Chapter - 18 Tonight

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Serena POV

I felt like Zombie. Being awake for the whole night gives you that. My dark circles and dull eyes stared back at me in the mirror. My hair looked like I was stuck in a storm. I pulled my hair into a lazy bun and brushed my teeth. My eyes swollen, from the crying.

I washed my face and went down. The house was empty.

Yesterday, I waited for Nixon but he never came back. He was staying out. The guards were around and I felt like shit. What if he is fucking someone else? A mistress? A lover? Why am I even worrying?

I shouldn't.

"Holy Crap!" A familiar voice made me turn. Khristina stood there. Her hand over her heart. Her eyes ran down my face.

"Hey." I waved, trying to smile.

"What the fuck? What happened to my friend?" She rushed to me. Her arms wrapped around me, embracing me.

"Nothing." I muttered to which she glared.

"Where is my cold-hearted Serena? She doesn't cry." She asked. Concern was clear on her face. 

"On leave." I muttered as I went back to make my breakfast.

"Did Nixon hit you?" Her question felt ridiculous. I want to laugh, I was the one who was supposed to kill him. Not the opposite.

"No." I whispered.

"I know what you need right now. A day out. Go shopping with me." She tried to cheer me up. I took a bite of the burger I made.

"Not in the mood." I stated. She narrowed her eyes at me.

"What about bachelor party? You didn't get one right?" I looked at her bored. I am married.

"I don't feel like throwing a party." I said. Silence filled the room. She stared at me with a strange expression.

"Nixon is a good guy. I heard Viktor and Maxim talk about killing him. They felt you were too caught up with revenge to end his life soon." She whispered. I felt my stomach fall.

They were fucking trying to kill my husband behind my back? I felt anger burn through my blood. Why the fuck did he marry me off if he couldn't wait for me to finish the job?

"Where is Maxim?" I asked. Her eyes snapped to mine.

"You are not going to him, now." She snapped back. I narrowed my eyes at her.

"I am not your friend Khristina. I can kill you any second." I said coldly. She stood fearless.

"I know. I want to be your friend. Just don't go now." She neared me. My eyes were hard on her. I pulled my hair up and tied it.

"As a starter tell me where is Maxim. Anyway, I will find him." I was about to walk away when she caught my wrist. I waited for her to tell.

"At the Estate." She stated. I nodded and strode to the door. The door opened and Nixon stood there. His hair pointing in all directions. I will fucking deal with that later. He looked as if he had a good fuck last night.

I stood in front of him. Furious. I didn't want him to cheat on me.

"Touch her, I will fucking cut off your dick." I said darkly. Khristina was far enough to not hear anything. He looked up at her then his eyes came back to me.

"Such a Russian beauty." I wanted to punch his face. I shook in anger.

"I mean it, Nixon. Cut off all your sluts." I growled. He looked at me amused. I was in hurry but I needed to fight him.

"Or else what will you do?" He asked challenging me.

"I will fucking ride every dick in the whole city." A hand wrapped around my throat and I was slammed into the wall.

"Get out." Nixon order coldly. Khristina's face paled but she waited for me. I nodded at her. She walked out, looking back in each step.

"Say that again." He growled. His eyes were hard and cold. Mine was empty. I stayed awake without a blink of sleep and he fucked someone. Bastard.

"I say once and I mean every word." I said, my head held high up.

"Don't make me do something I will regret, Serena. I will pluck out every male who looks at you." I raised my eyebrow at his words.

I slipped away from him. He was furious just like me.

"Watch me, Nixon. I do what I say." I said as I strode out of the room. He didn't follow me. I drove off on my bike. The Estate was a long drive. Trust me. I was not on my right mind with all the things going on.

Soon I reached the estate. The building construction going on. I took two steps at a time reached the floor where Maxim loves to stay. The wind blowing crazy.

"The transaction is needed to be down sooner. The Chinese men are so irritating. When the deal is done send the file to me." He said into his phone. He ended the call when he saw me.

"What are you doing here?" He asked, turning to me.

"Were you planning a hit on Nixon?" I asked lowly.


"What the hell Maxim? Why did you marry me off to him if you didn't want me to kill him?" I asked, my fist clenched in anger.

"You are not doing the job right." I scowled at his words.

"He is mine to kill. Cancel the hit." I said as cool as possible.

"Are you protecting him, Serena? Have you forgotten the way your parents died?" He asked provoking me.

"I remember it very well, Maxim. I see it almost every day in my dreams. My dad and mom, dead and sinking in their own blood. I see it. I see my sister asking me to run. Those are only the only things I remember!!" I yelled.

"Kill him. Tonight." He ordered. His eyes were hard and icy. I froze. His eyes narrowed and I forced my muscles to relax. 

"Okay." I muttered, my soul screaming 'No!'.

"If you don't I will." I bit my lip at his words. He will kill Nixon.

"He will be dead tonight." I promised.

"Go. Get out of my sight." He snapped. I turned back. I felt defeated even though I won the argument.

I reached for my bike. I drove away. I spent the rest of my day in my room. Tonight. I rolled around on my bed. My door creaked opened and I looked up to see Erik.

"What?" I asked coldly.

"Nixon asked you to get ready for the dinner tonight. All the Bosses will be there." He stated. I let out a breath. A distraction.

With that, he left.



Hey guys!!!!!

How are you all? I hope everyone is safe and alive! I will send updates about the books on Instagram. If you haven't followed me yet. Do it! I will upload updates and stuffs. I would love to interact with you guys. I saw many of you guys have noticed' Meeting Him' - my book, I loved the support and love. Thank you so much guys!!!

Instagram ID- chocolateballoon_1705

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