Chapter - 21 Pretty

78 4 13

Serena POV

~ Age 8

"Momma!!" I shouted as I threw the ball to her. The ball hit her head and she snapped out of the daze she was in. I frowned, confused. She looked sad. She never looked this sad.

"I am so sorry, honey." She said, picking up the ball and throwing it back to me. I caught the ball and ran to her. I got on her lap and took her face between my palms. Tears welled in her eyes.

"What happened mommy?" I asked. She smiled through her sadness.

"I am worried about your sister, sweety." She replied. I looked at her confused. Wasn't my sister at her school camp? The Island nearby. She was supposed to be home two days ago though. 

"She will be back soon." I assured her, kissing her on her cheeks. She smiled as she pulled me into a tight hug. I jumped when I heard my dad shout on his phone.

"Track him down! I don't care if this is war. I want my daughter back!!" I heard dad yell into his phone. I stood up and ran to him. I frown at the tension that was visible on his face. His furious eyes fell on me.

"Serena! Go to your mom!" He yelled furiously. Why is he shouting?

"Dad, Can we go to the fair?" I asked trying to ease his anger.

"No, you are not going anywhere. Go to your mom." He snapped, making me jump in fright. 

"But dad-" 

"Enough! Go!" He yelled making me tear up. Dad never yelled. I pouted hoping he will be nice but he turned and yelled into his phone. I ran to my mom. She wiped my tears. She led me down to our backyard where my small swing was made. 

"Why is dad angry?" I asked. She bit her lip.

"Emily is in trouble." She said weakly. I looked at her confused.

"Emily is strong. She always saves me." I said with a wide smile. Mom sighed. Was Emily really in trouble? What happened? She is my stone, which will never crack.

My eyes widened when I heard a car pulling near our home. I made a beeline to the front door before my mom can stop me. The doorbell rang and I raised to my toe and opened the door. My smile widened at the sight of my sister.

I launched myself into her arms. She kneeled hugging me tightly.

"Serena." She whispered. I felt wetness on my neck. She was crying.

"You son-of-bitch!" I heard my dad before a thud sound followed. I pulled back and saw a guy. Dad was throwing punches at him while he tried to block them off but still, some landed on him. His lips started bleeding.

"Dad!" Emily yelled. Dad was furious. Bad words flew out of his mouth. 

"You dared to touch my daughter!"  Dad threw him to the wall. My eyes widened at the sight of blood. 

"Dad, he saved me!" Emily cried out and dad looked at the guy. He was hurt. I rushed to him. His eyes moved to me smoothly. Those blue eyes made my stomach flutter. There was no fear or anger. Calm and cold like the ocean.

"Serena, come here!" Dad shouted. I stopped dead in my tracks.

"But he is hurt." I stated, my eyes never leaving those blue ones... 

"Nixon Esposito." I heard a familiar voice. I turned to see my dad's friend. Story Uncle, he used to tell me bedtime stories.

"Finally." The blue-eyed guy muttered. His name is Nixon. I smiled at the name. So cool. I looked up to see him already staring back at me. 

Ruthless Souls       (Ruthless Series # 1)  |✔|Where stories live. Discover now