Chapter - 34 Home

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****Contains mature scenes 🔞****

Serena POV

"Finally! I hated those white walls and blue curtains." I breathed out in relief as I walked out of the hospital with my husband. More than ten guards walked around us, with their freaking guns out.

"Let's go home." Nixon tugged me to his side as we walked to his car. People stood frozen as they watched us. I turned to Nixon.

"Was this really necessary?" I asked lowly.

"I won't let a fucking mosquito bite you. Twice. You were admitted to the hospital fucking twice. I am not gonna let anything near you." Nixon growled possessively, his arms pulling me against him.

"Awesome." I rolled my eyes as I got into the back seat. Nixon pulled me onto his lap as the driver drove the car away from the hospital. He held me in his hands as if I was a newborn baby. His body is tense and his eyes are around as if anyone is gonna attack us any second.

"I am an adult, you know right?" I asked.

"Yes." He said distracted, still holding me on his lap.

"And I know how to fight and use a fucking gun?" I asked holding his face so his eyes met mine.

"Yes, you do." He stated.

"Then why the hell are you treating me like a newborn?" I asked, trying to move to the seat. His hold tightened keeping me in place.

"I like you here." He whispered. I gave up and tried to relax him a bit. I wrapped my arms around his neck and started planting butterfly kisses along his jawline. He relaxed slightly and I smiled against his neck. The front was shielded from us. The glass is tainted black, giving us all privacy we need.

"Serena..." He warned.

"What happened?" I asked innocently, turning around so I was strangling his hip. My skirt fell around us and I started moving. He groaned. His eyes were dark and filled with heat and desire. I felt him hard and against me. I smirked not stopping.

"Fuck." He growled, taking control. His grip on my waist tightened as he moved me up and down against him. I moaned. More wetness pooled between my thighs.

"You are soaking, aren't you?" Nixon whispered into my ears. His lip planted behind my ear leaving butterfly kisses down to my shoulder. His finger went down to my panties and in one motion he tore them.

"Nixon" I moaned. I gasped when he bit down on my shoulder. I grind myself against him, my breathing faster.

"Serena. " Nixon growled. My fingers went to his pants.

My lips come down on his, and I kiss him hard. Nixon's hands roam the backs of my thighs all the way up to my ass. His hot palm slides to cup my ass cheek, and then he pulls me down against his hardness.

He kisses me again. Hard this time. All the while his fingers are pulling the zipper down the back of my dress. Freeing the material enough that he can shove it down and trap my arms at my sides, allowing the cool air to hit my breasts.

He pulls away and kisses my throat, using his hand to grind my hips down onto his erection.

His mouth comes over my breast, and his fingers slip into my wetness. Fucking me with his hand while I sit in his lap. He groans as he feels more wetness pooling between my thighs.

"I need you." I moaned as he did magic with his fingers.

"What do you want, mia cara?" Nixon whispered.

Ruthless Souls       (Ruthless Series # 1)  |✔|Where stories live. Discover now