Chapter - 5 Reckless

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Serena POV

I stood in my bedroom, glaring at the wall ahead. Maxim's words echoing in my head.

"Serena, You have got a chance for revenge." Maxim words made me frown.

"I am not fucking marrying the guy who killed my parents." I scowled. He shook his head. I glared at him.

"Serena, you fucking take revenge on him as you act as his wife. Kill him, Serena. No one can even touch his hair without his permission. You marrying him. You get in his bed when he sleeps peacefully and fucking take revenge." Maxim explained.

"He shouldn't touch me." I demanded.

"He won't. I promise." He said. I thought for a sec.

"I am doing this for one condition." I stated. Maxim waited for me to continue.

"You will let me leave the Russian mafia forever." I whispered. Maxim's eyes darkened in anger but he nodded.

"You will be set free." His words giving me my wings that I lost when I lost my parents.

I am marrying the killer who killed my parents. I was about to go to shower but a knock halted me. I narrowed my eyes at the door. No one enters my room or knocks after that incident. Again the knock sounded but it was hard now.

I slowly went to the door and unlocked it. The door slammed open and before I could see who it was, I was pushed into the room as someone entered locking the door behind. My heart thumped as Nixon stood there smirking.

"What are you doing here?" I snapped. He smirked walked towards me. I stopped when I realized that I was backing away.

"So beautiful." He trailed his finger down my cheek as I gave him a death glare. He was too close. In my personal space. I swatted his hand away.

"Touch me again, you won't be alive to witness the next sunrise." I growled, holding onto the last piece of sanity in me.

"Touch you? Tomorrow you will be screaming my name in pleasure, Serena." His words made me confuse. What the fuck?

"What do you mean?" I asked, my finger jabbing his suited chest. He took my hand into his as he smiled evilly.

"Tomorrow is our wedding, love." He placed a kiss on the back of my palm making me froze as the words got to me.

"WHAT THE HECK?!" I yelled pushing him as I took my steps to him dangerously. My hand went for my gun but it wasn't there. I turned to see my gun on my coffee table. I reached for it but Nixon caught my hand twirling me and pushed me into my bed.

"Gun?" He mocked locking me as he leaned in so our lips were inches apart. I thrashed against him but it was useless.

"I will fucking kill you!" I yelled when he buried his face in the crook of my neck, placing butterfly kisses.

"So sweet and smooth." I tried not to moan when he took my skin between his teeth, nibbling and biting it. My very own body was betraying me. What the hell?!

"D-Don't." I should fucking shoot myself dead for shuttering. My arms and legs felt disconnected. No power.

"Don't what? Kiss you? Bite you?" He continued assaulting my skin there. My eyes blurred making it hard to concentrate.

"Don't touch me." The words came out as whispers. My palms went to his chest trying to push him off. He was stronger. I felt his muscle move under his shirt. My hand froze. 

"Nixon, don't fuck her yet!! Wait till tomorrow!!" I heard a man's voice behind the door slapping me out of the daze.

"Fuck off, Leo!" Nixon shouted annoyed when I succeeded in pushing him off me. I reached my gun and shot it in a hurry. The bullet went through the door escaping Nixon.

"Don't want to be a widow, do you?" Nixon fucking smirked at me.

"Women, you almost fucking killed me!!" I heard Leo complain behind the door.

"Get the fuck out!" I demanded. Nixon raised his hands as he backed away and exited my room. I should have known it was him when he knocked. No one dares to come near my room except Maxim.

"See you in alter!" I heard Nixon shout.

"Fucking Hell I Will!!" I yelled frustrated. I shot few more bullets at the door making holes. I threw the empty gun towards the wall.

"Serena." I heard Maxim call behind the door.

"Leave." I said, lowly. My eyes burning with tears of anger.

"You up for clean up." He asked. My mood changed completely. Clean up. Good distraction.

"Abso-fucking-lutely." I said as I got up, pulling my hair into a ponytail. I took my dagger and knife and slipped them into my cloth. I reloaded my gun and headed out. I saw Maxim waiting for me.

"For blood bath." I smirked. He smiled darkly. He knew what was my distraction.

"Cabin behind the abandon the building. 50 men." He informed as we headed downstairs.

"Perfect." I said, monotonously.

"Take Will with you." My head snapped to him.

"Fuck No!! He is crazy!" I said bewildered. Maxim laughed.

"He has been an ass these few days, complaining that he wants to go for the kill with you." I shook my head.

"He is fucking pain in the ass." I scowled remembering him cracking fucking jokes when he was under gunpoint by the enemy.

"Lies. All lies. She fucking loves me." A deep voice sounded behind me. Will popped up of nowhere, his arm went to my waist hugging me sideways. I glared at him.

"Where did you come from?" I asked coldly.

"You were planning to leave without me, right?" He teased. I glared down at his hand holding me only for him to tighten the hold. His black dark eyes were full of mischief. He is a handsome guy. Nixon and Will were like Greek gods. Not a single flaw. 

"Will. Tomorrow is she is gonna belong to someone else." Maxim's words made my jaw clench in annoyance. Will's arm pulled me against him.

"So what? She is mine. She will always love me whether married or not." The most reckless guy I have ever met, Will shrugged. I blew him a kiss making him grin.

"I am expecting a real one soon, Señorita." He grinned looking like a kid waiting for candy.

"Behave. Go get the work completed." Maxim snapped, glaring at Will.

"Ready for the hunt, baby?" I nodded at Will's words.

Blood Bath...


Hey guys!!!

I don't know. I am having headaches for the past few weeks. Every morning I wake up with something pounding in my head and the sleep was too good. The pain in the morning was the worst. Even I never had alcohol but I feel like I now experienced hangovers. I couldn't even walk straight. Now I am alright!!

How are you all?! 

My summer holidays started!!! I will be updating every day!! A month Vacation!! 

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