Chapter - 11 Prey

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Nixon POV

"The evidence is destroyed?" I heard Maxim ask from the other side of the phone.

"Burnt into ashes." I muttered. He called me just to ask about the evidence. Scared rat.

"How am I supposed to believe you? What if you had made copies?" Maxim asked making me laugh.

"I want to destroy you Maxim but not through those dumb cops." I chuckled as I rounded the person tied to the chair. He was thrashing trying to get free.

"What did I do to you?!" I heard him yell in frustration.

"Sins, Maxim. Lots of them." I ended the call and turned to the person in front of me. I tore the duck tape off his mouth.

"I didn't do anything." That guy snapped.

"You were the one who reported the murder of Alferos." I stated the fact. He nodded.

"I did but I am not the one who did it, man!" He snapped.

"I know." I said as I sank into the chair and face him. He relaxed against the chair. I raised my gun and his eyes almost popped out in fear.

"What the hell?!" He yelled.

"You saw everything." I pulled the trigger. The bullet went through his head as his blood splattered out.

I looked down and let out a sigh of relief when there was no drop of blood on my shirt. I walked back out and met Erik. Today is the day. My mom was killed. By her very own husband.

"You know where." I told Erik who nodded. I got into the car and he drove us to the place. My phone pinged with a text.

A message from Ricardo.

'Mission completed.'

I smiled as I pushed the phone back into my pocket. Another guy shot dead. My fingers wrapped around the white tulips. The car stopped and I got out. Erik followed me quietly. I placed the flowers over my mom's tombstone.

The words craved beautifully.

Aria Esposito

A Wonderful Wife


The Best Mom

I laughed at the tombstone my dad made. He destroyed her life. Her family. She was fucking alone... My eyes moved to the tombstone beside it. It was of my elder brother's.

Marco Esposito

Beloved son and brother.

My eyes went to the third stone. A small smile lit my face at the name carved on the grave. I heard Erik move away as I stared at my tombstone. Where I was fucking buried alive. The mud and dust still suffocating me every night.

Nixon Esposito

Dearest son and brother

I let out a laugh as my finger touched my very own tombstone. The flowers and grasses covering it. My dad's grave wasn't there. I didn't make one. I threw him into the ocean where no one can find him.

My revenge was sweet and hot. My last prey is Maxim whom I still was going to slowly tear into layers and play. My name changed when Erik's father found me. He named me Casanova. That man was my fatherly figure when my very own father buried me alive with joy.

My head drifted back to the memory. Still fresh and stuck in my head forever. The smell of my own blood and numb pain haunting me.


"All my worries get buried today." I heard my dad laugh as I felt myself carried over. My body pained as hell and it was difficult to even breathe. My lungs killed me as I tried my best to keep breathing.

"My end of the deal is over." I heard the man who shot me four days ago say.

"You will get the happy news in a month." I heard my dad laugh. My eyes opened slightly as I passed them. The man with my dad looked huge. His hair messed up. The beard on his face looked taunting.

"We will celebrate together." The man commented with a huge smile. It was dark. Maybe midnight. An arm grabbed me and pulled. I felt the air rush around me as I fell on the hard, cold ground. A whimper escaped my lips. My eyes peered open and saw my dad busy talking to that guy.

"You are crazy, Giovanni Esposito." The man chuckled.

"Poison needs to get eradicated, Maxim. Or it will kill us." My dad muttered darkly. I felt his gaze on me. His hatred for me pouring and spreading into the air.

"You wanna do the honouring?" I heard the guy ask.

"Of course." The monster I used to call dad muttered as I felt a heavy weight fall on my chest. Mud. They were burying me. Alive. Smooth dad. So Smooth. In no second my whole body felt heavy and covered.

My mouth part for a breath and mud and dust was the thing I inhaled. My nose burning. My eyes were shut. The guy's voices were not audible. Death. The last stage of life in reality. Call it whatever you want, I felt it. My soul leaving me. My heart slowed down and I accepted it. The way my organ were starting to settle as I let it go.

My death.


"Nixon." Erik's voice pulled me off my past. My death. I got up and dusted my pant.

"Thank you." I mumbled under my breath. He nodded even though he didn't hear me.

"You want me to call Leo?" He asked. I shook my head. He doesn't even remember having a mom or me getting buried alive.

"Let him live his life." I smirked as I made my way back to the car with Erik following.

"He should know." Erik muttered. I got in the car ignoring him. He drove off the place and headed back home. I relaxed. I loosened my tie. My head pounding. I need a fucking tea. I took my phone and checked the messages. Nothing new or important.

I should have left my number with Serena just for her safety. She won't need it but still. I went through the photos of her angelic face I clicked when she fell asleep. Her unknown face was now carved in my head. Her angelic features.

"You have got a guest I think." Erik muttered. I looked up to see a car parked in front of my house. My eyes narrowed.

"Get the files and meet me in an hour." I ordered Erik as I got off the car. I removed the coat and enter my home. The smell of food greeted me. My eyes closed. She is cooking.

My joy was short-lived when a very annoying and irritating voice called out. My eyes snapped open to meet the eyes filled with mischief as he smirked, laid across my couch lazily with the Tv volume blasting. No way. I am not dealing with this bastard now. Not FUCKING NOW!!

"The Big Bad Daddy is home!!"


Hey guys!!!

How are you all doing? I hope all are fine. My family is moving so I don't know how I am going to update. The packing has started and my elder sister is might be going back to her college. I don't know. The house we are going to move in bigger than the current place we are staying so I am excited. At least I can find a guy and will start to believe in love or something. 

Let's hope for the best!

Question of the day:

Would you rather get back with your Ex or Date a Playboy?

Please Vote!!

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