Chapter - 13 Mine

102 4 13

🔞💀Warning 💀🔞

Anyone below eighteen can skip the chapter and it will not affect the process. Just a kid getting punished. Go at your own risk. The warning is given. For 18+ readers. Grab a bowl of holy water.


Serena POV


My hands shook as I clutched onto the hem of my top. My eyes stuck at his. I raised my top, removing it and throwing it away. I stood in front of him. In my bra. His eyes darkened as I stayed still. My heart is literally ready to burst out of my chest.

"Everything off." He growled. My hands went behind me and unclasped my bra. I pushed the strips and it fell leaving me half-naked. His eyes greedily took me in. He strode to me. His eyes back to mine. A shudder ran down my spine as his fingers ran down my arm.

"Whom do you belong to?" He asked. I felt my body react in ways it never it. All hot and bothered.

His hand wrapped around my throat almost cutting my air pipe. I was slammed into the wall behind me as he caged me.

"Answer me!" His voice thundered. My eyes met his. The fury and desire were evident in his eyes. I am not going to answer him.

"N-No." I choked out the words. A chuckle escaped from him.

"Dolce." He whispered as he laughed. He picked me off the ground. My eyes widened as I tried to shove him away but he held me tight. He walked up to the bedroom, slamming the door behind. I flew in the air and landed on the soft mattress.

"Nixon." I gasped in shock.

A hand came to my shorts and in no seconds it was torn into shreds. I shivered as his eyes took me in. Almost Naked and vulnerable. My red panties on display stuck to my centre. My face warmed up.

"Soaking wet." He groaned as he traced a finger over the slit cover by my panties. His eyes stuck to the place. I felt my face burning as I tried to cross my leg and hide but his hands on my thigh held me still.

"What was the promise I made when you kissed him?" He asked darkly. My throat locked refusing to answer.

"Serena, answer me!" He demanded.

I will fucking paint your arse red

His words were swimming in my head. God...

"P-Paint m-my arse red."

"Get up." He ordered. I slowly got up feeling very exposed. He sat down on the bed. His eyes never left me. He unbuttoned the first few buttons of his white shirt. He removed his tie with his full attention on me.

I trembled at what was going to come in future. His eyes were dark and dangerous. Looking ready to unwrap me layer by layer.

Even though he's sitting, it's almost as if he's towering over me.

"Lie on my lap. Face down."

I swallow at the command in his tone. The man was born to lead armies and control people. Cold and hard. His voice was thick and raspy. He was born to kill and rule the world.

"W-why?" I asked dumbly.

"You do as I say or your punishments will keep multiplying."

"No." Besides, the position he's suggesting isn't...

"Don't make me do things that I will regret later." His threat had my heart beat wildly. The promise behind those words had me shuddering.

He presses his thumb against my clit, which I assume is a warning. "Now, are you going to lie on my lap or should I make you? Disclaimer: the second option won't be pretty."

Ruthless Souls       (Ruthless Series # 1)  |✔|Where stories live. Discover now