Chapter - 16 Dark

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Serena POV

I almost groaned when my prayers were in vain. He nested his chin on my shoulder holding me firm and safe. My body relaxed in his touch like molten liquid.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I whispered. He kept quiet. His arms were around me, while I sat on him like a doll. It felt so right. But once reality catches me it is going to be ugly. 

"Do you trust me?" He asked lowly. My eyes closed.

"You know I don't." I answered. 

"You know I will never kill you." He mused in the dark silence.

"I know." I said as words that I wanted to say blocked my throat. Tears welled in my eyes which I tried to blink away.

"You know I am going to kill those Russian bastards." His voice was husky. I nodded biting my lips trying to keep my emotions at bay.

"I know. You want them dead. Maxim is an idiot to not see the things that are going to come." I croaked.

"I killed my brother." He stated. My eyes snapped opened. My heart beating painfully as I tried to register his words. He killed his brother?

"L-Leo?" My voice cracked. My eyes were widened.

"No. My elder brother." He said burying his face into the crook of my neck. My eyebrows furrowed. Elder?

"You don't have an elder brother." I stated in confusion.

"Marco Esposito." I froze at the name. Marco Esposito. Italian Mobs.

I shot out on my feet and turned to my husband. His face was stone cold. My blood ran cold as I connected the dots. Marco Esposito. His brother. 

"Nixon Esposito." His name fell out of my lips in horror. He is the Italian Boss. The Italian mob was eradicated and no member of that family survived.

"Serena." My name came out stern from his mouth. I know him. I fucking know him. My head pounded as I tried to pull out my memories.

"You were dead?" My head pounded at my very own question.

"Sit down." He commanded which I obeyed like a lost kitten. My head still processing the information.

"I-I k-know you." I stuttered. He nodded. My memory was not the best but I know that name. That name was craved in my heart before my parents died. Before everything. 

"Calm down." He whispered. He extended his hand. I took it and went back to his lap.

"You are a Monster." I whispered but it didn't scare me as it should, instead, it filled my heart with something I don't know. 

"Marco was ill in his head." He muttered as his arms were back in their places. Around me, where they always belonged.

"What do you mean?" I asked. He let out a breath as he pulled me closer. It was bad. I shouldn't have asked it. His face was emotionless. 

"Necrophily." I looked at him as his eyes flowed to me. I stared at him to explain.

"He fucked girls after killing them." I froze at his words. My breathing was shattered. 

"In their blood. He loved it." My body shook at his words. 

"They pleaded. Begged. Even were ready to do anything just to spare them. He was so ill that he thought they were asking for it. Begging for it." I clutched his shirt tightly as I pulled him closer. I couldn't digest this. He turned me so I was facing him.

Ruthless Souls       (Ruthless Series # 1)  |✔|Where stories live. Discover now