Chapter - 3 Marks

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Serena POV

I walked around waiting for Nixon to show up. My anger under control after the fighting match I won. I traced my finger along with the paintings as I let my eyes wander around looking at the beautiful mansion.

"Such a pleasure." A deep voice had my head snapping around to meet striking blue eyes. I swallowed a gasp threatening to surface. So blue. Not pale but electrifying blue. Staring right at me.

"You are?" I asked as I took him in. He was perfect. Fucking perfect. Few upper buttons of his white shirt open as his hard chest peeped out. His arms muscled. His midnight hair looked ravishing. Is he a model?

"Nixon Casanova." I stiffened. I almost stabbed myself for admiring my enemy. He offered his hand.

"Serena Alfero." I said, ignoring his hand. He dropped it slowly.

"So, where is my fiancé?" I asked. Looking around for his brother., whom I am supposed to be married to.

"Right in front of you." My eyes snapped back to his, hearing those words. My eyes narrowing.

"You?" I asked. No, he is just playing around.

"Me." He stated as if it was the easiest answer. For me, it is not!

"You mentioned that I will be marrying your brother." I stated, coldly.

"I don't have a brother." He said, shrugging. I opened my mouth to argue but was cut by another voice.

"That hurts, big bro." I turned to see a guy walking towards us scowling. He soon pulled me to his side by my waist.

"I am Leo. The one you are going to marry." He whispered. I smiled inwardly at the easy prey.

"No. Leo get your ass back to your room. Now!" Nixon snapped. Leo placed a kiss on my cheek as he turned to his brother.

"Fuck you." He flipped Nixon off walking back away.

"Change of plans. Leo is out of contract." He said, his eyes boring into my empty ones.

"Then I am too." I said as I turned to walk away.

"You aren't. You are marrying me." I heard him say behind me.

"Watch me. It will never happen!" I yelled as I exited the mansion. I got into my car. I rode off to my home. My target was Leo. He was the prey, not the devil himself.

I parked my car. I walked into my home. Maxim was on his chair, sipping coffee. I strode to him, as calm as I can.

"I am backing out." I said. He raised his eyebrow confused.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, placing the cup on the table beside,

"The marriage. Nixon changed plans. He replaced his brother with himself for the wedding." I explained.

"That son of bitch." He cursed lowly.

"Pick another girl for this." I said. He nodded. I walked back to my room. I locked the door and went to shower. I stripped bare as I stood under the shower. My hair sticking to my face as I stared at my hands. It is a surprise that Maxim agreed with me. He didn't force me to marry Nixon.

Memories of my first kill rushed to my head as I closed my eyes.

"Blood." I cried as I tried to get rid of the blood that covered my hands. My first kill. I cried remembering the fear in the eyes of that man who I killed.

"Please." His whisper was hollow, lifeless.

I scrubbed my palms hard as the bloodstain remained intact to my skin. I cried harder as I scrubbed harder. My skin tore as my own blood came out.

"Momma, I killed someone." I sobbed, my whole body shaking. I slid down and sat down on the floor as I cried. The guy's scream echoed in the back of my head. My dad will be disappointed.

"I am a monster." I whispered as I stood up and faced the mirror. My eyes were lifeless just like the guy's I killed. My sister's words rang in my ears.

You are the sweetest Angel, Serena.

"Emma, your words weren't true." I sobbed. My head spinning.

I washed my hair and myself and threw on some fresh clothes. I walked out and dropped onto my bed. My dinner sat on the table. I pushed it away and opened one of my drawers. I pulled the family photo. The bright faces of my family.

"Hey, Momma and Dad." I whispered as I sliding my finger across the photo removing the dust. We were so happy. My eyes moved to the grey-eyed fairy, my sister. Emma.

"I will fucking kill him." I muttered as I hugged the photo. My family. I placed the photo back in place and took my knife and headed to my closet. The tally marks I made with my blood after every kill. The man I won in the match died trying to beat me. So, there it goes.

I poked the knife into my thumb, tearing the skin and blood appeared. 259 marks and below that 170 marks. Call me an idiot for remembering. Maxim and others think that I killed only 259 but those 170 were the murders I did for my revenge. Even though it lead to dead end.

"Bite my tongue, bide my time
Wearing a warning sign
Wait 'til the world is mine
Visions I vandalize
Cold in my kingdom size"

I sang as I moved around. The sound echoing. People feared me even though they never met me. They pissed in their pants but couldn't resist me. I never tried seducing because I never needed to.

The photos of my victims stuck on the wall making it beautiful as fuck. I stared at Aaron, the last guy I dated and killed. His smile was corrupt. Those innocent acts torn apart. I did enjoy killing him. HE FUCKING DESERVED IT! FUCKING RAPIST!

"Shadows mutter, Mist replies;
Darkness purr as Midnight sighs." I whispered my favourite quote. The quote that had me kept sane for the past 10 years.

"Peaceful Hell." I mumbled as I went to bed. I pulled up my shirt removing it and my shorts as I got into the covers. I checked my door to see it locked. I sighed in relief as I let my eyes drop closed as I surrendered to the dreamland.


Hey guys!!!

How are you all doing?! How all have gotten vaccinated?! How is life? What do you think of Serena? Her kills.

Question of the day:-

What will you choose if you had to kill someone? Gun or Knife?

Vote & Comment!!

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