Chapter - 30 Uncle

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Serena POV

Two months flew so easily. Good times pass faster. What a shame? You can't even enjoy your good time waiting for the bad time on the way. It felt like yesterday only I and Nixon confessed our love for each other and now my time is up.

I am gonna end Maxim for good but...

I pushed away my thoughts as I stared at the mirror. The girl in front looked different. She looked happy. Happier than ever. Alive. Radiant. Loved.

I washed my face. The past two months was so beautiful just like a dream. Nixon spent most of his time with me. Only emergency parted us. We were glued to each other. If he leaves me for a second, I feel hollow.

That's how hard I feel for him. He is my drug. My addiction. My happiness. My oxygen.

Anyway, Chris was dead. The dumb vor in Russian bratva. Now I am not Russian. I am Italian and a Casanova. Italian Mafia Boss's wife. Leo killed Chris. That was all I know. He never disclosed why. Nixon was so frustrated with his brother that they fought almost every day.

I walked out to our bedroom and took my phone.

If you care for Nixon, Do it.

Easy to say than doing.

Will's words were like a broken record. I do care for Nixon. I fucking love him. I would die for him. Leo was back home. Erik was too. The number of soldiers has been the same. Fifty around the house. Where the fuck am I supposed to do this?

There is no single cell in my brain that believes that I can do this.

"Do it as soon as possible. I don't want excuses." I heard Nixon as I descended the stairs. He was talking on the phone. More like barking into the phone. So often, I forget that I only get the sweet, caring, naughty, hot Nixon. He is cold, stern and hateful to others.

"Any info on Maxim?" He asked impatiently. His fingers drumming continuously.

"Find that mutt fast or else I will fucking skin you alive!" He roar. He cursed as he ended the call. Slamming the phone down on the table.

"What happened?" I asked softly as I moved towards him. I hugged him from behind.

"Nothing. Just the usual troubles." He sighed as he turned to me. I raised my toes and placed a chaste kiss on his lips. I was tried to pull back but Nixon held me in place as his emotions flowed in our kiss.

"Not in front of me." Leo's voice broke us apart. Nixon glared at his brother. His anger back and ten times more.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Nixon asked coldly. My eyebrow furrowed in confusion.

"What do you mean?" Leo asked innocently. That act was poor. He was just like his brother but underneath. He is not soft. That I learnt in these past few months. He is an actor.

"Don't provoke Lorenzo. We already are on edge of war with him. I have a lot of shit going on and I don't want my brother in fucking death path. I don't want you dishonouring his sister and bringing a whole mess. You didn't find any other woman to mess with, you had to go for our eternal enemy's sister?!" Nixon snapped. Leo raised his eyebrow.

"You fucking stole my bride, man." Leo stated as he threw me a wink. My stomach flipped in the wrong way. His stare wasn't friendly.

"She was never your bride. She was mine when I first laid my eyes on her. And you don't fucking threaten her!" Nixon growled. Nixon's. I was his. His only. From start.

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