Chapter - 17 Help

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Nixon POV

My blood boiled. She broke down and all I felt was anger. I gave her a chance and I am not gonna do that again. Her hand was shaking as if she was using a knife for the first time. Maxim's pet isn't as strong as I thought. 

I got into my car and drove off to my casino. I saw my soldiers in their jobs as the men played. I went to the bar and sat down. 

"Vodka." I ordered. The bartender's face was pale. Not every day they get to see their boss. 

"Y-Yes, sir." He stuttered as he rushed to get my drink. I saw a guy sit down next to me. I turned to him. I smirked when he tried to act normal. His aura was strong like mine. 

"You got a death wish?" I asked. He shrugged as he relaxed against his chair. His eyes stone hard. 

"I am not a boss." He stated as if he knew what I was thinking. My hand went in my coat to grab my gun. I placed my gun on the table.

"Nixon Casanova." I stated. He smirked. My jaw clenched at irritation.

"Savio Accardi."  He stated. His eyes shining with something. He moved and I grabbed my gun. In no seconds I aimed and he grabbed me and fell away. A shot ringing in the air. I heard a commotion behind. 

I saw a guy with a gun pointed at me. My soldiers were on him in no seconds. I turned to Savio. I grabbed him and flipped him. My knee was on his back as I pressed my gun at his temple.

"Who the fuck are you?" I growled. 

"I am no one, Nixon." He stated.

"I am gonna ask this one last time. Who. Are. You?!" He chuckled as I fired on his leg. He groaned.

 "Don't let your guard down, friend." He stated. I rewarded him with my fist up his nose. I got up when he groaned in pain. He sat up, wincing. I took out my knife and stabbed him in his thigh. The blood was everywhere. He hissed in pain as he tried to get up.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned. His eyes bored into mine.

"It could be nice if you stop making me bleed. I need your help."

 I crouched in front of him. He stared at me.

"I don't do help." I took out my short knife. The shining edge looked tempting to get blood on it. I raised my eyebrow at Savio.

"I won't beg you, Nixon. Americans are on my back." He stated coldly.

"What do I get from this?" I asked.

"I won't work under you but I can help you when you need me." He snapped. I got up. 

"Meet me tomorrow. My office." I said as I slipped the knife back to placed and walked to the exit.

"Does this mean you are agreeing?" He shouted. I turned back.

"If you leave my office alive I will help you." I yelled. My voice thundered in the silent room. He smirked. I wanted to punch him for that smirk alone. 

I walked down to my car. It was already midnight. Serena must be in her bed. I took out a cigarette and lit it. The smoke relaxing me. She wants an out. 

"You won't regret your decision." I heard Savio behind me.

"Leave. Don't make me put a bullet in your head now itself." I puffed out the smoke. He chuckled. He walked away. Marco's face flashed in my head. 

~ Past 

I closed my car door as I got out. The forest smell filled my nose. I walked up to the door when I heard it. The crash of glass. I hurried in. My eyes widened at the sight in front of me. I undid the handcuffs off my shirt and rolled up the sleeves. 

A fragile girl sat there. Her clothes were torn. Wounds covering her. Marco beside her. On ground. Bleeding. The glass piece stabbed just below his heart. He was fucking breathing. The girl's face was covered in bruises. Handmark on her neck. Her lip bust open. Marks covering her small body.

I neared them slowly. The girl hurried away as she sobbed. Her hair stuck to her face.

"I am not gonna hurt you." I said cautiously as I took another piece of glass she was holding.

"I-I am so sorry." She sobbed as she stared at my bleeding brother. I glared at her.

"He deserves it." I snapped coldly. She froze. Her eyes shot to mine.

"He tried to-" She started which I stopped with a growl.

"I know what he does. Next time don't aim for the heart. Aim for throats."  I stated as I took out the glass. Marco stared at me in horror.

"D-Don't. P-Please." He choked out those words. His eyes begging me. My jaw clenched. The state the girl was so cruel. Those girls. All those girls weren't supposed to die. 

I stabbed straight at his throat. A cry sounded as the girl sobbed harder.

"Shh." I hushed her.

She sobbed. Her eyes shut. I heard a car pulled at the front door. Fuck. The meeting.

"Get up." I commanded. She slowly got up. Her eyes were at the door as she started trembling.

"Go to one of the rooms upstairs. I will get you home after I deal with this." I ordered. She ran upstairs. The door opened and the guy gasped at the sight.

"Nixon?" He called. The guy was a client I was supposed to meet. Alone. Not with my brother's body.

"Fred." I greeted him. I threw the glass away when I knew that Marco was dead.

"Marco is dead." He stared at his corpse. His face paled. His eyes raised to mine as I took out my knife.

"I know. I am giving you a head start. Run." I stated as I grabbed my knife tightly. He stumbled back. He turned and ran for his life. 

"Come down." I shouted. The girl came down shaking like a leaf. She looked young. Younger than me.

"Your name?" I asked as I slipped the knife back in.

"E-Emily." She stuttered.

"Emily...?" I raised my eyebrow. She was shaking so bad.

"A-Alfero." I stared at her for a sec. She is Russian.

"Vladimir Aflero's daughter?" I asked. She nodded. Hope shone in her eyes.

"Let's get you home." I stated as I headed out. She followed me. She gave the directions as I headed to her home. Marco was dead and I killed him. So romantic.

I parked in front of a Mansion. She walked out with me. We went to the door and rang the bell. I waited for the door to open. 

 The door opened. I looked down to see a small girl. Her dark brown eyes shining and her hair braided. She looked like an angel in a white dress. She stared at me curiously before she turned to her sister.

"Emily!" She ran to us. She must be the younger daughter. She smiled. A man killing smile. So pure and beautiful.

"Serena." Emily hugged her tight as tears ran down her face. Serena. Strong and pure. Before I could take my mind of that beautiful angel a fist connected with my jaw.

"You son-of-bitch!" Pain exploded on my jaw as a furious Vladimir stood in front of me.

 What a wonderful way of thanking?


Hey guys!!

I hope everyone is safe and sound. I am so happy to say that my school is going to reopen after two fucking years of lockdown. I am going to school!!! In ten days my school is starting and I am excited as well as nervous. 

Question of the day:-

Favourite male model? (Beside BTS.)

Please Vote!!!

And Comment!!

Ruthless Souls       (Ruthless Series # 1)  |✔|Where stories live. Discover now