car took off. I licked my lips savouring her taste. The sweetness and the softness. 

I won't touch her until she asks for it. Begs for it. She will touch herself. She will imagine me while coming. The images of her touching herself had my hand rub my growing cock. 

"Where to sir?" My driver's voice broke my thoughts. 

"Apartment." I said, turning on my phone. I called Erik. After few rings, his voice came.


"I need you to set spies on Maxim. He is up to something. Do it now." I commanded.

"Okay." He replied short and I hung up.

Ricardo, most successful hitman. He is my cousin. That bastard Maxim had asked him for the job. When Ricardo informed me, I almost killed Maxim with my bare hands. He fucking trying to murder my girl on my wedding day.

I entered my apartment. It was dead silent. The type of silence you find in a graveyard in the middle of the night. I didn't bother to turn the lights on. I sank into the couch as the dark figure moved. The chains clanking against each other. 

"N-Nixon." His voice broke as he coughed, the dry throat.

 "Isn't it fun? Getting stuck in one place. With a devil. No escape." I whispered into the darkness. He sobbed like a pussy.

His hands and legs bound. Bits of food and few drops of water for survival in ten years. In a cage. 

"Kill me." He whimpered. I smirked as I said.

"Not so soon, Uncle."


Hey guys!!

How are you all?! I am damn happy today!! I want to do something reckless!! I feel so light and ready.

You know right! The feeling of something good about to happen and you feel like you gonna meet the person meant for you. I do believe that good girls are girls who were not caught doing bad. Trust me, all people around me see me as a good girl but I don't know what to say. I want to be a bad girl. 

Who wanna be a bad girl?!

What is the thing that everyone assumes about you and is wrong?




Comment me a dare!

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