Chapter - 24 Mine

103 4 15

**A small warning**

Mature scene ahead. 


Serena POV

I sighed as we stood in front of my home. Well, Nixon's home. Will stood beside me, all the fun and joy I saw in was gone. His car parked outside. I turned to him. My face grim. 

"This is gonna work?" I asked. The knife hidden in my bag felt heavy. 

"You need to do it, Serena." Will stated. His eyes wandered around the space. 

"There is no other way." I muttered under my breath. He nodded. 

"Let's go before your husband kills everyone on earth." He smiled. I nodded and went to the gate. The guard's eyes widened as he opened the gate for me. I nodded at him with a small smile. 

"Nixon is inside." He informed, with an awkward smile. I thanked him before heading to the main door. He might have informed Nixon because the front door burst open. Nixon's eyes met mine. His eyes ran down my body for a solid minute, worried. His eyes hardened, as it moved behind me. Will.

"You son-of-bitch!!" He roared in fury as he slipped out his gun. 

"Nixon. No!!" I shouted jumping in front of Will. His eyes flared up in rage. He was furious- well beyond furious.

"Serena. Move." He commanded. I shook my head. My heart broke when hurt and betrayal flashed in his eyes.

"Nixon please listen." I pleaded. His eyes were shooting daggers at Will.

"How long is this being going on?" These words were like knives stabbing into my chest. 

"Nixon, we were not-"

"Bullshit!" My body jumped at his harsh tone. I felt the cold air hit my face making me realize the tears running down my cheeks. 

"Nixon." Will snapped stepping up with a dark look. His gun up at Nixon.

"Stop it." I snapped harshly at Will. He glared back at me.

"I will fucking kill you." It all happened so fast. Nixon was on Will. Showering cruel and hard punches. Erik stood there. 

"Stop them!!" I cried out to him. He ignored me. His hand ready on his gun.

"Nixon please." I sobbed hard. Nixon pressed his foot against Will's neck harder. Will clawed trying to breathe.

"We never were together." I yelled. Nixon gave no attention to me.

"Lock him up." Nixon growled. Erik came forward.

"I didn't touch her." Will spat down. Nixon turned to me. His arms lifted me bridal style and he carried me in. His eyes were hard and cold. He didn't even spare me a glance. 

I bit my lip trying to stop sobbing.

"I didn't." I whispered. He placed me on his bed. His eyes distance. Fury was in there. He turned to leave but I caught his arm. 

"Serena, I am not in the right state to talk." Nixon warns darkly, his eyes not meeting mine.

"I never- I. I am a virgin." My voice was low and shaky but he heard it. His eyes snapped to meet mine and they grew colder. 

"You are gonna lie for your lover boy now?" His icy tone filled the room. My hand hit him across the face. The sound of the slap lingered. His jaw ticked in anger. The silence filled the room. My heart beating faster. I slapped him. Hard.

Ruthless Souls       (Ruthless Series # 1)  |✔|Where stories live. Discover now