Devil's Reign

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Book 1 of Devil's Series

Freedom is something I craved but was denied forever. Until I met him, I was like a Princess locked up in a huge tower. He came in like a Prince on a horse for saving me but he was no Prince. No Knight in shining armor. He was my ruin. The monster living under my bed.  Ready to eat me alive.

Love is not something you can control. I knew that when I fell for him knowing that he would only destroy me. He was like a beautiful nightmare filled with forbidden desires. All I can do is follow him to the dark side.

She was like a myth. More like a ghost. None knew she existed. She was mine to destroy when I first laid my eyes on her. Her innocent soul called out for me like a siren but I wasn't the sailor who will get under her spell. I am the fucking Lucifer who will steal her voice and make her beg on her knees.

She will be mine to play with once I am done with my plans. I will fucking destroy her to the ground. I will be her fucking king and she will be my dirty slave. She will bow to me while I ruin her forever...

*************Do you guys remember Scarlett? Sebastian? This is their nightmare of a story

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Do you guys remember Scarlett? Sebastian? This is their nightmare of a story.

I hope you liked Ruthless Souls. The next book of the Ruthless series will be out soon!!

Get your asses ready for Fucking Sebastian Cancio!!

See you there!!!

Ruthless Souls       (Ruthless Series # 1)  |✔|Where stories live. Discover now