Chapter - 9 Bloody

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Nixon POV

As soon the gunshots were heard, Serena froze and her eyes wandered at the mess. Women were guided into the safe room as Serena let out a scream as she ran to her Uncle who was shot in his arm. The main artery ruptured as blood streamed out. 

I pulled Serena to me, locking her. She thrashed against me. 

"Please! He needs helps!!" She yelled as tears ran down her cheeks. She turned to me, her eyes pleadingly. I let her go. The men were firing, trying to protect. But no one was protecting their own boss, Maxim. 

Serena kneeled on her knees as she inspected the wound. Her face wrecked with tears. I strode to them. Will was fucking smoking as he chilled on a chair. Serena tried to pick up Maxim. That fucker doesn't deserve this.

"Serena." I said sternly, her beautiful dress was stain by Maxim's dirty blood.

"He can't die!" She screamed as she tore her dress, wrapping the cloth around his wound to stop the bleeding. Will just stared as unknown emotions crossed his eyes. One was pure pleasure.

"Serena." I called her again. She screamed as she jumped on me.

"Fucking save him, you idiot!!" She snapped furiously.

"He will not die soon, baby. Bad people never." I whispered. The gunshots were gone now. The men rushed to their boss. 

"I have called the doctor." One of the men informed Will, who just glared at the man.

"Bloody bride after a long time." Will smirked, looking at Serena.

"Will." My tone was hard. He raised his hands, backing away. He walked away into the shadows. My eyes narrowed at his actions. He is not what he shows...

"Serena." I turned to my wife, who was crying. I never knew her uncle meant was so much to her. I picked her up bridal style. She didn't protest for once. She shook as fear flashed in her eyes. I carried her out to my car.

"Mansion." I order. My driver nodded as he drove away from this hell.

I pulled Serena on my lap. She trembled. I am shocked. She had knife and guns like she owns the world, killing and living but now she was too fragile.

"Why?" She cried as she buried her face into my chest. I drew circles on her back, calming her.

"Secrets, Serena." I whispered. She sobbed. She thought it was my attack. I would love to kill that idiot, Maxim but I am not an idiot to do it before finding more.

"I hate you." She whispered as her sobs came to an end.

"I know." 

She kept quiet the whole ride. Her body was exhausted. Fully under pressure. I picked her up and went into my mansion. I took her to my room. I placed her down. She stood, emotionless. My hand went to the zip of the dress, pulling it down.

Her eyes stared into nothing. I removed the straps letting the dress fall off. She wore a white bra and panties. My eyes wandered down her body. Those full breast and the small waist. Her thighs will have my fingerprints soon. My dick swelled, throbbing to be inside her hot pussy but I held back. I went to the bathroom turning on hot water, filling the tub.

I picked her up and went to the tub. Her eyes widened as she trembled when I lowered her into the tub. 

"It's okay. I am here." I whispered smoothly as she settled down. Her eyes stared at me confused. 

"You aren't going to fuck me?" She asked, lowly.

"No. You will ask for it, Serena. I am not a rapist." I stated as I stared into her eyes. Her hands held my hand tightly as if she was afraid.

"I hate tubs. It reminds me of that day." She whispered. The day her parents died.

"I will protect you." I said, seriously. Her eyes stared into mine, confused. Her brain working hard.

After few minutes. Her eyes closed as she drifted to dreamland. I picked her up. I took her to bed. I turned the lights off and took off her bra and panties. I took one of my shirts, slipping it over her small body.

"Sweet dreams, baby." I placed a kiss on her head. Her eyes snapped opened. I was about to get up when her hand stopped me.

"Where are you going?" She asked, yawning.

"I have spare rooms." I said. She shook her head.

"Just because I married you, it doesn't change anything. You sleep here on your bed. I will sleep in the spare room." She sat up straight.

"No." I snapped. 

"What no?" She asked confused.

"You will sleep here." I said, sternly.

"Then you will sleep here too." She snapped. Her eyes were hesitant. 

"You will regret it." I whispered. She stared into nothing as she smiles small.

"I have done way more worse things that I regretted. This will be the least." She said, lying back down.

"Okay." I whispered as I changed into tracks. I removed my shirt and went to the bed. She was deep asleep. I laid down. My eyes were wide open. My head drifting back to my past.

"Kill him, I want him dead." My dad yelled. I thrashed against the chair I was tied to. My mom was lying beneath my dad's leg, not moving. Dead. Her hollow eyes staring right at me.

He fucking killed my mom!!

I opened my mouth only to notice that my mouth was duck taped. I thrashed trying to lose the ties. My brother. The younger one, of course, needs me. 

"He is your son." I heard someone tell calmly.

"He killed my business. My men. He is a monster. He killed his own brother." My dad shouted. It was true. Although I killed these many people., my mom's screams and crying had my devil woken. My elder brother. He fucked up. He died.  

"I kill him. You kill them." The other man whispered. My dad nodded. 


The door opened wider. Men stormed in. A tall man. Looking like a hyena gave me a sadistic smile. I glared at him. A gunshot rang through the air as pain shot through me. Pain shot through my head a something was slammed at the back of my head. My eyes shut closed as I felt it.

Everything I need to do.   


Hey guys!!

How are you all feeling? Well, my secret of the day. I got anger issues. My bestfriend doesn't know yet. Once I wrote something I regret doing in my past down in a diary which I forgot that I will be exchanging with her. She almost read it but I tore the pages at time.

Question of the day:-

What will be your first question to your kidnapper when you are kidnapped? 

Guess the song!

'Whisky on ice, Sunset and Vine
You've ruined my life, by not being mine'

Make me smile by voting!!

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