Chapter - 22 Meeting

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Nixon POV

"You said she would wake up in two days!" I snapped as I slammed the doctor's head to the near wall. The nurse gasped in horror. The doctor groaned as he tried to pry my hands off his throat. My grip tightened as my anger rose up.

"S-Sir, She n-needs rest." He croaked. My fist came down on his nose hard. Blood was spilt all over his coat as he let out a cry.

"What is wrong with her?" I asked. He shook in fear. 

"S-She is recovering from the shock. She is fine." He stuttered. My jaw clenched as I let him go and punched the wall behind him hard. He cowered away.

"You are gonna destroy this whole building, Nixon. " Erik snapped. I glared at him. 

"Did you get hold of Savio?" I asked. 

"He vanished. There is no sign of him." He answered.

"I don't care what you do. I. Want. Him. In. My. Office. Tomorrow." I ordered. He nodded. I turned to see Serena still asleep. Her face was paler. My heart clenched at the sight of her in hospital.

"Meeting is set." He reminded. I nodded. I turned and left for the meeting. The whole ride was silent. My phone vibrated with a text. From Leo.

Where are you? 

Be there in 5. I shot him the text.

Soon we reached the club. I pulled on my coat and walked in. The chattering in the room silenced with my entry. All still and I strode to my throne. All the capos and underbosses were present. Adrian was already looked drunk. 

Ignazio, who took his father position sat there. His eyes snapped to me. A smirk played on his lips. My fist clenched in the need to punch him. 

"Nixon." Stefano, Underboss of Brescia greeted. I nodded distractively. Such a useless piece of shit he was. I wish I had killed his dad for producing such an abusive son. I heard he abused his wife. Who was I to interfere? No one can get involved in family matters.

I strode to my throne. I sat down, gesturing all to do the same. My eyes met Nevio's. Capo. He nodded as he rose his glass. I nodded back in greeting. He was one of my most trusted people. He earned it. Respect. He earned it too.

"How is the Cassino going?" I asked. 

"They are going on fine. New goods have been loaded. The customers are happy and well. No trouble in importing." Marco, one of my underbosses. Well, half of them were appointed by my sick man whom I used to call father.  

"What about money?" I asked. 

"The eliminating has been going on." Cesare answered. 

"The contract was signed. and I need all the Chinese men in our land to be looked on. I don't care what you do, no one will touch them. Any suspicion will be informed soon." I ordered.

"Maxim has run away. He has been our enemy for a long. Find him as soon as possible. I want him to suffer.." I stated. All the heads nodded.

"Armani called." Nevio stated. Armani, Underboss of Vincenzo, was in Italy. I left the country under him.   

"Achille?" I asked. he nodded.

"Achille have been abducting drugs and girls." I shut my eyes. Achille. I am gonna fucking kill him. Girls were not involved in our business. No girls abduction. 

"Armani knows what to do." I stated. 

"He wanted to let you know." Nevio stated.

"Tell him to do whatever he wants. I want this to be Achille's last time." I snapped. The food was placed in front of us. Everyone started. 

"We will be back to Rome soon. Adrian and Ignazio will go back next week." I said. They nodded.

"Cesare will be here. Nevio and Stefano will take care of elimination." I ordered. Cesare was way too quiet.

Everyone started chatting and eating. I stood up and went to the bar. I saw Nevio walk to me. I turned my attention to him. He had a sly smile. 

"How is Serena?" He asked. I looked at him.

"She is recovering." I said lowly.

"You will get rid of her. Right?" He asked. His eyes staring at me. Fucker.

"What do you think?" I asked, my jaw clenched.

"We needed her for the info. We got it. She is a Russian and you were supposed to marry an Italian woman. There is no need for her to live unless... " He stopped mid-sentence seeing my deadly look.

"Unless?" I asked, daring him to say.

"Unless you love her." He ended. 

"This is business, Nevio. You know me and my rules." I said dangerously. Liar, Liar, Pants on fire. He nodded.

"Why save her when you will kill her later?" He asked. 

"She is up to kill me. You know I can never say no to a challenge." My lips turned up in a wolfish smile. Oh, Really? My inner self mocking me.

"She is beautiful." I looked away at his words. God, how much I wanted to kill him for provoking.

"Deadly beautiful." I muttered. All I could see was a fallen angel on the hospital bed. The machines beeping around. Her pale face. 

"Do you share?" My eyes snapped to his. He smirked as he raised his hands in surrender. If looks could kill, he would be dead in no seconds and buried in the core of the earth.

"Don't make me kill you." I growled. 

"You love me, Sir. Keep those emotions in. People might think you fell for her." He winked walking away. I took out my gun and shot. The bullet hit his arm. He groaned but that sick bastard smiled as he walked back with bleeding arms. The room was silent. 

"What that fucker do now?" Leo asked as he slid into the chair beside me.

"Lucky bastard." I muttered.

"Will has ordered a hit on Maxim." Leo stated. 

"Cool." I mused.

"On his own boss. He must have gone nuts." Leo stated. Confusion was all over his face.

"He is hiding. Trust me he wanted Maxim dead from day one." I stated.

"Why?" He asked curiously. I shook my head at my brother.

"That's none of our business. We aren't Russians." I said as I stood up.

"Why do I feel you are planning something big?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at me. 

"All is a game, my brother. Who wins will die later. Who loses will kill himself. Only ghosts will survive forever. You choose your path." I stated. I smirked. I walked out when I heard him shout.

" Your words, Nixon. I wish I understood your language." 

My phone rang. Erik. He was back in the hospital.

"What happened?" I asked. 

"Serena is gone."


Hey guys!!

How was the chapter?  What do you think of Savio? I am really excited about his future roles. Who is your favourite character till now?  I haven't decided mine yet. A really important question, What do you feel about Will? Good or Bad? Any guess why he ordered a hit on Maxim?

Again, Do tell me how was the chapter.


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