Chapter - 6 Clean

98 5 3

Serena POV

"Babe." Will whined as we hid in our places.

"Shut up." I mouthed as I glared at him. He blew me a kiss. He moved from his hiding point and came to me. 

"Baby." Will called behind my ear. 

"What do you want?" I snapped. He pouted like a kid. Cute.

"For fun, you. If serious, then when are we attacking?" He asked. I gave him a cold stare.

"When we get the info about who all are involved." I stated as I turned back to the people.

"Fuck the info." I heard Will muttered as he fucking got up from the hiding spot whistling. I glared as pulled his shirt to hide but he stood like a statue.

"You idiot, get down!" I whisper-yelled. My eyes wide.

"Hey! Can I fucking interrupt this ever boring meeting?!" He yelled annoyed as I closed my eyes with my palm as I shook my head. Why the fuck I didn't kick his ass out of the mission?

"What the fuck?!" The guy who organized the meeting shouted pulling out his gun. I used my whole strength and pulled Will down as the bullet was shot just above our heads.

"Have you gone insane?" I shouted at his face. He smiled. He fucking smiled!

"You do love me, princess." He smiled as he took out his gun walking away as he started shooting, killing people. I groaned as I stood up with my gun. 

"Fucking kill them. Clean!" I shouted to my men as they came out with their gun. I shot the bullets. Many headshots. I saw a guy lifting the machine gun from the corner of my eyes.

"Shield!" I yelled, hiding behind a wall as gunshots chorused. I turned to see all, Will and my men hiding. I snapped my head around as I shot a guy. I clicked my gun but no bullets.

I took threw the gun, taking out my Glock as I fired. 

"Let's Clean the dirt!" Will sang as we got up firing like crazy.

"I want no causalities. All back home without a scratch or I will fucking kill you guys myself!!" I yelled above the gunshots to my men.

"Yes, ma'am." I heard them reply. I took my knife and threw it, hitting a guy in the throat who aimed for one of my men.   

"20 out." I heard one of my men shout proudly.

"Anyone hungry?" My head snapped to Will, who was waving a hamburger while firing and a hamburger stuffed in his mouth.

"Eating a hamburger? Now?" I asked dumbfounded by his actions. He turned and pointed his gun at me firing. The bullet almost touching me went behind. I turned to see a guy fall dead.

"Careful, princess." He winked as he threw the burger. I caught it. My head confused. He isn't an idiot just crazy...

"Crazy." I muttered, turning my attention to the men to be killed.

"Heard that, princess. I love you too." He blew me a kiss as he fired, shooting the guy in his balls. I winced as I tried to ignore the crazy guy.

I fired when I heard my men shout.

"10 more germs to kill!!" I smiled as I kept aiming and firing. I heard a click beside my head snapped and my eyes widened as a laugh escape my mouth.

"You brought Karabiner 98 Kurz?!" I asked as he winked aiming and firing leaving a huge sound echoing.

"Had to use the gift somehow." He said as he kept firing. A small smile played on my lips as I continue firing and we finished. All dead. 

"Done cleaning." Will stated as he came to me, putting his arm around me. We drove back home. We both made our way into the house.

"One question." I said, turning to him.

"Shoot." He said.

"Why you stick to me?" I asked curiously. I am better alone and strong. He doesn't need me or vice versa.

"I like you." He whispered.

"You never made a move," I stated. He smiled.

"I know you don't like me that way and if I made a move then you will fucking kill me. I don't fall in love, princess. If I do then the girl will have a lot to face." He said the way too seriously. He knew me well. I leaned in my lips brushing his.

"Serena." He warned as I took her lower lip in between my teeth nibbling it. Sucking and tasting as he groaned. I licked his upper lip as I closed the distance between us.

"I will lose it, Serena." He whispered. I smiled against his lips as I looked into his eyes.

"Lose it." As soon as those words left my mouth I was pushed into the wall behind as he kissed me ruthlessly. His teeth nibbling and biting mine as I moaned. His tongues didn't ask permission but pushed past my lips meeting mine. My fingers ran into his thick locks of hair. Griping and tucking. 

His fingers laced with my hair pulling it exposing my neck. My lips went straight to the skin behind my ear nibbling the skin making me arch my back. His hard-on pressed against my stomach. 

He lifted me making my legs circle his waist. My hot core throbbing with need. My hands went to his hair. His hands caught mine pinning it to the wall above as he pressed his hard onto my core making me wither with pleasure. The only thing stopping us was our clothes.

"Stop me." He whispered as he trailed kissed down my neck. I moaned loudly in pleasure.

"Fuck." He pressed his whole body against me as he kissed me ruthlessly when a throat clear broke our kiss. I slide down, Will still pressed against me. My lips were swollen. My eyes met Maxim's then moved to the next set of eyes.

Dark stormy eyes.  Piercing blue eyes almost black as he stared at us like ticking bomb to ready to explode. Will's hand went to my waist pulling me against him as he smirked, shocking the hell out of me. His evil smirk as he stared at Nixon, my soon-to-be husband.

"Enjoyed the show, Nixon?"


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Sun or Moon?


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