Chapter - 23 Truth

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Serena POV

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

The irritating sound had my head throbbing. My eyes peered open as the pain increased. A Wooden ceiling welcomed me. Pain shot through my arm when I tried to sit up. I gasped as I fell back on the bed.

"Don't." I heard a very familiar voice. I turned to see Will sitting on the chair. His eyes bore into mine. I look around the unfamiliar room. There was no one else but us.

"Where are we?" I asked. He kept quiet. I waited for him to speak up but he kept staring.

"I have to go." I stated as I slowly got up. An arm pushed me back forcefully. Pain sheered through my body as I fell back into the bed. I let out a painful breath as I glared at Will.

"What the fuck, Will?" I asked angrily. His face was emotionless.

"Stay there!" He snapped coldly as he stood up. He checked the machines. He hummed, nodding.

"How long was I out?" I asked. Where is Nixon?!

"Two weeks." He answered. Two fucking weeks?!

"Where are we?" I asked again. He sat down. He continued staring. 

"Where is Nixon?" I shot another question as all the events of that day rushed into my head. All bad assumptions caught up with me. Is he...

"He is alive." He stated. My eyes snapped to his. My heart calmed down at the mention of him alive. 

"Will?" I raised my eyebrow. 

"Serena. Maxim ordered it." He stated. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What?" I asked.

"Your memory isn't back?" He asked. I remember Nixon. That day. My dad. Nixon. Me. Cupboard. Roaster. He...

"Viktor!" I almost yelled. He was with my dad. He was my dad's worker.

"And?" Will asked.

"He was there with my dad." I stated.

"He was the one who killed them, Serena. That is what is the truth." Will snapped. My eyes widened. Wait? What?

"What?" I breathed out. It took a few seconds for my mind to process those words. Nixon? Maxim?

"Maxim was the one who order it. I have been waiting for you to find it forever, Serena." He said. I froze. My head stuck at one point. Maxim did it? 

"No..." I whispered in horror. No fucking way!

"You are trembling, Serena." He stated. I indeed was shaking. Like a fragile leaf. Every beat of my heart pound near my ears. Tears were already welled up before I could stop them. 

"Serena." Will caught me and laid me back to bed.

"P-Please tell me this is a dream. My Uncle didn't do that." I shook in shock. My breathing was irregular. A sob escaped my mouth. Is this a sick joke, god?

"Maxim wanted Power. He had a deal with Nixon's dad. Maxim was asked to kill Nixon while Maxim asked him to kill the Alferos in return. That day Nixon had you rescued. He was the one who helped you. He saved you and he was undercover." I sobbed harder. Viktor raped my sister. He killed her. He killed mom and dad. Maxim was behind this and he fucking manipulated me as if I was a freaking puppet!

"Why did you not tell me?" I asked. I looked at Will through my tears.

"I couldn't. He would have killed you on spot." Will stated. Was my life a joke?

"I-I c-can't." I cracked. He pulled me to him. My face buried in his chest as I sobbed. It felt forever. The kills I did for Maxim. All the things I did for him to get the name of the person who killed my family only to get played.

"Everything is gonna be okay. You hear me, Everything is going to be okay." Will said as he rubbed circles. His black shirt soaked in my tear. I didn't care. 

"N-Nixon knows?" I asked weakly. He smiled sadly.

"He knew before everything. He knew you were directed to kill him. He knew you believed that he was the one who killed your family." He stated.

"Why?" I whispered as my tears stopped and a hollow feeling filled me. The truth skinned me alive.

"Maxim never wanted you to marry Nixon. Once you belong to Nixon you will never be under him. He couldn't easily control you." His words were numb jabs.

I feel like an idiot. I worked for Maxim. I worshipped him for taking me in. All he did was use me. I killed for him. I worked for him. I went through hell for him. Killed his enemies. Took blood baths. 

"I was the one behind the attack on your wedding. I wanted Maxim dead." My eyes snapped to his. He did it? Not Nixon?

"I need to be alone." I stated, pulling back. He stared at me for a few seconds.

"We are in Green islands. You can take a walk if you need." He said before leaving me alone. I removed the needles buried in my wrist. I laid back as I cried myself to sleep. All my demons catching up with me.

I got up three hours later. The sun was setting. I put on the coat placed on the chair and walked out. The house was small and beautiful. Made full of wood and was warm. I walked to the beach. The waves sound had me smiling.

Would Nixon come for me? 

I smiled to myself. Do I deserve him?

I saw a fire burning far away. Men sat there chatting. They left as soon they saw me coming. I pulled the coat closer as I stood in front of the fire. The heat and the numbness of my body felt good. 

Was I born to just be a toy?

I took in a deep breath as I stared at the darkening sky. The moon looked so pretty and calm. 

She should have died that day itself.

Viktor's voice echoed in my head. What am I gonna do now? Kill Maxim? Leave Nixon? Or better die? 

"I am sorry." I heard Will. I sighed.

"I was a fool." I muttered lowly.

"No. You were broken. I swear if Maxim was not there to take you, you would have found sooner." He stated. I looked at my palm. That day when I first saw it with blood flashed in my head.

"I married Nixon." I stated as my eyes stared at the ring. That day he took care of me. When I came to know he wasn't a monster. He was an angel. Broken Angel.

"He will be searching for you." Will stated. I nodded. My eyes moved to the sky. The star twinkling. 

"Nixon." I muttered.

"I want you to do me a favour, Serena." I turned to Will. He looked dead serious. 

"What is it?" I asked with a broken smile. His face turned stone hard. He held out a knife for me. I took it. My smile fell at his next words. My heart came to a halt. 


Hey guys!!

How are you all?! I am super good! I hope everyone is fine and healthy. Happy Halloween!! Did you guys do anything fun? I didn't. Seriously, Do you believe in ghosts?

Anyway, How was the chapter? I don't what was that. Good or Bad. The truth. 

Question of the day:

Which is your favourite Horror movie?

Please Vote and make me smile!

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