Chapter - 2 Info

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Nixon POV

I relaxed into my chair as I went through the files. I still have to convince my younger brother for the marriage. He will be marrying into the Russian bratva while I fucking skin them all one by one alive.


I will fucking destroy him. Kill him and spray down his blood in this city. No one will fucking stop me. My hand went to the chest where the scar married my skin nine years ago. The mud still in my lungs suffocating me every night.

The door opened as Erik, my best friend entered. He smirked as he flopped into the chair in front of me.

"Good Newzz." He sang, smiling wide.

"Bark." I mused as I signed down the papers.

"Maxim agreed." My pen slipped between my fingers as a wide smile lifted my mood. Fucking Awesome!!

"Leo. I will have to talk to him." I said. He nodded.

"The bride?" I asked, curiously.

"His very own Niece." He stated. His eyes twinkling.

"Is she good?" I asked. He nodded as he placed a black file on the table.

"Fucking hot. I saw her today. She is fucking bold and strong. She had Viktor shaking in his shoes." My smile turned amused. She isn't any dumb girl. Noted.

"Tomorrow we will meet her." I said, getting up. I closed the files.

"Nixon. So we are going to do this." Erik asked, seriously.

"Yes. I will fucking destroy him as he did to me." I growled. He nodded. The memory was still intact in the back of his mind. He was there when I was fucking buried alive.

"Send Leo in here." I said. He nodded walking away. A few minutes later the door opened revealing my younger brother. He glared at me as he dropped into one of the chairs.

"Was busy?" I asked. He nodded.

"I work, man. I am not like you." He mocked. I shook my head at his words.

"You are getting married." I stated. His eyes narrowed at me.

"Fucking no. I am not settling down." He said, firmly. I pushed the black file to him.

"The girl you will be married is our enemy's niece." I said. He took the file and opened it. His eyes went down reading. I waited till he finished. He read the info soon and placed the file back.

"Serena. Is she hot?" He asked smiling like an idiot.

"I haven't seen her yet," I said. He nodded.

"So, you okay with this?" I asked cautiously.

"Yup, She seems so hot and fun." He wiggles his eyebrow as he gave me the file, asking me to read it. I took the file and read it.

Name : Serena Alfero

Age : 20

Birth Place : Florida

Parents : Vladimir Alfero and Natasha Alfero (Both dead)

Past relationships : 28 and all male dead

Siblings : Emma Alfero ( Dead )

Killed : 208 Men and 50 Women.

Specialty : Spying and Killing

More info: Her parents were stabbed 47 times and died when she was 12 years old. Happened in her own home in Florida. Emma was shot in the head, laid dead on her bed. Raped. Serena was hit by an iron rod hard and thrown in the pool of her house to die. She was found in the pool of blood, sinking. A man jogging by saved her. She went into coma for two years. Her Uncle, Maxim took her into his wing and trained her. She is his right arm today. After the coma, she had bits of memory of the death of her family which didn't help the police. The case closed five years later as there were no clues. Serena was subjected to panic attacks for 3 years. Suffering from trauma. She was admitted in the hospital when she tried to commit suicide by sinking in her bathtub. Later, it was said that she improved a lot. Quickly and efficiently.

I let out the breath I was holding while reading the info. This is bad. She is stronger and too intelligent. She will try to kill us if she knew our plan.

"Amazing. Isn't she?" Leo asked. I nodded still dazed at the events that took place in her fucking life after her parent's death. Of course, her parents are dead. I knew Alferos are wiped off. But Maxim being her uncle was a little surprise.

"She is Strong," I muttered, throwing the file to the table.

"I bet she is hot." He commented. I sat down.

"Maxim isn't that good. He won't take in a girl in kindness." I whispered, thinking hard.

"She is her fucking niece. His brother's daughter and after all that bastard doesn't have an heir." He stated casually. It did make sense in a way but I know Maxim too well. He won't.

"So, you want to marry her." I asked, turning to my brother.

"Hell YEAH!" He exclaimed. I nodded firmly. He walked out leaving me alone with my thoughts. Dangerous combination.

Her picture was only the thing that was missing. Her whole life is in that file but her picture. I opened my phone and went to google. Typing Serena Alfero I searched for her. Articles came in no seconds but none of them had a pic. I opened an article and started reading.

"Most wanted and desired criminal Serena Alfero was still not identified. The guys she dated were turned into victims of her murder. One of the victim's diary said 'She is an Angel. So sinfully beautiful. Irresistible. Her lips looking plum and delicious but I still haven't got the taste. Her confidence and the way she moved around is just like goddess.' The diary of another victim 'She did come to dinner with me. Her name is just as beautiful as her. Serena Alfero. The girl who stole my heart. The silver evening dress she wore yesterday was just was beyond gorgeous.' The victims were in love with their killer. From the words of the victims, it is clear that Serena Alfero is indeed a goddess."

I looked at the photos of victims. They were celebrities and businessmen. I looked for her photos but found none.

"Fuck!" I shouted frustrated at the bride Maxim was giving me. She is intelligent, unknown and beautiful.

Erik entered my office. As soon he saw my frustrated state he sat down.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Maxim is fucking playing games." I groaned as I buried my face into my palm. A knock sounded making me lookup. One of my men stood there, his lips busted, bleeding.

"A girl named Serena Alfero is downstairs waiting."


Hey Guys!!

How are you all doing?!

Ask me a question.

Nixon. Killed Serena's parents. What do you think happened? What do you guys think of Maxim?

Make me smile by pressing the star and dropping a comment!!

Ruthless Souls       (Ruthless Series # 1)  |✔|Where stories live. Discover now