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Serena POV

~ Two years later

"Dad's home, Momma!!" I heard our son, Adonis scream like a banshee. I smiled as soon Nixon entered the kitchen. He grinned playing with Adonis.

"How is my hero doing?" Nixon lifted Adonis. I smiled at the view. Never did I think Nixon will be like this. He is like a dream. He loves me and our kids so much, he will kill millions for us.

"Awesome, Dad!" Adonis saluted. He cracked into laughter when Nixon started to tickle him. He placed him back down and walked to me. I stood there holding our four-month-old daughter, Irene. 

"She is sleeping," I whispered. Adonis shouted dialogues from cartoons, running around with his toys. 

"I will get her to bed." Nixon lifted Irene and went upstairs. I turned and started making dinner. The dream came true. A small house. Kids. A dog. Peace. And Nixon went to work late and came home fast.

Arms wrapped around my waist. I smiled as My body warmed in his embrace. He placed his face on my shoulder watching me stir the vegetables.

"You don't need to buy clothes. You look so good in mine." He whispered. I mostly wear his shirts all the time. It never fitted me, always loose. Reaching my knees. My favourite dress of all time.

"I love your shirts." I grinned.

"How do you manage to look delicious every fucking minute?" He whispered, kissing down my neck. His hand pushed the items on the slab to a side and lifted me on it, facing him. He stepped in spreading my knees. 

"How was your work today?" I asked softly. He opened a chain of hotels and it is no surprise that he become a successful businessman. He worked hard for a year and he was the top businessman.

"Fine." He muttered. His hand went to the buttons. He started unbuttoning. I could feel his desire against my inner thigh. Ready to ruin me again, not that I was complaining. 

"I want to burst crackers!!" I pushed Nixon as soon I heard Adonis. He ran into the kitchen. 

"Didn't I tell you to watch T.V?" Nixon whined. I chuckled. I buttoned up and jumped off the countertop. 

"We will buy crackers tomorrow." I promised. Nixon pouted. I gave him a peck before turning back to food.

"I am back!" I heard Khristina shout. Adonis rushed to her. She came in with Adonis in her arms. He whispered something into her ears which made her laugh. He is just like his dad, always attracting and charming girls with his looks and talks. He was literally mini Nixon.

"Wanna help in making dinner with your Momma?" She asked Adonis. He shook his head and slipped out of her hand. He ran away into the house. Just like that, escaped.

"So, What are we making for dinner?" She asked as she set the groceries on the table.


"Awesome. I am cutting the veggies for the salad." She grinned and turn to start her task. Nixon still stood behind me with a pout. I turned to him.

"Make sure Adonis takes a bath. If possible do run a bath for Irene once she wakes up." I said. He wrapped his arms around me.

"You can join me first. I will bathe them later." He whined like a kid.

"Trust me, Serena. Never in my world, I ever thought I would see The great Devil whine like a kid." Khristina laughed.

"I am gonna throw you out of this house soon." Nixon glared at her. I hit his arm jokingly. His glare was still fierce, filled with so much power that Khristina always tested. Once a mafia boss will always be a boss.

"Only if I ever let you," I said, winking at Khristina. This was the whole fun. Nixon sometimes fails to keep up his image as the big bad wolf around me and that gets laughs from Khristina. 

"Thank you guys so much. I don't know what I will do if-"

"You are my best friend, Khristina. One of the important people in my world." I cut her.

"Yeah, someone my wife loves apart from me and my kids." Nixon added with a slight warmness. Very slight.

"Go take a bath. Dinner will be ready soon." I pushed him out of the kitchen. 

Soon the dinner was on the table and everyone sat down. I had fed Irene and everyone started their dinner.

"So, how are the hotels?" I asked. 

"Good. I am gonna spend next week at home." He nodded with a grin.

"Really?" I asked with a huge smile.

"Yup. What do you think we should do?" He asked.

"I don't know. We can go to the beach. What about you Khristina? How were your classes?" I turned to her. Her eyes light up at the mention of her classes. She is studying medicine and art. 

"It is so awesome. There is this event coming and Chris asked me to be his date." I smiled at her excitement. For two years she hid in our home. Hiding her face whenever she left the house even though we are so far away from the place we were in. I don't know the reason but Vitali asked me to take her with me, far away.

Basically, our home is in the middle of the forest. Away from everyone. Khristina was safe here. When Nixon advised her to enjoy her life and go out, she decided to get into classes. The college was a long way from here but not anywhere near our mafia world. The college itself looked isolated, more like a gothic college. 

"He is that quarterback right?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows.

"Yes." She blushed.

"You can take my gun if you want." Nixon stated. 

"I have mine." Khristina informed. Nixon's phone rang. 

"It's Leo." He answered the call.

"Leo." He greeted. I heard muffled voices. Nixon frowned as he placed down the fork.

"What do you mean?" I looked at Nixon confused when his tone turned dark and cold.

"I fucking told  you not to!" He snapped into his phone. Khristina jumped in her chair. I moved my hand over his.

"Don't do something stupid until I call you." He ended the call. He looked furious. Well, beyond furious.

"Khristina take Adonis to his room." I said softly. She nodded as she lift him and made her way upstairs. 

"What happened?" I asked Nixon, turning to him fully. 

"Leo messed up."  


There goes the Epilogue!! Leo messed up?! Well, you come to know about him soon!! I am working on the next book and the lead characters are surprise!! Of course, they have been there in this book. 

Well, Guess who will be the lead of the next book?

I hope the epilogue was good. You got to know how Khristina is trying to hide right? Well, why? Anyway, do tell me how you felt about this chapter!!


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