Chapter - 28 Wife

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Ahead 18+ readers only. You can skip the chapter if you wish. It will not affect the story much. Scenes ahead will make you want holy water, so go ahead on your own risk.

(I know no one is gonna even read the lines above :), so enjoy!)

Serena POV

Nixon's shoving me up the staircase, pushing me so hard and fast that my feet are barely touching the ground. He keeps rocketing me along until we're all the way down the hallway and through the doorway to our room. Only then does he release me, slamming the door behind him.

He turns around to face me, his pupils contracted to pinpricks, so his eyes look bluer and colder than ever. No longer vampirically pale, his skin is flushed with colour. My heart was beating so fast. The memories of not able to sit comfortably ran in my head.

"Nixon," I say. " I asked a question-"

He crosses the space between us in one stride, seizing a handful of my hair. He jerks my head back and kisses me ferociously. It took me a second to react.

All the defiance goes out of my body and I sink against him, limp.

As soon as our chests touch, I can feel that his body is still burning and shaking, every muscle throbbing with the effort of containing the emotion inside of him. He was like a volcano of emotions.

His tongue fills my mouth and his lips grind against mine, so hard that l can feel my lips starting to swell. He's crushing me against him, still determined to subdue me, even though I already submitted. It's only when my knees are literally buckling beneath me that he picks me up and carries me to the bed.

His hands went to my dress and tore it into pieces in no seconds. I gasped as the stones flew and the red clothes came apart. That was one beautiful dress.

My eyes snapped to his as he took the cloth and tied my wrist with it. Swiftly, Nixon crosses my wrists, using the twisted-up cloth as a rope to knot them together. What the hell?

Then he pulls my panties down around my knees. I feel very stupid standing there, arms bound behind my back and ankles effectively tied as well.

"Nixon," I say hesitantly. " Wait-"

Nixon is in the process of unknotting his tie. He pulls it off from around his neck and approaches me with the material held taut between his two hands, like a garrote. I'm mildly concerned that he's about to strangle me. Instead, he gags me with the tie, cutting me off mid-sentence and knotting the tie tightly behind my head. My eyes widened.

I can taste the raw silk against my tongue. Must be expensive.

I have a vague idea that Nixon plans to tie me up and leave me here. He sits down on the edge of the bed and roughly pulls me down onto his lap. He throws me over his thighs, so my face is down by his shins and my bare ass is up in the air.

In a flash, I realize that he wasn't joking, and I start to wriggle and squirm wildly, trying to kick my feet free of my shorts, and shouting through the gag, "Don't you dare-" though it comes out more like, "Der do dah-"

Nixon lifts one large, strong hand and brings it whistling down on my bottom. There's a sharp, cracking sound, almost as loud as a gunshot, and then an instant later the stinging hot pain hits me.

"Erggg!" I shriek through the gag.


I didn't even know he's lifted his hand again and already he's spanked me again in the same spot, even harder this time.

Ruthless Souls       (Ruthless Series # 1)  |✔|Where stories live. Discover now