Chapter - 25 Sore

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Serena POV

"Momma, I am home!!" I yelled as I giggled. I entered my home. It was dead silent. My mom was nowhere to see. She always hugs me as soon I come back from the practice. Where is she?

"Momma?" I called again. No response.

"Dad, Are you home?" I asked. Silence greeted me again.

"This is not funny!" I yelled frustrated as I went to the couch and saw no one. I groaned.

"Emily, I will cry if you don't stop this game." I called out for my sister but again nothing. I stomped to the kitchen. My breath caught up in my throat as my eyes took in the scene before me.

"Mom." I croaked as I kneeled beside her. She was sleeping in the kitchen. Her face was pale as paper. Red blood pooled around her. I shook her shoulder trying to wake her. The odd smell brought tears to my eyes.

"Momma, I am home." I stated as I pulled her. Her eyes were open. Staring into the space. Hollow. They never used to like this.

"I am going to call dad if you don't wake up." I warned warily. My mom never played like this. I got up and rushed to my dad's office. The door was open. I pushed the door and froze when I saw my dad sitting on the ground leaning against the wall.

"Dad!" I yelled as I ran to him. His eyes were the same as mom's. Blood everywhere. I ran up to Emily's room. I walked and saw her laid on her bed. She was shaking. I ran up to her.

"Emily, Mom and dad are not waking." I called her as tears ran down her face. Her eyes snapped open. Horror. That was what I saw in her eyes. Pure horror.

"S-Serena, r-run!! Run!!" She screamed as she pushed me off her and then I heard it. The loud sound made me jump. My skin was covered by goosebumps. My hands pressed to my ears as my eyes screwed close.


I opened my eyes to see my sister fall back on her bed as blood splattered all over. A toe-curling scream tore through my throat as I ran to her. Then I heard it. A very familiar voice.

"Serena is gonna be a gooooood girl." I felt pain sheer through my head as I felt something warm run down my cheek. My head swirling around. Then my vision blurred. A shadow in front of me.


I jerked up, screaming. Nightmare. It was just a nightmare. Arms wrapped around me. Familiar warmth pulled me in. Nixon whispered softly but none were going in my head. My heart pounded against my ribs as I tried to regulate my breathing.

"You are okay. You hear me? I am not going to let anyone harm." His soothing voice had me relaxing.

Nixon rubbed circles as he calmed me. I hugged him. It was dark outside. Did we sleep through the whole day? I was sweating furiously.

"Serena, Everything is alright." He stated pulling me against him. He stood up and went out. He returned with a cloth.

"V-Viktor." I stammered. He kissed me softly and I kissed back.

"You are safe." He stated as he made me lay down and wiped off the sweat. His hand made circle as I whispered my back to sleep.


It was already morning. The sound of the shower woke me up. I got up and my gaze settled on the red spot on white sheets. Yup, my blood. Heat crept to my cheeks at the sight of it. My eyes widened when I heard the water stop

The shower door opened and Nixon came out in a towel. I turned to him, he looked like a god. The water dripped down from his hair which was over his eyes. Droplets running down his abs and his V line staring at me. All the memories of him naked had me blushing.

My eyes shot you to see his staring at me. His eyes dark like a storm cloud. The desire swirling in. I looked down to see myself naked.

"So tempting, Serena." He groaned. My eyes moved down to see his cock hard against the towel. I gulped.

"Sheets." I mumbled. He turned and grinned at the blood. His eyes twinkling.

"Mine." He grinned at me. I slowly made my way to the bathroom. Before I could escape him he caught and caged me against the wall. His lips crashed to mine. His hand went to my waist. He swallowed my moans as his fingers swam down making sparks shoot to my core. My head was dazed with lust.

"Nixon." I moaned when his lips travelled down my neck. My hands moved down and removed his towel. My fingers wrapped around his hard cock. It hardened more in my touch as a groan rumbled through his chest.

"I would love to fuck you but you must be sore now." He whispered, biting and nibbling my throat. We pulled back. His cock stood hard and angry between us. I pecked his lips once before rushing into the bathroom.

"You know a fucking wooden door can never keep me away, Serena!" I heard him laugh outside. I looked at the mirror to see a stupid smile on my lips. I showered and wrapped a towel and went out.

Nixon stood in fully clothed. I smirked as I dropped the towel and walked to my clothes. I felt his eyes on me. I slowly put on my clothes and pulled my hair into a bun. I turned to face him. He was staring at me.

"Are you seducing me, Mrs. Casanova?" He asked darkly. My eyes twinkled in mischief. I strode to him. I raised my toes so that my lips reached his ear.

"Was I successful?" I asked, huskily. He growled.

"Out! Now! I need fucking food to live!" I stepped back when the door burst open as Erik stood there.

"Erik." Nixon growled as he pulled me behind him. I hid behind him.

"I want food." Erik shot at me. I rolled my eyes.

"I am not your chef." I snapped back.

"Yes, She is not. Get lost before I beat the shit out of you." Nixon growled.

"I am hanger now!" He shouted before slamming the door behind him. I quickly dressed up and turned to Nixon.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Have a meeting, babe." He answered. I pouted.

"What about Will?" I asked. His eyes narrowed.

"He is already out." He stated in a hard tone. I hugged him.

"Nixon." I called him. He lifted me and placed me on the table beside. His whole attention to me. I love you was on tip of my tongue. His eyes bore into my soul. I crashed my lips to his. He smiled as he devoured my mouth. Our tongue fighting for dominance. His hand went up in my shirt while mine wrapped around his neck. We pulled back for air.

"Tonight there is a wedding we need to attend." He stated. I nodded without question.

"Okay." I whispered. He walked out. My eyes moved to the bag.



Hey guys!!

I am so weird. I feel weird. Something so simple scared the shit out of me. What is the weirdest this that scared you? I love my alone time. Mostly I spend my time being alone. I hope someone out there feels the same.

How was the chapter? I tried to relax a bit. I hope the chapter wasn't so bad. Do tell me. What do you think?

Question of the day-

Do you believe in soulmates?

Please Vote!!

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