Chapter - 27 Wrong

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Serena POV

"Really?" Scarlet asked with wide eyes. I nodded. Fear filled many women's eyes.

"Half Russian. Half American." I stated. She grinned.

"I always wanted to visit Moscow Someday." Scarlett said. 

"I never thought of travelling." I said lowly. My mind was always hooked up in revenge and blood. Never about me and my wants.

"Your mother is American?" Cassandra asked, curiously. Scarlett introduced her. She is a wise soul.

"Yup, Dad Russian." 

"Italian mob are only to be married to an Italian woman. Maybe he is gonna select a good Italian wife later." A woman, whom I haven't cared to ask her name pipped with an evil smile. My eyebrow raised at her words. Her words burned into my mind.

Italian Woman.

"Boss decides everything, Celine. He wants her, he gets her. Italian or not." Scarlet snapped. Her eyes shooting threats. Celine shrugged still not ready to shut her trap.

"Rules are rules. Was just warning." Celine muttered, rolling her eyes. Shooting up my anger.

"Shut up before I kick you out, Celine." Scarlett threatened. That bitch was busy staring at my husband.

My hand went slipped my dress and pulled out the pistol I hid under my dress and placed it beside my plate with a thud. My anger up to the top.

"Darling, Can you please repeat those wonderful words?" I asked with a sweet smile that said 'I am going fucking torture you to death'. The whole table was silent. Scarlet stared at me amused while Celine turned pale looking at the gun. The men stopped talking and all their eyes were trailed on me and waiting for the chaos to break.

I saw Lorenzo pull her wife to his side. His eyes dark full of threats and their men already had their hands on their guns. Nixon turned to me with eyes filled with craziness. He whistled lowly, leaning back. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Isn't she cool?" Scarlet shot me a wink.

"Nixon." Lorenzo literally growled.


"Shut up!" I snapped loudly. He glared. Before he could say anything further I turned to Celine who looked as she was going to piss herself. 

"Repeat." I commanded. Keeping my anger at bay.

"M-Maybe he is gonna select a good I-Italian wife later." She stuttered as she repeated. 

"What's wrong with that? He will throw you out sooner or later. Who would want a Russian bitch?" My hand went to my gun to shoot that bastard who spoke but Nixon beat me by hauling that man up and slamming him onto his plate. His fist landed a hard punch on his face. I froze for a second in shock.

"Careful, That's my wife you are talking to." Nixon stated darkly. 

Before anything further could happen Lorenzo stood up. His eyes deadly. Whispers and murmurs spread.

"Silence!" Lorenzo roared.

"I don't want any blood today." He stated in a hard tone. Scarlet held my hand. My other hand was holding the gun.

"I would have cut off her tongue and made her beg if it wasn't your wedding." I stated to Scarlet my eyes on Celine. She cowered away under my seething glare.

"Gun." Lorenzo signalled to the guard. He took the gun and left.

Everything was back to normal. Nixon threw me glances but I ignored him. Celine's words rang in my head.

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