Chapter - 19 Angel

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Serena POV

I stared at myself. The dress looked elegant. The off-shoulder black dress fitted me like a second skin. Showing off the curves I didn't know existed in me. When I saw a box with this dress I thought of throwing it but the way it is hugging me changed my mind. I let my dark hair free.

My makeup was simple but dark

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My makeup was simple but dark. The high-thigh slit. Everything about the dress screamed confidence. And I love confidence. I wore black heels and checked again in the mirror. My phone pinged with a message.

It was from Nixon.

Leo will pick you up.

"Asshole." I muttered. He doesn't bother to pick his wife himself. Maybe I need to find another man and run away with him. Nixon is really frustrating.

With a hard expression, I went downstairs. Leo stood there waiting for me. He whistled as soon as he saw me coming. 

"You are rocking it, babe." He exclaimed as I strode to him. I gave him a small smile.

"What is the dinner about?" I asked sternly.

"Birthday of one of the important Capo." He answered. I glared at him.

"His name? Wife? Son?" I fired those questions to which he smiled wide.

"Salvatore Bianchi. His wife died long ago. He is aged 60 today and he has a son, Ignazio. He is going to step up in two years. Salvatore is the oldest Capo. Respect is a must. He also has a daughter, Aurora. She is 8." He finished. I nodded. 

Tonight I have to complete my duty. Kill Nixon.

Leo lead me to the car outside. We got in and drove off to the dinner. It wasn't a long drive. We reached in silence. Leo held my hand as we entered the room filled with people. 

Women were dressed up pretty and men in suits stared at me. Silence filled the room. I saw a man staring at me. His wife looking sad as she tried to get his attention. I ignored that idiot.

I spotted Nixon. He was busy talking with an old man. The man was old but fit. His grey hair and wrinkled gave away his age while his posture and body were of a built man. 

"Don't use sarcasm." Leo warned before we walked to them. I plastered a fake smile as we reached them.

"Salvatore." Nixon wrapped his arm around me pulling to him. I smiled at the birthday guy. 

"Mr Bianchi." I handed him a flower I stole from decoration. He laughed as he took it.

"Such a sweet lady. Who is she, Nixon?" He asked turning to Nixon. He squeezed me.

"My wife, Serena Casanova." He stated as he forced a smile. He leaned down taking my lips for a slow kiss. He pulled away but before leaving a small bite on my lower lip.

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