Chapter - 14 Nightmare

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Nixon POV

I sipped my drink as my eyes stay fixed on Serena. Her face, angelic. The way she came apart had woke the beast inside me. All I wanted was to take her there and then but I didn't. I will not. Until she wants it.

Vladimir Alfero. Her father. That man should be awarded for creating a masterpiece like her. If he was alive I would have given him a few punches and chocolate for his work.

I pulled out my cigarette and lit it. I breathed in the smoke. My eyes never leaving the sleeping Serena. Her face twisted in pain and sweat formed on her forehead. Her hands moved around as she let out a whimper. She was having a nightmare. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she thrashed around.

I didn't make a move to wake her. She let out a pained groan as she started trembling. I blew out the smoke. Her breathing turned shallow as she started choking. Her face turning pale. She jolted up screaming.

A sob left her lips as she started to break down. I waited for her to feel my presence. She was shaking like a leaf. The horror in her eyes was evident. The blanket fell revealing her breasts. My cock strained against my pants which I ignored.

She froze as her eyes snapped to mine.

"Nixon." My name rolled off her mouth like music.

"What was it about?" I asked.


"The nightmare." I stated. She shook her head. Her eyes moved to the night sky. The moonlight decorated her face. The unshed tears shone.

"Don't watch me when I am asleep." She whispered softly.

"Tell me." I said again. She stared at me with a weird expression. Her face was blank.

"Leave me alone."

I stood up and strode to her. She backed away. Her eyes widened as she tried to hide the horror inside her. My fingers wrapped around her chine lifting it so few inches was separating us. Her eyes watered.

"You are going to be a good girl and tell me what was it about." I said darkly. Her lips trembled as tears ran down her cheeks. She looked fragile. The boldness she always has in the morning vanished.

"Nightmares are common for me." She whispered.

"About?" I pressed my thumb onto her lower lip, parting her lips. The softness made all my bloodstream down to my cock.

"What time is it?" She asked, changing the subject.

"I would love to give you more punishment, Serena and I think you love them too. I can just throw you over my lap but you must be sore so choose wisely." I warned. Her eyes moved down and widened when she saw my cock almost tearing the pants to be freed. Her eyes snapped back you mine.

"Sore." She whispered. I pushed her down to the bed. She laid down with her eyes fixed on me. I went to my cupboard and took out the gel. I never needed to use it but I would often from today. I walked back to the room. Serena watched me.

I flipped her so her arse was on display. The red hand marks almost made me lose control. Mine. I marked her so pretty. I applied the gel. She stiffened but didn't say anything. I spread the gel. I got up and was about to go to my office when Serena held my hand.

"Don't go." She whispered. Her eyes pleading. I thought of the emails I have to check.

Fuck those emails

I removed my shirt and pants and joined her. She sighed in relief when I climbed beside her.

"You won't kill me, right?" I teased. Even with only the moonlight present, I could see her flushed. Blushing.

Ruthless Souls       (Ruthless Series # 1)  |✔|Where stories live. Discover now