Chapter-31 Fuck

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Nixon POV

Serena froze as that bastard dropped dead. Thank god, he is dead. He was fucking wasting oxygen. I held her against me as that monster laid still and Serena hugged me. Her body shook. Her memories troubling her.

"Why did you do that?" She asked. Those wide eyes peered into mine.

"Do what?" I asked. Her eyes moved to My Uncle and then to me.

"He wasn't mine to kill." She stated lowly.

"Clair doesn't want her son or daughter to kill their Dad. She wanted him to suffer in my hands." I said shrugging.

"Why me?" She asked.

"You needed a release and there it is. Relax, Serena." I whispered softly. She stood up and walked to the balcony. Her eyes were distant. Demons of her past fighting her.

"I thought I was over it. My memories." She whispered.

"I know. You cant get over your past that easily." I sipped my whiskey. She stared at me. The wheels in her head running.

"Nixon." Serena mused. I placed down the glass and gave her my full attention.

"What going in that pretty mind of yours?" I asked. She leaned as she stared at me.

"What else are you hiding? First being an Italian mob. Well, that was unexcepted. I heard that Italian mobs were cleaned off. Then Your brother and about my sister. Now your Uncle. What else?" She asked. I loosened my tie and handcuffs.

"I have another place for you to see." I said as I got up. She followed me without a question. We were back in the car and I drove to the place no one knows except Erik. I parked the car. In no seconds we were there.

We stood in front of tombstones. Well, my tombstone...

Serena's eyes took it in.

"You were buried?" She asked, her eyes wide and so innocent.

"Shot. Buried." I stated.

I opened the wound of my past. All cries and screams. Kicks and Punches. Cuts and Shots.

"So fucked up." She whispered as her eyes shone with unshed tears.

"It hurt so bad when my mom's screams filled the house when my father let his friends get their joy." I stated. She shuddered. She wrapped her arms around me tighter.

"I am fucked up. You are fucked up. Both so fucked up that the Lucifer can't show us worse hell than our past." She said. She looked up at the stars.

"That's why we are perfect for each other." I grinned when she smiled at my words.

"Fuck this. You know. Fuck everything. We will fight together." Serena hissed as her hand slipped into her dress and took out a knife. She tossed it away.

"Again planned to kill me?" I chuckled. She shook her head. We sat down on mud leaning against the tombstone. Serena leaned against me. My arms around her.

"Not kill but hurt. I love you so much to end that life of yours. It was to bring Maxim out." She said, pecking my lips.

"Who?" I asked.

"Will. He is searching for Maxim too." She said.

"Trust me, One day he is going to die in my hands." I said darkly. Serena giggled. She froze suddenly. Her eyes glared at me.

"Did you fuck someone else?" Serena asked a little harshly. I looked at her confused.

"What?" I asked. She glared harder at me.

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